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時(shí)間: 朝燕820 分享


  Unit 5

  1.過得開心 have a great time

  2. 組織聚會(huì)活動(dòng) organize the party games

  3. 讓某人進(jìn)入 let sb. in

  4. 不讓某人進(jìn)入 keep sb. out

  5. 半數(shù)的學(xué)生 half (of ) the class

  6. 為聚會(huì)制定的規(guī)則the rules for the party

  7. 把他們帶走 take them away

  8. 從其他學(xué)校帶朋友來

  bring friends from other schools

  9. 叫他們離開 ask them to leave

  10. 在聚會(huì)期間 during the party

  11. 學(xué)校大掃除 school clean-up

  12. 環(huán)游世界travel around the world

  = travel all over the world

  13. 上大學(xué) go to college

  14. 掙許多錢 make a lot of money

  15. 因…而出名 be famous for…

  16. 作為….而出名 be famous as…

  17. 受教育 get an education

  18. 成為一名職業(yè)運(yùn)動(dòng)員

  become a professional athlete

  19. 似乎像… seem like…

  20. 將能夠 will be able to

  21. 靠做某事)謀生 make a living by doing sth. = do sth. for a living

  22. 做你愛做的事情 do sth. you love

  捐錢給慈善機(jī)構(gòu)give money to charities

  24. 一直關(guān)注著你 watch you all the time

  25. 到處追隨著你follow you everywhere

  26. 給生活帶來麻煩 make life difficult

  27. 靠體育運(yùn)動(dòng)來謀生ports for a living = make a living by playing sports

  28. 一份危險(xiǎn)的工作a dangerous job

  29. 受傷 get injured

  30. 做某事很困難a difficult time doing sth.

  31. 事實(shí)上 in fact

  32. 與….對(duì)抗, 反對(duì) be / play against…

  33. 加入俱樂部 join the club

  34. 成為一名律師 become a lawyer

  35. 移動(dòng)電話 mobile phone

  36. 進(jìn)行足夠的鍛煉 get enough exercise

  37. 吃太多的午餐 eat too much lunch

  38. 看太多的電視 watch too much TV

  39. 嘲笑某人 laugh at sb.

  40. 將發(fā)生什么事? What will happen?

  41. 正在發(fā)生什么事? What is happening?


  1. When is a good time to have the party? 什么時(shí)候是舉行聚會(huì)的好時(shí)間?

  2. Please give me a chance to explain. 請(qǐng)給我一個(gè)解釋的機(jī)會(huì)。

  3. If you don’t have an ID card, the teacher won’t let you in. 如果你沒有身份證, 老師不會(huì)讓你進(jìn)入。

  4. If you bring food to the party, the teachers will take it away. 如果你帶食物來聚會(huì), 老師把它帶走。

  5. If you bring friends from other schools, the teachers will ask them to leave. 如果你從其他學(xué)校帶朋友來,老師會(huì)叫他們離開。

  6. He is famous as an actor. 他作為一名演員而出名。

  7. Beijing is famous for the Great Wall. 北京因長(zhǎng)城而出名

  8. Do you know if he will come? 你知道他是否會(huì)來嗎?

  9. If you become famous, people all over the world will know you. 如果你成名了,全世界的人民將認(rèn)識(shí)你。

  10. If I become a lawyer, I will be able to help people. 如果我成了一名律師, 我將能夠幫助人們。

  11. He makes a living by selling newspaper. 他靠賣報(bào)為生。= He sells newspaper for a living.

  12. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. 如果明天不下雨,我們 將去公園。

  Review of units 1 – 5

  怎么了? What’s the problem?

  踢足球 play football

  為了… in order to do sth.

  以下的三件事 the following three things

  提高英語 improve English

  開窗 open the window

  Unit 6

  你滑了多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?我滑了五個(gè)小時(shí)。/ 我從五個(gè)小時(shí)前開始一直滑到現(xiàn)在。

  How long have you been skating? I’ve been skating for five hours.

  I’ve been skating since five hours ago.

  在滑冰馬拉松賽中in a skating marathon


  get the first pair of skates

  我正在山頂學(xué)校滑冰馬拉松比賽現(xiàn)場(chǎng)向您報(bào)道。I’m talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon.

  為慈善機(jī)構(gòu)籌款raise money for charity

  是第一個(gè) / 最后一個(gè)做某事的

  be the first / last one to do sth.

  整整五個(gè)小時(shí) the whole five hours

  三年半three and a half years = three years and a half

  集郵 collect stamps

  謝謝你做了某事。Thanks for doing sth.

  送某人某物 send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb.

  實(shí)際上 in fact

  用盡空間 run out of room

  遍及…all around…


  on my seventh birthday

  動(dòng)物雪球 snow globes with animals

  其他任何人 anyone else


  start a snow globe collectors’ club

  順便說,順便問一下by the way

  告訴某人某事 tell sb. about sth.

