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時(shí)間: 朝燕820 分享


  花錢(qián)…1). sb. spendsome money on sth.

  sb. spend (spent) money (in) doing sth.

  2). sb. pay (paid) some money for sth.

  3). sth. cost (cost) sb. some money

  帶我們外出進(jìn)餐take us out to dinner

  根本不… not … at all


  fall asleep half way through the movie

  上床睡覺(jué)go to bed

  入睡 fall asleep (adj.) = go to sleep (v.)

  睡著,沉睡 be asleep

  太多禮物 too many gifts

  太多錢(qián)too much money

  不同種類的 different kinds of

  做某事就足夠了。It’s enough to do sth.

  使得某人做某事 make sb. do sth.

  使得某人 / 某物… make sb. / sth. + adj.

  送禮(名詞詞組)gift giving

  被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài) be +V. ed (過(guò)去分詞)

  贈(zèng)送、分發(fā)某物給某人 give away sth. to sb. = give sth. away to sb.

  捐錢(qián)給慈善機(jī)構(gòu) give money to charity

  勝于,而不是 (前后連接并列部分) …

  rather than …

  代替…,而不是… instead(of + sth. /doing sth.)

  是2008年奧運(yùn)會(huì)的主辦者 be the host for the 2008 Olympics

  以不同的方式in different ways

  來(lái)自全國(guó)各地 from across China = from all over China


  enter a contest by(通過(guò))singing popular English songs

  42. 唱得清晰 (V.+ adv.) sing clearly

  43. 在舞臺(tái)上 on stage

  某事做得和…一樣好 V. + as well as …

  母語(yǔ)是英語(yǔ)的人native speakers of English

  各年齡組 all age groups

  男子組的冠軍the winner of the men’s competition

  獲獎(jiǎng)win the prize

  鼓勵(lì)某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth.

  取得進(jìn)步 make progress


  have fun with sth. / have fun doing sth.

  聽(tīng)說(shuō)某事 hear of + 名詞 / 代詞

  hear +(that)賓語(yǔ)從句

  找出、查明 find out


  a way / ways (for sb.) to do sth

  a way / ways of doing sth.

  感興趣于……, 對(duì)做某事感興趣take an interest in sth. / doing sth. = be interested in sth. / doing sth.

  56. 與某人交朋友 make friends with sb.

  Unit 9

  太空博物館 a space museum

  游樂(lè)場(chǎng) an amusement park

  ---你曾去過(guò)水上公園嗎?沒(méi)有。 ---我也沒(méi)去過(guò)。---Have you ever been to a water park? No, I haven’t. --- Me neither.

  去過(guò)某地 have / has been to…

  去某地了 have / has gone to…

  乘地鐵 take a subway

  三次 three times

  過(guò)得愉快have a good / great / wonderful time


  many other famous Disney characters

  在電影中in movies

  實(shí)際上in fact

  全世界around the world / all over the world

  主題公園a theme park

  以…為主題 be themed with

  看到…正在做某事 see … doing sth.

  四處走動(dòng) walk around

  一直 all the time

  乘船兜風(fēng) take a ride on the boat

  在船上on board / on a boat

  行駛不同的路線take different routes

  結(jié)束 end up

  如此多的樂(lè)趣 so much fun

  到…旅行 travel to…

  英文電影 English language movies


  in an English-speaking country

  做某事很有樂(lè)趣。It’s fun to do sth.

  開(kāi)始做某事 start / begin to do sth.; start / begin doing sth.

  …的理由 reasons for sth. / doing sth.

  交換生 exchange student

  歡迎到…來(lái)。 Welcome to…

  做某事的最佳方式the best way to do sth.

  機(jī)組乘務(wù)員a flight attendant

  環(huán)游世界travel all over the world


  The most important requirement is to speak English well.

  導(dǎo)游 a tour guide

  例如 such as…

  上課 take / have lessons

  考慮做某事think about / think of doing sth.

