

時間: 楚欣650 分享

  名詞解釋:抗生素(antibiotics)是由微生物(包括細(xì)菌、真菌、放線菌屬)或高等動植物在生活過程中所產(chǎn)生的具有抗病原體或其它活性的一類次級代謝產(chǎn)物,能干擾其他生活細(xì)胞發(fā)育功能的化學(xué)物質(zhì)?,F(xiàn)臨床常用的抗生素有轉(zhuǎn)基因工程菌 培養(yǎng)液液中提取物以及用化學(xué)方法合成或半合成的化合物。你知道怎么用英語表達(dá)嗎?

  McDonald's said recently that it would begin using chicken from birds that are not raised withantibiotics used to treat humans.

  It also announced that later this year, McDonald's would give customers the choice of low-fat and chocolate milk from cows that have not been treated with the artificial growth hormone, rBST.

  Because McDonald's, one of the largest buyers of chicken in the United States — sells more chicken than beef, the move is likely to have a major impact on the way poultry is raised and the kind of chicken served by restaurants.





  文中的antibiotic就是“抗生素”的意思,是可數(shù)名詞,如:A new potent antibiotic will shortly be available.(一種新的高效抗生素不久將在市面銷售。)。通俗地講,抗生素就是用于治療各種非病毒感染(infection)的藥物,但是在臨床使用中已經(jīng)顯現(xiàn)了許多副作用(side effect),常見的抗生素有:青霉素(Penicillin),氯霉素(Chloramphenicol),金霉素(Aureomycin)等。

  第二段中的artificial是形容詞,意為“人工的”,指非自然環(huán)境所產(chǎn)生的,如:artificial flower(人造花);而counterfeit著重于冒充真的,并含有欺騙之義,如:counterfeit coin(假幣)