  放風(fēng)箏fly kites

  最普遍的愛好the most common hobby

  組織一場(chǎng)才藝表演 organize a talent show


  My hobby is collecting old coins.

  做完某事finish doing


  need extra English lessons

  對(duì)…感興趣be interested in sth. / doing sth.

  …的首都 / 省會(huì) the capital of …

  一個(gè)有著多彩歷史的有趣的城市 an interesting city with a very colorful history

  歐洲影響 European influence

  有俄羅斯的風(fēng)格 be in Russian style

  了解很多關(guān)于… learn a lot about sth.


  more than /over a thousand years ago

  受到某人的歡迎be welcomed by sb.

  中國(guó) / 西方歷史Chinese / western history


  for a foreigner like me

  越…,就越…。 The +adj.比較級(jí)(+主語+謂語), the +adj.比較級(jí)(+主語+謂語)

  遠(yuǎn)離… far (away) from…

  2008年奧運(yùn)會(huì)the Olympic Games in 2008

  在…方面有問題 have problems with sth. / have problems doing sth.

  Unit 7

  你介意(不要)做某事嗎? / 請(qǐng)你(不要)做某事好嗎?行,不介意的。Would you mind (not) doing sth.? No, not at all.

  調(diào)大聲 / 調(diào)小聲 turn up / down the music

  開 / 關(guān)(電器、煤氣等)turn on / off

  打掃庭院 clean the yard

  立刻、馬上right away = right now = in a minute = at once

  洗碗 do / wash the dishes

  穿著那條舊的牛仔褲wear those old jeans

  走出浴室get out of the bathroom

  我不會(huì)太久的。I won’t be long.

  穿上put on

  脫下take off

  看起來很可怕 look terrible

  在開會(huì)be at a meeting = be having a meeting

  完成任務(wù) finish the tasks

  去看電影 go to a movie

  幫助某人做某事help sb. (to) do sth.; help sb. with sth.

  做飯 make dinner

  學(xué)校開放日 school open day

  制作海報(bào) make posters

  沒問題。That’s no problem.

  抱怨某事 complain about sth.


  give sb. a terrible haircut

  錯(cuò)碼 the wrong size

  鋼筆不能用了。 The pen doesn’t work.

  = There is something wrong with the pen.

  服裝店 clothing store


  order a hamburger with French fries

  我無法忍受I can’t stand it.

  排隊(duì)等待 wait in line


  have a long telephone conversation

  到處跟著我 follow me around


  Could you please (not) do sth.?

  變得生氣 、惱怒 get mad

  回到…go back to …= return to…

  惱怒、生氣 get / be annoyed

  某人發(fā)生某事 sth. happen to sb.

  一直、總是all the time

  有禮貌 be polite

  做同樣的事 do the same thing

  在將來、在未來 in the future

  盡力(不要)做某事 try (not) to do sth.

  在地鐵門口 in the subway door

  在門口 at the door

  插隊(duì) cut in line

  把某物歸還給某人 return sb. sth. = return sth. to sb. = give back sth. to sb.

  return it = give it back

  到…去的路 the way to …

  半小時(shí) half an hour


  Welcome to our neighborhood

  做某事感到興奮be excited to do sth.

  壓低你的聲音keep your voice down


  in an English-speaking country

  禮貌的社會(huì)行為 polite social behavior

  首先、起初at first

  在每種文化中 in every culture

  在每種背景下 in every situation

  在歐洲 in Europe

  大聲地說話 talk loudly

  允許某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth.

  允許做某事 allow doing sth.

  做某事來得更好 It’s better to do sth.

  在公眾場(chǎng)合 in public (places)


  take care (not) to do sth.

  違反禮儀規(guī)則 break the rules of etiquette

  給某人一些建議 give sb. some suggestions

  熄滅香煙 put out that cigarette

  當(dāng)心、小心be careful = take care

  亂扔垃圾 drop litter

  拾起、撿起 pick (it / them) up

  Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?

  你為什么不做某事呢? Why don’t you do sth? = Why not do sth.?

  為某人買某物buy / get sb. sth. = buy / get sth. for sb.

  …如何,怎樣? What about / How about (doing) sth?

  足夠特別 special enough

  不夠有創(chuàng)意not creative enough


  What’s the best gift Joe has ever received?


  on his sixth birthday

  多幸運(yùn)的家伙啊!What a lucky guy (he is)! = How lucky the guy is!

  畢業(yè) leave school

  做一頓特別的飯make a special meal

  容易照看easy to take care of


  an 80-year-old grandmother


  A dog is a good pet for a 6-year-old child.

  如今these days


  a pot – bellied pig named / called Connie

  在沙發(fā)上on the sofa

  和豬一起的生活life with a pig

  吃得多 eat a lot


  too +adj. / adv. (+for sb. ) + to do sth.


  have enough time to spend with her

  整天睡覺sleep all day

  夜里很吵be noisy at night

  好伙伴 good company


  make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb.
