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新人教版高二英語選修6Unit 3期末檢測(cè)試題(2)

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新人教版高二英語選修6Unit 3期末檢測(cè)試題



  Sports are a basic part of education systems all over the world at each level of studies. Whereas education kindles the light of knowledge in the mind, sports help keep the body in good condition.16.______ is true that a healthy body helps a student do well in study.At the same time, sports are also an important means of entertainment 17.______ long hours of studies and a source of renewed energy.Some games also require players' full attention and concentration 18.________ (accompany) by specific skills and techniques. These games are 19.________ (help) from the point of view of health of students.

  Students are always full of energy, which cannot all 20.________(spend) on studies only. Sports help consume that extra energy. Otherwise, it could lead students to do wrong or unwanted activities which are harmful 21.________ both the health and studies of students. Students enjoy their leisure time more while 22.________ (play) sports. They run and jump a lot, which improves their digestive system. Their lungs breathe fresh air which makes 23.________ more active and healthier. Sports relax 24.______ body of students so that they are again well­prepared to study 25.________ more concentration. Sports provide food for mind in the same way as learning provides knowledge.


  16.解析:考查代詞。It 在句中作形式主語,真正的主語是 that 后面的從句。




  18.解析:考查過去分詞。attention and concentration 與 accompany 是被動(dòng)關(guān)系,此處用過去分詞作定語。




  20.解析:考查被動(dòng)語態(tài)。關(guān)系代詞 which引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾先行詞 energy,energy 與 spend 是被動(dòng)關(guān)系,故此處要用被動(dòng)語態(tài),意為“所有的精力不可能全部花費(fèi)在學(xué)習(xí)上”。

  答案:be spent

  21.解析:考查介詞。be harmful to 意為“對(duì)……有害的”。


  22.解析:考查現(xiàn)在分詞。此處省略了主語 the students 和助動(dòng)詞are, 完整的表達(dá)方式為:while the students are playing sports。


  23.解析:考查代詞。此處用 them 代指 the students。


  24.解析:考查冠詞。body 是可數(shù)名詞。此處指“運(yùn)動(dòng)可以放松學(xué)生們的身體”。


  25.解析:考查介詞。此處用介詞 with 表示行為方式。


  第二部分 閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分50分)




  Holding a cell phone against your ear or storing it in your pocket may be dangerous to your health.This explains a warning that cell phone manufacturers include in the small print that is often ignored when a new phone is purchased.Apple,for example,doesn't want iPhones to come closer to you than 1.5 centimeters;Research In Motion,Black Berry,a manufacturer,recommends 2.5 centimeters.

  If health issues arise from cell phone use,the possible effects are huge.Voice calls?Americans chat on cell phones 2.26 trillion(萬億)minutes annually?earn9 billion for the wireless carriers.

  Devra Davis,an expert who has worked for the University of Pittsburgh,has published a book about cell phon radiation,“Disconnect”.The book surveys scientific research and concludes the question is not settled.

  Brain cancer is a concern that Ms.Davis examines. Over all,there has not been an increase in its incidence since cell phones arrived. But the average masks an increase in brain cancer in the 20?to ?29 age group and a drop for the older population.

  “Most cancers have multiple causes,”she says,but she points to laboratory research that suggests low?energy radiation could damage cells that could possibly lead to cancer.

  Children are more vulnerable(易受傷的)to radiation than adults,Ms.Davis and other scientists point out.Radiation that penetrates only five centimeters into the brain of an adult will reach much deeper into the brains of children because their skulls are thinner and their brains contain more absorptive fluid(易吸收的液體).“No studies have yet been completed on cell phone radiation and children,”she says.

  Henry Lai,a research professor in the bioengineering department at the University of Washington,began laboratory radiation studies in 1980 and found that rats exposed to radiation had damaged DNA in their brains.

  Ms.Davis recommends using wired headsets or the phone's speaker.Children should text rather than call,she said,and pregnant women should keep phones away from the abdomen(腹部).


  26.Why is the warning in the small print?

  A.They don't want the users to pay attention to it.

  B.There is not enough space for the warning.

  C.They think people will not care about it.

  D.The warning is not important at all.

  解析:細(xì)節(jié)題。 根據(jù)第一段“This explains a warning that...”可推斷出。


  27.According to Ms.Davis,brain cancer increase________.

  A.among children B.among old people

  C.in the twenties D.among pregnant women

  解析:細(xì)節(jié)題。根據(jù)第四段“But the average masks...”可知。


  28.Why do children easily be affected by radiation?

  A.Because they haven't grown up.

  B.Because they are too young to protect themselves.

  C.Because they use cell phones more often than adults.

  D.Because their skulls are thinner and their brains are easily hurt.

  解析:細(xì)節(jié)題。根據(jù)“Radiation that penetrates only five...”可知。


  29. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

  A.Pregnant women should keep cell phones away.

