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時(shí)間: 淑航658 分享




  1. They expect me to explain how a car engine works.

  expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事

  2. His story deeply touched my heart and I decided to do something for him.

  touch one’s heart 觸動(dòng)某人的心弦

  3. I can’t put up with (忍受)your bad behavior. Get out of here.

  4. This manual provides us with a clear explanation of how to use the machine.

  provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 提供

  offer sb sth = offer sth to sb

  supply sb with sth = supply sth to sb

  5. He is still a good student except for (除了„) a few faults. 6. The police were soon on the scene(在現(xiàn)場(chǎng)) after the traffic accident happened. 7. Noises from the nearby airport sometimes drive people crazy.

  drive sb crazy 迫使某人發(fā)瘋 drive 作動(dòng)詞,迫使„

  8. The reason why he was late was that there was something wrong with his bike.

  the reason why was that 的原因是„

  9. It surprised us that he finished the work in time without any help.

  It surprised sb that „ 使某人吃驚的是„

  It surprises sb that

  10. This bad guy deserves to be sent to prison.

  deserve sth deserve to do deserve to be done 值得,應(yīng)受

  11. I want to know what our government will do with the problem of high prices.

  12. Supposing it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?

  supposing 假如 = if

  類似用法:supposing (that) „ ; supposed (that) „

  13. Now that(既然,由于) you have heard of the incident, I will tell you all about it.

  14. We started out early. Therefore, we arrived at the station with more than half an hour to spare(空出,騰出,抽出).

  15. The teacher left the classroom, leaving me in charge of the cleaning task.



  leave sb in charge of „ leave + n + doing leave + n + done leave + n + 介詞短語(yǔ)

  16. Some teachers insist that all the schools not allow the students to meet friends online in Internet cafes.

  insist堅(jiān)持說(shuō) 用陳述語(yǔ)氣

  17. She insisted that what she said was right.

  insist that (should) do “堅(jiān)持要求„” 用虛擬語(yǔ)氣

  18. An important football game is coming, and all the players are sparing no effort to prepare for it.

  spare no effort to do 不遺余力做某事

  19. His suggestion is that the poor child should know the truth.

  suggestion 用虛擬語(yǔ)氣

  20. Her pale face suggested that she was seriously ill and my suggestion was that she should be sent to hospital.

  suggest 暗示,顯示,表明,用陳述語(yǔ)氣

  suggest 建議, 用虛擬語(yǔ)氣, 即 suggest (that) (should) do

  21. He opened his mouth as though to say something

  as though= as if 仿佛,好象

  22. He looked about as though in search of something.

  as though = as if 仿佛,好象

  in search of = to look for = to search for “尋找”

  23. He behaves strangely recently, which upsets his parents very much.

  24. They are having a heated argument over whether smoking is bad for the health.

  a heated argument = a hot argument 激烈的爭(zhēng)論

  25. It is silly of you to say that. The manager will become angry and you will be fired.

  It is silly/kind/nice/foolish/stupid/clever of sb to do

  26. The picture reminds him of the days he and his grandparents spent together.

  remind 的句型

  remind sb of /about sth

  remind sb to do sth

  remind sb that „

  27. The information she collected in Africa is valuable to the study of African cultures.

  be valuable to „ 對(duì)„有價(jià)值

  = be of value to „

  28. --- I didn’t mean to hurt her.

  --- But talking like that means hurting her.

  mean to do 打算做某事

  mean doing 意味著„

  29. They decided to complain to the boss about their labor conditions.

  complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨某事

  30. The government is trying every possible way to prevent the river being polluted.

  prevent „ (from) doing 阻止做某事

  31. It makes no difference to me whether you will go or stay.

  It makes no difference to sb „ 對(duì)某人沒影響/沒區(qū)別

  32. The water in the river has been badly polluted, so it is no longer (不再,再也不)fit to drink.

  33. All the preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled(取消).

  for nothing 徒勞的,白費(fèi)力氣的,免費(fèi)的

  34. Now that the problem isn’t that easy, you should make preparations in advance.

  now that 既然,由于

  that easy = so easy that, “如此,那么”,副詞

  make preparations (for) 為„做準(zhǔn)備

  in advance 提前,預(yù)先

  35. I am sorry to misunderstand you. I didn’t think you were so serious. (時(shí)態(tài)題)

  36. I don’t want anything to eat this very moment because I am not a bit hungry.

  not a bit = not at all 一點(diǎn)也不

  not a little = very 很,非常

  37. He looks cold each time he meets his parents.

  each time 作連詞,直接連詞兩個(gè)句子,翻譯為“每一次”

  38. People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. After all, she is a great musician.

  after all

  at all

  in all 畢竟,終究 根本,全然

  最重要的是 總共,總之 above all

  to blame. 39. Mr. Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the onein defense of „ 抵御,防衛(wèi)


  40. As we joined the big crowd, I got separated from my friends.

  separate sth from sth 把„和„分開

  get + v-ed表被動(dòng),翻譯為“被”

  41. I thought of her as my good friend the first time I saw her.

  think of ……as ……把..當(dāng)作

  = regard…… as …… consider „ as/to be „ look on „ as „ treat „ as „ get repaired/ burnt/ damaged take as/to be

  the first time 作連詞, 直接連接兩個(gè)句子,翻譯為“第一次”

  類似用法: each time, every time, the last time, the moment, the minute等

  42. Whether you agree or disagree with them, you must follow their advice.

  whether „ or „是否„

  follow one’s advice 采納某人建議

  征詢某人建議 = take one’s advice ask for one’s advicea piece of advice

  arate 形容詞,“單獨(dú)的、各自的” 一條建議
43. We’ve got a separate bedroom and you can live in my house when you travel here.

  44. What interested me most was his unforgettable experiences in Africa. 45. With the leaders visiting each other, the relationship between the two countries isbeing improved.

  注意:with 的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)

  with + n + doing with + n + done with + n + adj. with + n + adv. with + n + 介詞短語(yǔ) with + n + to do

  46. It is a fact that the Chinese government protects its citizens’ freedom of religiousbelief by law.

  It is a fact that ……

  by law 法律上

  47. When he heard the news, the surprised look on his face surprised all of us.
48. We can’t let anyone go who breaks the law without being punished/ without punishment. (免受懲罰)

  49. He is always finding fault with (挑錯(cuò),找茬)me, which makes me very angry.

  50. The teachers informed us about the measures the school had taken to fight against the hand-foot-mouth disease.

  inform sb of/about sth

  take measures/ steps/ action to do sth 采取措施做某事