  英文寫(xiě)作English writing

  放學(xué)后after school

  對(duì)于許多中國(guó)游客來(lái)說(shuō)for many Chinese tourists

  在東南亞in Southeast Asia

  一個(gè)度假的好地方a wonderful place to take a holiday

  一方面…., 另一方面…

  on the one hand…, on the other hand…


  More than three quarters of the popular are Chinese.

  在外國(guó)in foreign country

  做某事有困難、問(wèn)題have problems doing sth.

  在白天 during / in the daytime

  醒來(lái)wake up

  做某事的最佳時(shí)間the best time to do sth.

  睡著be asleep

  醒著be awake

  在一個(gè)更加自然的環(huán)境里in a more natural environment

  一年到頭、終年 all year round

  靠近… be close to…

  遠(yuǎn)離… be far from…

  選擇做某事 choose to do sth.

  在春天 / 夏天 / 秋天 / 冬天

  in spring / summer / autumn / winter

  Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

  看起來(lái)像… look like

  忘記做某事forget to do sth.

  他真得很棒,不是嗎?他當(dāng)然是。 He’s really good, isn’t he? He sure is.

  我希望如此。 I hope so.

  我希望不是這樣。 I hope not.

  不遲于中午,在中午之前 by noon

  在中午 at noon

  在周末 on the weekend


  This is great weather, isn’t it?

  對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)有點(diǎn)熱。It’s a little hot for me.

  擁擠 be crowded

  度過(guò)愉快的一天 have a good day

  瀏覽書(shū)籍 look through books

  排隊(duì)買(mǎi)冰淇淋 wait in line to buy ice cream

  在電梯里 in an elevator

  過(guò)馬路 cross the street / go across the street

  他們的價(jià)格很貴 / 便宜。

  Their prices are high / low.

  …價(jià)格是多少?How much does / do … cost? How much is / are …?

  What’s the price of …?

  告訴某人關(guān)于某事 tell sb. about sth.

  你認(rèn)為…如何?What do you think of …? = How do you like …?

  一個(gè)球迷 a ball game fan

  (…的)感謝信 thank-you note (for… )


  Thank you so much for inviting me.

  對(duì)某人很友好 be friendly to sb.


  feel like part of the group

  想要做某事 feel like doing sth. = want to do sth. = would like to do sth.

  某事做得艱難 have a hard time doing sth.

  出現(xiàn)、發(fā)生come along

  喜歡做某事enjoy doing sth.

  擅長(zhǎng)做某事be good at doing sth. / do well in doing sth.

  在某方面幫助某人help sb. with sth.

  像你這樣的朋友 friends like you

  更容易得多a lot / much easier

  與某人相處(得好 / 不好) get along / on (well / badly) with sb.

  使得做某事很…make it +adj. + to do sth.

  下周比賽的票a ticket for / to …

  高興做某事 be happy to do sth.

  想起某人 think of sb.

  舉行家宴 have a family dinner


  have his 90th birthday party

  查閱報(bào)紙找暑期工look through the newspaper for a holiday job

  小心做某事be careful to do sth.


  The traffic is very busy at this time.

  至少 at least

  二. 語(yǔ)法復(fù)習(xí) I .一般將來(lái)時(shí) ww w.xkb1. com

  ( ) 1. He says he _______ us around his factory in two days. A. shows B. is showing C. will shows D. will show

  ( ) 2. There _______ a map and some pictures on the desk. A. are B. is C. have D. has

  ( ) 3. _______ I return the book to the library soon ? A. Will B. Do C. Am D. Shall

  ( ) 4. A new university ____ in our city next year. A. will found B. will find C. will be founded D. will be found

  ( ) 5. Do you know when ___________ us a talk ? A. will he give B. he’ll give C. he gives D. he is giving

  ( ) 6. Don’t worry ! It ________ us half an hour to fix the machine. A. shall take B. take C. takes D. will take

  ( ) 7. We ___ you as soon as he ___ back. A. will call,will come B.will call, comes C. call, will come D.call, comes

  ( ) 8. They ________ back until Joy ______ back to life.

  A. won’t go, comes B. won’t go, will come C. don’t go, comes D. don’t go, comes

  ( ) 9. If it __________ , our family _____________ boating tomorrow.