  B.People should use cell phones in the correct way.

  C.If you are a child,you'd better text than make phone calls.

  D.When you use a cell phone,use a wired headset or the phone's speaker.

  解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)最后一段:Ms.Davis recommends...可推出。


  30.What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A.Be careful when using cell phones.

  B.Don't hold your cell phone against your ear.

  C.Rats exposed to radiation have damaged DNA in their brains.

  D.Low?energy radiation could damage cells that could lead to cancer.




  Growing up in Swaziland,Sara was aware from a young age that some communities are facing big c hallenges. Since the first cases were reported in 1986,AIDS has spread at an alarming rate,and today 1 in 4 adults in Swaziland are living with HIV. With so many adults dying,nearly 4 in 10 people in Swaziland are under 14.Life expectancy(預(yù)期壽命)now tops a mere 32 years and the nation has the highest infection rate in the world.

  During high school,Sara volunteered to teach English to children orphaned(使成為孤兒)by AIDS.It was her first act of direct service to others.It gave her the chance to use her own education and experience to help others.

  Sara didn't stop there.During her gap year, when she had time off between high school and college,she used her background of growing up in Africa to spend four months working with an Irish non­governmental organization,Value Added In Africa,which promotes business links with African countries. Again,volunteering became the door to a new range of experiences and options.Today Sara is pursuing a degree at Carleton College in the US.Her decision to study economics is no accident—she's determined to understand how trade can help developing countries reduce their reliance on aid.By following this career path she hopes she can help her homeland.

  Moving to a new place can be hard,but Sara has overcome the challenge of making friends and being accepted —by using her background as a volunteer with lots of local projects and organizations.Once again,seeing the community as a volunteer is helping to introduce her to the local community,explore the area,become familiar with life in the US in a very practical way.

  “Having traveled and lived in different cultures I find the most honest approach to understanding a place is to contribute in some way to its community,”she says.“Volunteering in the US has surpassed(超過)my expectations.It's been easy to find amazing and cool events to help out at! Volunteering here is different because the organizations I have met here are probably the most generous with their volunteers.”

  31.Sara grew up in a country where ________.

  A.25% of its population are living with HIV B.about 40% of its population are under 14

  C.most children understand English D.the first case of AIDS in the world was reported


  32.Why did Sara decide to study economics in college?

  A.Because she wanted to help her homeland get rid of poverty.

  B.Because she had the idea of studying economics by accident.

  C.Because she had decided it since she was in high school.

  D.Because she wanted to spend all her life working with Value Added In Africa.


  33.What happened to Sara when she arrived in the US?

  A.She missed life in her homeland very much.

  B.She worried a lot about her future in the US.

  C.It was very hard for her to live in a new place.

  D.She adapted herself to life in the US easily.


  34.What do we know about Sara's volunteering in the US?

  A.It was more amazing and cool than her expected.

  B.It was different from her former volunteering.

  C.It helped her make her decision to volunteer all her life.

  D.It helped her realize how poor her homeland is.


  35.What's the passage mainly about?

  A.Sara's experience of volunteering.

  B.The importance of volunteering.

  C.What problems AIDS has brought to Swaziland.

  D.Differences between volunteering in the US and Swaziland.



  Twenty million kids register each year for youth hockey,football,baseball,soccer,and other competitive sports.The National Alliance for Sports reports that 70 percent of these kids quit playing these league sports by age 13-and never play them again.

  According to Michael Pfahl,executive director of the National Youth Sports Coaches Association.“The number one reason why they quit is that it has stopped being fun.”With figures like these,it's time we rethought how we present youth sports to kids.

  With that in mind,here are some key points to remember about kids playing sports.

  Preschool.Elementary school. Sports psychology expert Rick Wolff,stresses that parents of kids aged 5—12 need not be concerned with their children's excellence in such refined sports skills as comer kicks.“Those are unimportant,”Wolff advises.“The key here is having your child develop a sense of passion for the sport.”Many kids lose their passion for youth sports during these years because they can't live up to their parents' and coaches' expectations.

  Middle school.Kids start dropping out in big numbers at this stage.Playing sports loses its enjoyment for them and “fun” takes a back seat to winning.Pick­up games and just “playing for fun”should be encouraged.The key at this stage is to keep them playing the sports they enjoy—if not on school or youth teams,then informally with friends.Not being on a team does not mean they have failed as athletes. It just means that they have to find other pleasurable ways to continue enjoying their sports.


  36.What's the best title for this passage?

  A.Who should be responsible for kids' health

  B.How to become a successful athlete

  C.What should people do when kids quit sports

  D.What to remember about kids playing sport



  37.Michael Pfahl would probably agree that______.

