

時間: 朝燕820 分享

 ?、? 情景交際(共5分,每小題1分)


  A: Hello, Mike. How was your summer holiday?

  B: Oh, it was very great.

  A: (36)

  B: I went to Hawaii.

  A: (37)

  B: It was sunny and warm.

  A: Oh, that’s nice. (38)

  B: I went to the beach. It was beautiful, and we swam in the sea. By the way, we ate a lot of seafood there and it was delicious. (39)

  A: I stayed at home.

  B: What do you think of your holiday?

  A: (40) I had to study and help my parents do a lot of housework.

  A. It was t oo bad.

  B. Where did you g o?

  C. How did you go there?

  D. What did you do there?

  E. What about you?

  F. I went there with my parents.

  G. What was the weather like there?

  Ⅴ. 閱讀理解(共30分,每小題2分)

  There are many different kinds of festivals around the world. Here are four of them.

  Saint Patrick’s Day in Ireland

  Ireland is an island country. It’s in the west of Europe. There are wide green fields.

  Saint Patrick’s Day is on 17th March. It’s an important holiday in Ireland. This holiday is to remember Saint Patrick. He did good things for the people of Ireland.

  During the holiday, there are parades and lots of green. You can see people in green clothes, and you can even see green buildings.

  Red Wednesday in Iran

  Red Wednesday is a fire jumping festival in Iran. It is on the eve (前夜) of the last Wednesday of the year. People jump over the fire. They hope that it will take all the bad things away.

  The Winter Carnival in Canada

  When winter comes, it’s party time in Quebec City, Canada. The Quebec Winter Carnival is all about outdoor fun. It starts from the first Sunday in February and lasts for 10 days.

  One of the most popular activities is the dog sled race (狗拉雪橇比賽). It has more than 30 teams and the race goes on for 6 kilometres. You can see happiness on every face.

  The Desert (沙漠) Festival in Tunisia

  Tunisia is a very important country in North Africa. Every year on the last Sunday in December, the Desert Festival is held in Tunisia. As “ships of the desert”, camels are very important in the festival. There are camel racing and camel wrestling (摔跤).


  ( ) 41. On Saint Patrick’s Day, you can see the following EXCEPT _____.

  A. camels B. parades C. people in green D. green buildings

  ( ) 42. What do people do on Red Wednesday in Iran?

  A. They run in the snow.

  B. They wear red clothes.

  C. They jump over the fire.

  D. They watch the camel racing.

  ( ) 43. Which of the following is TRUE about the dog sled race according to the passage?

  A. The race happens on 17th March.

  B. The race goes on for 6 kilometres.

  C. The race has a history of about 10 years.

  D. About 30 people go to the race every year.

  ( ) 44. When is the Desert Festival in Tunisia every year?

  A. On the first Sunday in February.

  B. On the last Sunday in December.

  C. On the eve of the last Friday of the year.

  D. On the eve of the last Wednesday of the year.

  ( ) 45. Where can we probably find this passage?

  A. In a storybook.

  B. In a cookbook.

  C. In a travel magazine.

  D. In a sport magazine.


  When Vivienne Harr was 8 years old, she saw a photo she would never forget. It was a photo of two young boys carrying large, heavy rocks on their backs. These children were the same age as Vivienne. But they did not have the same freedom and opportunities (自由和機會) that she has.

  In some parts of the world, children have to work hard long days and they can’t go to school. Vivienne wanted to change this. “I want all kids to be able to go to school and play,” said Vivienne, now 10. “I want them to be happy.”

  To help raise money for children like the two boys in the photo, Vivienne started a lemonade stand (檸檬汽水攤位) near her home in Marin County, California. She promised to work every day for a year, rain or shine. “Sometimes, it was hard for me, when the weather was bad or I wasn’t feeling well,” said Vivienne. “But I knew that some children were having a harder time than I was.”

  Vivienne’s goal (目標) was to raise 0,000 in 365 days. On Day 175, she reached her goal. But that didn’t stop Vivienne from working. With the help of her family, she started Make a Stand. The company now puts Vivienne’s lemonade into bottles (瓶子) and sells it in 130 stores around the US. A small part of sales goes to help achieve (實現(xiàn)) Vivienne’s dream — to make the world a better place for all children.


  ( ) 46. The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refers to the fact that ______.

  A. some children have to work all day and can’t go to school

  B. some children don’t have clean water to drink

  C. some children don’t have enough food to eat

  D. some children have no home

  ( ) 47. We can learn from the passage that Vivienne ______.

  A. is 8 years old

  B. is from California

  C. has two brothers

  D. mainly worked in good weather

  ( ) 48. Vivienne reached her goal of raising 0,000 ______ after she started the lemonade stand.

  A. 130 days B. 175 days

  C. 10 months D. a year

  ( ) 49. Make a Stand is the name of ______.