  A. don’t rain, will go B. isn’t rain, is going to go C. doesn’t rain, will go D. doesn’t rain, shall go

  1. What ______ you _______ (do) the day after tomorrow ? 2. There _____ (be) an important meeting in two days.

  3. Jack says he _________(not be) free until tomorrow. 3. Both of us ______(spend) our holiday in Beijing next year.

  II過(guò)去進(jìn)行時(shí) 用動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。

  1. While we __________ (wait) for the bus, a girl __________ (run) up to us.

  2. I __________ (telephone) a friend when Bob __________ (come) in.

  3. Jim __________ (jump) on the bus as it __________ (move) away.

  4. We __________ (test) the new machine when the electricity __________ (go) off.

  5. She _______ (not want) to stay in bed while the others _____________ (all, work) in the fields.

  6. While mother ________ (put) Cathy to bed, the door bell ________ (ring).

  7. As I __________ (walk) in the park, it __________ (begin) to rain.

  8. Even when she _____ (be) a child she _____________ (already, think) of becoming a singer.


  1 He came to our village two years ago.=He our village since two years ago.

  2 He left home three days ago=He home for 3 days.

  3 I bought the watch 2 weeks ago=I the watch since 2 weeks ago.

  4 It is 5 days since I borrowed the book=I the book for 5 days.

  5 The film has begun= The film for half an hour.

  6 I got to know him 10 years ago=I him for 10 years.

  7 There is a factory=There a factory for 20 years.

  8 Our school opened in 1960=Our school since 1960.


  1.I________(feel)very tired now because I ______(skate)for more than five hours.

  2.---When _____your brother______(begin)to learn skate?----When he______(be)seven years old.

  ----How long _______he______(skate)ever since then? ----For over seven years.

  3.Look!The students ______(skate)_____(raise)money for charity. Some of them _____(skate)for more than half a day.

  4.The boy_____(name)Sun Lei has already finished _________(write)his composition. He _______(hand)in his exercise-book in a moment.

  5.It took me two hours and a half _______(think)of a good way______(deal)with the problem.

  6.My teacher, Mr Wu,________(teach)English for more than 25years,but he______(teach)English for ten more years before he retires.

  7.----Young people need_______(see)the difficult things in the world

  8.I'd like ______(eat)out. Do you feel like _______(go)with me?

  9.When I______(go)into the classroom, the students________(read)English aloud.

  10.Before I_______(have)time to jump into the river, the torrent(激流)________(wash)the child away.


  ( ) 1. He often says “ I shall tell you about them.” He often tells me that _____ will tell _____ about ______.

  A. I…you…them B. he…me…them C. he…you…us D. I…me…you

  ( ) 2. You must say to her, “ I depend on you and him .” You must tell her that _____ depend on ____ and _____.

  A. I…you…him B. she…you…me C. you…her…him D. you…me…him

  ( )3. Jack said to me,” You look worried today.” Jack told me that _____ worried _____.

  A. he looks…today B. you look…today C. we looked…that day D. I looked…that day

  ( ) 4. We said to her,” They’re walking through the street now.” We told her that _____ through the street ______.

  A. we were walking…then B. you are walking…now C .they were walking…then D. they walking…now

  ( ) 5. The man thought,” I shall take it back tomorrow.” The man thought that ____ take it back _____.

  A. I shall…tomorrow B. I shall…the next day C. he should…tomorrow D. he would …the next day

  ( ) 6. They said to us, “ Are you afraid to leave this house ?” They asked us ____ afraid to leave _____ house.

  A. that were we…this B. that we were…that C. if were we …this D. if we were…that

  ( ) 7. “Do you know English ?” he asked. He asked if _______English.

  A. I knew B. you know C. he knew D. I know

  ( ) 8.He said, “Do I have anything to do with her ?” He asked ____ anything to do with _____>

  A. if did he have …me B. if he had…me C. whether he had…her D. whether he had…her

  ( ) 9.I said to Jenny, “Are you getting on well with him now ?” I asked Jenny _____ getting on well with him ____.

  A. whether was she …then B. if she was …then C. how was I …now D. how I was …now

  ( ) 10. She asked,” Whose house will he break into next time ?” She asked whose house ____ break into _____.