  A.most kids lose interest in sport because of poor skill

  B.the adults shouldn't give kids negative comments

  C.the adults should try to make it fun for kids to play sports

  D.the adults should spend more time playing with kids

  解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段“‘The number one reason why they quit is that it has stopped being fun.’With figures like these, it's time we rethought how we present youth sports to kids” 可以推斷,成人應(yīng)該激發(fā)孩子的運(yùn)動(dòng)興趣。


  38.What's the most important thing for elementary school kids when they play sports?

  A.A sense of passion for sports. B.Parents' reasonable expectation.

  C.Encouraging words. D.Excellent equipment.

  解析:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第五段 “The key here is having your child develop a sense of passion for the sport”可知應(yīng)選A。


  39.What can we know about kids in middle school?

  A.Most of them are too busy to play sports.

  B.They start to concentrate on winning.

  C.They can hardly find sports they are good at.

  D.They intend to play on a team instead of wit h friends.

  解析:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)最后一段 “Playing sports loses its enjoyment for them and ‘fun’takes a back seat to winning”可知,孩子們?cè)谥袑W(xué)階段把贏取比賽放在了首位。


  40.The passage is most probably written for______.

  A.coaches and parents B.sports experts and athletes

  C.school kids D.teachers and students

  解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段 “it's time we rethought how we present youth sports to kids” 可知這篇文章最有可能是寫給父母及教練的。



  When did you last receive a sincere apology?When did you last hear a public figure make a convincing apology?When did you last make a sincere apology yourself?

  The British used to be good at saying sorry.But saying sorry in words that sound true is another matter.Listen to Jeremy Clarkson apologizing after he had called Gordon Brown “a one­eyed Scottish idiot” on a visit to Australia:“In the heat of the moment,I made a remark about the Prime Minister's personal appearance, for which I apologize.” Do you think he is sincerely sorry? He is just going through the motions(做姿態(tài)).

  Or how about an apology by a Tessa Jowell at the height of the government scandal(丑聞):“If you feel that we,the government, fall short of what you expect, then I say sorry for that.” Ah,so it was all the voters' fault,for expecting politici ans to behave themselves. There is not a sign of sincerity here.

  “Sorry” really is the hardest word, not just because it is difficult to admit you are wrong, but because the word itself is so vague (模糊的). How many people say sorry, but do not actually apologize? Making an apology just right takes skills and you need to avoid the several deadly forms of apologizi ng.

  Type 1:Avoid apologies that sound like excuses.“I'm sorry,darling” is 20 times better than “ I'm sorry,darling;I was tired /under pressure”.

  Type 2: Saying sorry should be a pure act,like a declaration of love, so avoid conditional apologies like “I'm sorry if I have upset you”.You have upset the other person—accept responsibility for it.

  Type 3:People tend to cry like a baby when apologizing. But tears won't strengthen your apology; they will undermine it.However pitiful you are,it is not your feelings that are important but those of the person you have hurt. So don't turn your apology into a show of sadness.


  41.What's the function of the first paragraph?

  A.To introduce the main idea of the passage.

  B.To make readers think about the topic.

  C.To give an example of the topic.

  D.To make the pas sage fun and easy.



  42.When talking about Jeremy Clarkson's apology, the author was______.

  A.thankful B.hopeful

  C.critical D.anxious

  解析:作者態(tài)度題。根據(jù)第二段的 “Do you think he is sincerely sorry? He is just going through the motions” 可知作者對(duì) Jeremy Clarkson 的道歉持“批評(píng)”態(tài)度。


  43.Tessa Jowell thought the fault for the government scandal lies in______.

  A.the government B.her

  C.the voters' misunderstanding D.the voters' high expectation

  解析:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段的 “Ah, so it was all the voters' fault, for expecting politicians to behave themselves” 可知答案。


  44.Which of the following sentences belongs to the second type of deadly apology?

  A.I'm sorry but I was angry then.

  B.I apologize if I have caused you inconvenience.

  C.I'm sorry for what I did.

  D.I apologize but I had to do so.

  解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù) Type 2 中提到的 conditional apologies 以及舉例 “I'm sorry if I have upset you”可知 B 正確。


  45.The underlined word “undermine” in the last paragraph is similar in meaning to “______”.

  A. weaken B.keep C.value D.end

  解析:詞義猜測(cè)題。根據(jù)前面的 “tear won't strengthen your apology”以及后面的“So don't turn your apology into a show of sadness”可知哭泣將“減弱”道歉的效果。


  第二節(jié):信息匹配 (共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)



  A.White: the symbol of purity,innocence and naivety(天真). White has strong associations with youth and purity. If you are an older person, your preference for white could indicate a desire for perfection and impossible ideals, maybe an attempt to once again find youth and freshness. It may also symbolize a desire for simplicity or simple life.

