學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 小學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 三年級方法 > 三年級英語 > 小學(xué)三年級英語下冊期末考試試題


時間: 桂香1115 分享




  一. 填入 an a

  ______apple ____book _____cat ____dog ____girl ______house _____key ____lion _____elephant ______flower ______Indian ______jet _____monkey _____nose______ox______pencil_____queen_____rabbit_____snake_____zoo



  ( )1. How are you? ________. A. I’m fine, thanks you. B. I’m fine, thanks.

  ( ) 2.What ___ your name? A. am B. is C. are

  ( ) 3.___ name is Mike. A. I B. Our C. My

  ( ) 4. I ___ a girl. A. are B. is C. am

  ( ) 5. Sit ______, please. A. up B. down C. Down

  ( ) 6. Stand ____, please. A. up B. down C. Down

  ( ) 7. Open ____ window. A. a B. an C. the

  ( ) 8. Point ___ the window. A. to B. too C. two

  ( ) 9. ____ green. A. Its B. It’s C. its

  ( ) 10. What ____ is it? Red. A. colour B. animal C.shape

  ( ) 11. It’s a red ___ blue dog. A. and B. or C. now

  ( ) 12. Mike is a good ____. A. childs B. child C. children

  ( ) 13. This is ____ school. A. I B. our C. she

  ( ) 14. What’s this? ______ A. It’s a ruler. B. That is a ruler.

  ( ) 15. Is it a dog? ______. A. Yes, it isn’t. B. Yes, it is.

  ( ) 16. How many blue ____? A. ball B. balls

  ( ) 17. One brown _____. A. monkeys B. monkey.

  ( ) 18. How old are you? _____. A. I’m eight. B. I’m Mike.

  ( ) 19. A pencil ____ you. A. to B. for

  ( ) 20. That is ____ car. A. he B. his


  1. __________________________? Yes, she is . She is a girl.

  2. __________________________? Yes, it is. It is a piano.

  3. ___________________________? No, he is not. He is a teacher.

  4. ___________________________? Yes , I am. I am happy.


  1. This is he father. _________ 2. That is she desk. ________

  3. It is I book. ______________ 4. You is a girl. ___________

  5. This is a our teacher. _______ 6. What old are you? ______

  7. A book to you. ________ 8. So many pencil. ________

  9. No, it is. ____________ 10. It’s a eraser. __________

  11. what’s this? _________ 12. What colour are it? ______

  13. What your name? ________ 14. My name are Julia. _________

  五.選詞填空(am, is, are)

  1. I _______ a teacher. 2. You ______ a student. 3. The boy _____ tall.

  4. My mother and I _____ happy. 5. The cat _____ black. 6. Sandy _____ fat.

  7. We _____ short. 8. He ____ clean. 9. They _____ dirty.




  ( )1. orange A、apple B、elephant

  ( )2. table A、red B、bookcase

  ( )3. yellow A、blue B、morning

  ( )4. mother A、Helen B、brother

  ( )5. bird A、black B、zebra

  二 根據(jù)情景,選擇相應(yīng)的句子,將序號填在方框內(nèi)。8分

  A. This is Mr Green. B. This is Mike .

  C. This is Mr Black. D. This is Yang Ling.

  E.This is Mrs Black .

  三 根據(jù)情景選擇合適的句子。14分

  ( ) 1,你向別人介紹自己的媽媽,應(yīng)該說:

  A. This is Miss Li. B.This is my mother.

  ( ) 2.老師叫劉濤回家,會說:

  A. Go home now. Liu Tao. B. Get up now. Liu Tao.

  ( )3,你想知道別人身體好嗎,應(yīng)該問:

  A. What's your name? B. How are you?

  ( ) 4.睡覺前你和媽媽說:

  A. Good morning. Mum. B. Good night. Mum.

  ( ) 5. 向同學(xué)介紹自己,應(yīng)該說:

  A. Hello. I 'm Mike. B. Hello. Mike.

  ( ) 6. 放學(xué)時應(yīng)該和老師說:

  A. See you. Miss Li. B. Hello. Miss Li.

  ( )7. 當(dāng)你向別人介紹你的弟弟時,你可以說:

  A. This is my sister B.This is my brother

  四 句子配對。8分

  ( ) 1.What colour? A. Yes.

  ( )2.Good morning, Nancy. B. Red.

  ( )3.See you. C. Hello. I’m Jack.

  ( )4.What’s your name? D. All right.

  ( )5.Hello. I’m Mike. E. Goodbye.

  ( )6.Go to school now. F. Good morning, Tom.

  ( )7.An apple? G. I’m Helen.

  ( )8.This is my friend,Nancy. H. Nice to meet you.

  五 連線,把中文句子與相應(yīng)的英文句子連起來。(10分)

  這是我的父親。 What colour ?

  見到你很高興。 What’s your name?

  起床。 This is my father.

  什么顏色? Get up.

  你叫什么名字? Nice to meet you.

  劉濤向別人介紹自己 I am Liu Tao