  A. a kind of lemonade B. a kind of bottle

  C. a store D. a company

  ( ) 50. Which is the best title of the passage?

  A. Vivienne and her dream

  B. A young inventor

  C. The story of two young boys

  D. How to make lemonade


  Have you ever tried to write a poem? It’s easier than you might think. Just pick up a pen and begin practising. Here are the steps to write a poem.

  Choose your topic (主題). (51) __________ Some people can start writing poems without really deciding what to write about; when their pen or pencil hits the paper, the words just flow (暢流). Most people, on the other hand, need a topic and as a beginner, this is the best way to start. It’s easier to write a good poem about something you know well or you have experienced.

  Freewrite for five minutes about your topic. Then go back and read it. Are any words or expressions especially good? (52) __________ For example, if you are describing something (i.e. a bird), write down descriptive words about it (i.e. looks, colours), and the kind of story you would like to tell about (i.e. the bird fell out of a tree). If you are writing about an event (事件) in your life, write down your feelings and thoughts (想法) of that event.

  Write your poem. Remember, a poem doesn’t have to rhyme (押韻). (53) __________ But it should show your feelings of the topic. And it should sound nice to y ou.

  Have a friend read your poem aloud to you. (54) __________ If not, go back and rewrite the parts you don’t like.

  (55) __________ Read it to others. Say it aloud to yourself. Put it somewhere if you want.


  A. Do you like the way it sounds?

  B. Mark (作記號) them and use them in your poem.

  C. Enjoy your poem.

  D. What would you like your poem to be about?

  E. It doesn’t have to use sentences, either.

  51. _____ 52. _____ 53. _____ 54. _____ 55. _____

 ?、? 完成句子(共5分,每小題1分)


  56. 那個樂隊正在演奏音樂。

  That band is ________ ________.

  57. 我們必須為這次旅行帶上充足的錢。

  We must bring ________ ________ money for this travel.

  58. 我喜歡唱歌,也喜歡跳舞。

  I like singing and dancing ________ ________.

  59. 他們是什么時候到達法國的?

  When did they ________ ________ France?

  60. 沿著這條街道走,你就會找到圖書館。

  ________ ________ this street, and you’ll find the library.

 ?、? 綜合填空(共10分,每小題1分)

  易讀度 ★★☆☆☆


  it, kite, something, man, large, study, like, small, lovely, animal, write, symbol

  Sarah came to China with her parents three years ago. She has (61) ________ in a middle school in Shanghai since then. Last night, Sarah (62) ________ an email to her cousin in Tennessee.

  Dear Cindy,

  How are you? Today I want to tell you (63) ________ about China.

  China has the (64) ________ population in the world. But don’t worry! The Chinese have a lot of room (空間). It’s the thir d largest country in the world in size.

  The dragon is the national (65) ________ of China. It may breathe (吐) fire through (66) ________ mouth and nose.

  People can see Chinese dragons on the streets during Spring Festival. They also fly dragon shaped (67) ________ in the sky and ride in dragon shaped boats during dragon boat races.

  The most famous real-life Chinese (68) ________ is the panda. As time goes by, it has become another symbol of China like the dragon. Pandas are vegetarians (素食者), so they make a much more (69) ________ symbol than a fire-breathing animal!

  A big country (70) ________ China has hundreds of stories and interesting facts. To learn more, try reading a book about it.


 ?、? 書面表達(共10分)

  天下最偉大的愛就是母愛。假設你是李靜,母親節(jié)就要到了,你們班將舉辦以What will you do for Mum?為題的英語演講比賽。請你準備一篇80詞左右的演講稿參加比賽。

  __________________ __________________________________________________




  外研版初三上冊英語Module 2測試試題答案

 ?、? 1. flags 2. speeches 3. laying 4. ninth 5. corn 6. dishes 7. following 8. founded 9. grows 10. vacation

  Ⅱ. 11-15 CBADD 16-20 BACBD 21-25 ADACD

 ?、? 26-30 BDCCD 31-35 BCACC

 ?、? 36-40 BGDEA

 ?、? 41-45 ACBBC 46-50 ABBDA 51-55 DBEAC

 ?、? 56. playing music 57. plenty of 58. as well 59. arrive in 60. Go / Walk along

  Ⅶ. 61. studied 62. wrote 63. something 64. largest 65. symbol 66. its 67. kites

  68. animal 69. lovely 70. like

 ?、? One possible version:

  Hello, class. I’m Li Jing. Mother’s Day is coming. I’m going to do something for my mum on that day.

  My mum likes flowers, so I’ll buy some beautiful ones for her. I’ll cook a delicious dinner after school. Our family will get together and have dinner happily. Also, I’ll send my mum a card and say “Happy Mother’s Day” to her.

  I love my mum very much and I’ll study hard to make her proud of me one day.

  Thanks for your attention.
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