  B.Red:the color of strength, health, and energy. Red is often the color chosen by someone outgoing, aggressive, active, determined,full of energy, and impulsive —or someone who would like to be! People who choose it can be determined to get all they can out of life, quick to judge people and take sides. Red people are usually optimistic and can 't stand boredom.

  C.Green: the color of harmony and balance. Green symbolizes hope and peace, and is usually liked by the gentle and sincere.Greens are generally frank,community­minded people.They are fairly sociable but prefer peace at any price. Green people can be too selfless, modest and patient. They are usually polite, well educated and respected.

  D.Yellow: the color of happiness, wisdom and imagination. Yellow is chosen by those who are mentally adventurous and searching for novelty and self­fulfillment. Yellow usually goes with a sunny and smart personality, with a strong sense of humor.

  E.Gray: the color of caution and agreement. Grays search for the state of calm and peace and often work hard. Older Grays like a steady life with few ups and downs. Young Grays may run away from life and suppress(抑制) their personalities. Grays often have good business ability and tend to work too much.

  F.Black: calm,serious, deserving respect and impressive without being showy. Black people want to give the appearance of mystery, but their preference may also indicate the suppression of desires and worldly aims, suggesting hidden depths and inner desires.


  46.Lucy is an able woman who set up the AB Clothing Company by herself.She spends most of her time at her company, fighting to make it the best in the state. She enjoys her life and doesn't want to change much.

  47.Uncle John has many friends and always invites them to his house to have a party. He is polite to everyone. Most of his friends like him because no matter what happens between friends, he will try his best to make things peaceful.

  48.Susan has three grandchildren and she likes to play with them. She sings and dances like a 20­year­old girl who is full of energy. She wants to go back in time to 30 years ago. She feels happy among the young.

  49.David is a clever boy who is curious about everything uncommon. He won' t hesitate if he has the chance to try new things.He is also the kind of boy who makes you happy with humorous words.

  50.Peter is quite popular among his friends. He always takes an active part in all the after­class activities. When he meets something difficult, he never gives up, hoping things will be better soon. He feels lonely when there's no friend around.

  46.__________ 47.__________ 48.__________ 49.__________ 50.__________

  答案:46~50 ECADB

  第三部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)









  歷  史:最早出現(xiàn)在北宋

  特  點(diǎn):形如銀針,外形優(yōu)美;口感甘甜;年份越久,功效越好

  功  效:常飲有益健康,可預(yù)防高血壓等疾病,還可輔助治療牙痛和發(fā)燒等

  參考詞匯:針(needle);高血壓(hig h blood pressure)














  White tea ,which gets its name from its silver?white colour,is regarded as one of the six major Chinese tea types.Dating back to the Beisong Dynasty,White Tea has a long history and it is mainly grown in Fujian and Taiwan. What's more, White Tea is famous for its beautiful silver?needle?like shape,its sweet taste and its medicinal effects. It is said that the longer it is preserved,the better effect it has.There is no doubt that White Tea is good for health if drunk frequently and can be used in preventing diseases like high blood pressure and helping relieve the pain of toothache and fever.


  Smoking is a common phenomenon in all countries.It can be found almost everywhere.Some smokers think that smoking is a fashion of today and shows a gentlemanly manner.Some authors think that smoking can help them get rid of their tiredness when they are writing.And other smokers say they smoke just because they want to follow the general trend.

  Now,there are indications that smoking is harmful to a person's health.Many diseases such as cancers and chronic bronchitis(支氣管炎) are caused by smoking.What is more,smoking not only does harm to the health of smokers but also affects the health of non­smokers around them because non­smokers are forced to take in some poisonous substances which smokers blow into the ai r.So smoking is a health hazard(危害).

  For these reasons,we should ban smoking in public places such as trains,buses,schools,hospitals,theatres,restaurants and stores.All the smokers should give up smoking for the sake of their own and others' health.And doctors,teachers,and government officials should take the lead not to smoke.Above all,the harm and dangers caused by smoking should be made known to all through newspapers,broadcast and TV programmers,and the production of cigarettes should not be encouraged.Only in this way can we effectively reduce the number of smokers.








  可以使用實(shí)例或其他論述方法支持你的論點(diǎn),也可以參照閱讀材料的內(nèi)容,但不得直接引 用閱讀材料中的句子。



  Obviously,smoking is harmful and dangerous to both smokers and non?smokers ,which can lead to heart disease,lung cancer and many other problems,for which it should be forbidden in public.

  In my opinion, middle school student shouldn't smoke because it not only does great harm to their health but affects their studies.About 2.5 million people die from smoking each year.Smoking is against the school rule.Besides, smoking is a waste of money and can cause many problems such as fire.In many cities, smoking is forbidden in public places such as schools, hospitals, restaurants and stores.The harm of smoking is warned everywhere.And newspapers should be asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes.
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