學習啦 > 學習方法 > 各學科學習方法 > 英語學習方法 > 高中英語必修四課文知識點


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  高中英語必修四課文知識點:Working the land

  1. struggle with/ against… 與……作斗爭

  He has been struggling with/ against illness for many years. 他已與疾病斗爭了許多年了。

  2. struggle for… 努力爭取……;為……而斗爭 The two leaders are struggling for power. 那兩個領導人正在爭奪權力。

  3. equip… with… 用……裝備起來

  Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam. 請準備一支尖的鉛筆和一塊橡皮參加考試。

  4. be equipped with… 裝備;配備

  The soldiers were well equipped with weapons and ammunition. 士兵們裝備了良好的彈藥。

  5. export… to… 把……出口到……

  6. India exports tea and cotton to many different countries. 印度向許多國家出口茶葉和棉花。

  6. search for… 到處尋找;搜尋

  Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold. 科學家們?nèi)栽趯ふ移胀ǜ忻暗闹委煼椒ā?/p>

  7. in search of… 尋找……

  Scientists are in search of a cure for the disease. 科學家想研究出治療這種疾病的方法。

  8. thanks to… 幸虧;由于;因為

  Thanks to his help, we finished our work on time. 幸虧有他幫助,我們按時完成了工作。

  Thanks to your advice, he did the right thing. 由于你的忠告,他做對了。

  9. rid… of… 使擺脫;使解除;使去掉

  You must rid yourself of these old-fashioned ideas. 你必須擺脫這些沉浮觀念的束縛。

  10. be/ feel satisfied with…

  對……感到滿足或滿意 I’m satisfied with my work now. 現(xiàn)在我對自己的工作很滿意。

  高中英語必修四課文知識點:A taste of English humor

  1. be bored with… 對……感到厭煩

  i’m bored with this endless job. 我對這件沒完沒了的工作厭煩了。

  2. entertain sb. with sth. 用某物使某人快樂

  he entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes. 他講了好幾個小時的故事和笑話給我們消遣解悶。

  3. entertain sb. to sth. 招待

  bob entertained us to dinner last night. 鮑伯昨晚請我們吃飯了。

  4. fail to do sth. (表示否定)不能/沒有做某事 she failed to reach the semi-finals. 她沒能進入半決賽。

  5. convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信……

  how can i convince you of his honesty? 我怎樣才能使你相信他是誠實的?

  6. up to now 直到現(xiàn)在

  i still don’t see what you promised me up to now. 到現(xiàn)在為止我仍未見到你答應我的東西。

  7. feel/ be content with… 對……感到滿意

  people who aren’t content with what they have always feel depressed. 不滿足已擁有的東西的人總是感到沮喪。

  8. content oneself/ sb. with sth. 某人滿足于某事 he contented himself with one piece of cake. 他吃了一塊蛋糕,非常滿足。

  9. badly off 窮的;缺少的

  they were pretty poor but most of their friends were even worse off. 他們相當窮,但他們大多數(shù)朋友境況更不好。

  10. pick out

  1) 挑出,選出

  2) 辨認出,分辨出

  he picked out all that he liked and threw others away. 他挑出所有自己喜歡的,把其他的都扔了。

  pick him out in the crowd. 在人群中辨認出他。


  1. in pairs 成對

  2. give reasons for 給…理由

  3. improve prison conditions改善監(jiān)獄的條件

  4. the Nobel Peace Prize諾貝爾和平獎

  5. one of the top leaders高級領導人之一

  6. concern oneself with 讓自己關注

  (be concerned about對…擔心)

  7. welfare projects福利項目

  8. China Welfare Institute中國福利協(xié)會

  9. show the connection between …and…顯示出…和…之間的聯(lián)系

  10. fight for為…而戰(zhàn)

  11. put…to death將…處死

  12. a specialist in women’s illnesses婦科疾病的專家

  13. devote all her life to將自己的一生獻給… 致力于…

  14. rather than而不是

  15. behave like humans像人類的舉止

  16. the night before前一天晚上

  17. wonder off離開

  18. make it all worthwhile使…值得

  19. come into one’s arms回到…的懷抱

  20. fully understand完全理解

  21. observe and record their daily activities觀察記錄他們的日?;顒?/p>

  22. be determined to下定決心…

  23. communicate…with與…交流

  24. work out their social system勾勒出他們的社會體系

  25. the rest of the world世界上的其他人

  26. argue for…為…辯護

  argue against…反對…

  argue with sb. 與…爭論

  27. come crowding in紛塌而至

  28. achieve everything做成了所有的事

  29. gain a doctor’s degree獲得了博士學位

  30. cheer the achievements of women為婦女的成就喝彩

  31. support a family支撐一個家庭

  32. get upset感到不安

  33. be of great importance很重要

  34. look down upon 看不起

  35. do some research 做研究

  36. catch one’s eye吸引…

  37. cut the death rate降低死亡率

  38. care for照顧、喜歡

  39. follow some simple rules遵循一些簡單規(guī)則

  40. be intended for為…準備

  41. get a medical training獲得醫(yī)學培訓

  42. be placed second to放在…之后

  43. further reading進一步的閱讀

  44. as well as和,還有/ 和…一樣

  45. story after story 一個故事接著一個故事

  46. deliver a baby接生

  47. make sure確保,確信

  48. carry on繼續(xù)

  49. fill in the forms填表

  50. the university entrance exam大學入學考試