  A. will he…next time B. would he…the next time C. he will…next time D. he would…the next time

  VI 狀語(yǔ)從句(if)

  1.What __________ you __________ (do) if you don’t finish your homework?

  2.My aunt wants __________ (travel) around the world.

  3.If you __________ (be not) at, I will look after your bag.

  4.They __________ (build) a park if they make more money.

  5.Each year Bill Gates give his money to __________ (charity) or the poor people.

  6.Michael spent half this life __________ (make) his own plane.

  7.Marco Polo, a famous __________ (travel) from Italy, came to China in 1271 AD.

  8.Hens are able __________ (have) chickens while we can’t.

  9.I __________ (go) with you to the movie this afternoon if I’m free.

  10.You’ll be late if you __________ (not hurry).

  VIII 反意疑問(wèn)句

  1. She has got a copy of China Daily, ________? 2. She doesn't have any brothers, ________?

  3. You needn't start to do the task right now, ________? 4. The man doesn't dare to face the manager, ________?

  5. He used to get up late,________? 6. He hardly writes to you,________?

  7. The man has some good excuses for being late,________? 8. You have nothing else to say,______?

  9. You'd better stay at home, ________? 10. Nothing can stop us now,________?

  11. Everyone knows the answer,______? 12. Somebody stole my cell phone, ________?

  13. Each of them fulfilled his task, ________? 14. No one is absent,________?

  15. I don't think the boy can finish the hard work alone,________?


  (一) 重要句型。

  1.There will be less pollution, more trees and fewer cars in 100 years.

  2. What should I do? You should do more exercise. You could buy some books.

  3. When the man came into the room, I was reading a book. =While I was reading a book, a man came into the room.

  4. He said they would come here in 5 minutes and they were on the way.

  5. We will take you to the zoo if we have free time.

  6. We have been studying English for 3 years.=We have been studying English since 3 years ago.

  7. Would you mind closing the window? = Could you please close the window?=Please close the window.

  = You have to close the window.

  8. Why don’t you get her a scarf?= Why not get her a scarf?= How about getting her a scarf?= Let’s get her a scarf.

  9. I have been to the zoon last year. My father has gone to Beijing now. They have already received my letter.

  10. You like playing soccer, don’t you? You have nothing to tell me, do you?

  11. It’s time for sth. It’s time to do sth. It’s time for sb to do sth.

  12. find it adj (for sb) to do sth. It’s adj/n. (for sb) to do sth.

  (二)重要短語(yǔ)的用法。 掌握下列每組短語(yǔ)的用法

  1.few, a few; little , a little. 2. many , much, a lot of , lots of 3.more, fewer, less. 4. can, be able to

  5.help with sth, help sb do sth. 6.can, may must, could ,should ,might. 7.pay, spend, take, cost.

  8.except, besides. 9.stop to do sth, stop doing sth. start to do sth start doing sth.

  10.forget to do sth, forget doing sth. 11.try to do sth try doing sth.

  12.enough+n, adj +enough, enough to do sth. 13. the same as, be different from

  14.think about doing sth, complain about doing. 15. not …until, not … anymore.

  16.something important, nothing to eat. something nice to drink. 17. take part in, join, enter,

  18. in front of, in the front of. 19.take care of, look after. 20. surprise, be surprised to do sth

  21.one… the other, another, other, others. 22. bring, take; borrow, lend.

  23. be good at sth/ doing sth… be better at sth/ doing sth

  24.have a good time, have a great time, have a wonderful time. have fun

  25.either,either…or, neither, neither…nor, both …and

  26. how, how long, how long, how often, how far, how soon, how old. 27. how many, how much.

  28.Would you like some…? Yes, please, No, thanks. 29. like, be like, look like, look the same

  30.Thanks for sth/ doing sth. 31.like to do sth, like doing sth, enjoy doing sth.

  32.interesting, be interested in sth/ doing sth. take an interest in. 33.would you mind (not) doing sth.

  34. what about..? how about…? 35. too… to so… that. 36. have been to, have gone to.
