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  [2015·河北石家莊質(zhì)檢二]Last year, I was assigned to work at an office near my mother's house. __1__, I stayed with her for a month. During that time, I helped her out with the housework and contributed to the __2__.

  After a week, I started__3__the groceries were running out pretty quickly. __4__,I began observing my mother's daily routine for two weeks. To my __5__, I found she would pack a paper bag full of canned goods and __6__ every morning at about nine. She took the food to the slums (貧民窟) and distributed it to street __7__.

  I asked around and__8__my mum was popular in the area. The kids looked up to her as if she were their own mother. Then it hit me-why didn't she want to tell me about what she'd been doing? Was she__9__that I would stop buying the groceries if I knew the truth?

  When she got home, I told her about my discovery and __10__ she could react, I gave her a big hug and told her she didn't need to keep it a__11__from me. She told me that__12__of the children lived with an old lady in a makeshift home while others __13__on the streets. For years, my mum had been helping out by__14__ whatever food she could __15__. I was so moved by how __16__ she was. She used what was __17__for her to help others in need. And I was so __18__ of her.

  I __19__to buy groceries for my mum. But now, I always add a(n) __20__bag for her other children.


  1.A.However B.Moreover

  C.Therefore D.Otherwise

  答案:C 上文與下文之間為因果關(guān)系,句意:我被派去母親家附近的地方工作,因此和母親住在一起。

  2.A.cans B.groceries

  C.goods D.bags

  答案:B 根據(jù)本文講述的主題,以及文章中頻頻出現(xiàn)的groceries可知答案是B。

  3.A.to ignore B.to understand

  C.to complain D.to notice

  答案:D 在下文“__4__,I began observing my mother's daily routine for...”可知,答案是D。

  4.A.Confused B.Embarrassed

  C.Moved D.Annoyed

  答案:A 根據(jù)上文中作者發(fā)現(xiàn),“零食用完的很快”,使作者很迷惑,才去“觀察母親每天做什么”。

  5.A.delight B.relief

  C.surprise D.regret

  答案:C 根據(jù)下文,作者觀察母親后的發(fā)現(xiàn),使作者感到非常的“吃驚”,故選C。

  6.A.work out B.hand out

  C.clean up D.get up

  答案:B 此處講述母親每天的做法。從早上出發(fā)到分配東西,應(yīng)為一系列的動(dòng)作,故選B。

  7.A.children B.strangers

  C.passers­by D.artists

  答案:A 根據(jù)下文提示,“kids looked up to her...”可知道把東西分給孩子們。

  8.A.made sure B.let out

  C.pointed out D.found out

  答案:D 上文中asked around以及下文中“my mum, was popular”可知D項(xiàng)正確。

  9.A.angry B.hopeless

  C.worried D.frightened

  答案:C 根據(jù)上文中作者的疑問“why didn't she want to tell me...”可知,此處是作者自己以為母親擔(dān)憂些什么,故選C。

  10.A.once B.before

  C.until D.after

  答案:B 考查句子之間的邏輯關(guān)系,作者問完母親后,沒等母親作出回應(yīng)便擁抱她,故用連詞before,表示“未來得及”。

  11.A.secret B.surprise

  C.gift D.reminder

  答案:A 根據(jù)下文中母親對(duì)作者的講述可知,作者以為這是一個(gè)“secret”,故選A。

  12.A.few B.all

  C.any D.some

  答案:D 根據(jù)常識(shí),并非所有的孩子,而是某些孩子,故選D。

  13.A.lay B.ate

  C.slept D.played

  答案:C 此處對(duì)應(yīng)上文中的12題,“while”為關(guān)鍵信息,表對(duì)比,“some...others...”,故選C。

  14.A.giving B.collecting

  C.receiving D.selling

  答案:A 母親這些年一直通過把一些她能夠抽出來的東西給這些需要的人,來幫助他們走出困境,故填A(yù)。

  15.A.lend B.spare

  C.afford D.bring

  答案:B 見14題解析,spare“抽出,留出”。

  16.A.curious B.ambitious

  C.faithful D.selfless

  答案:D 根據(jù)上文的講述,作者自然覺得母親非常的無私,故選D。

  17.A.meant B.cooked

  C.borrowed D.sold

  答案:A 考查固定短語,be meant for sb.“專門給某人”,故選A。

  18.A.tired B.fond

  C.scared D.proud

  答案:D 考查語義理解及固定短語,be proud of“以……感到自豪”。

  19.A.refuse B.long

  C.continue D.agree

  答案:C 根據(jù)上文作者講述的故事,作者必會(huì)以母親為榜樣,故繼續(xù)買零食給母親,幫助他救助更多人。

  20.A.large B.extra

  C.beautiful D.empty

  答案:B 上文中But now為關(guān)鍵信息,與之前相比,作者知道了真相,會(huì)買更多的食品,故用extra“額外的”,選B。


  [2015·黑龍江質(zhì)檢]When I took my second­year Spanish class, I was certain that it couldn't get any worse, There were a lot of people there that I didn't like. The __1__, Mrs. Sager, was very weird (奇怪的). I had to listen to people complaining about easy things with __2__accents,and took part in strange activities that didn't help us __3__ the language.

  Despite that,I did have some__4__memories. The class was small. We always listened to each other trying to__5__our lives with our limited Spanish words. Mrs. Sager often talked to each of us one by one in Spanish and gave us new views__6__discussion topics.

  I used to tell my friends I__7__Mrs. Sager's class because no one tried hard to study. But when I__8__,I found I couldn't say they weren't trying, even though I sometimes really wanted to__9__ my ears when they tried to speak Spanish or wished the teacher would__10__them when they asked questions that she had already answered.

  I realized this because my third year Spanish class was a real __11__.

  The class was two times__12__. Mr. Rider, the teacher, would sometimes come around and listen to us, but he never said anything or took part in our __13__like Mrs. Sager. On the second day of the new term, we were supposed to talk about our summer in Spanish. While I was__14__mine, my partner was making faces at others. I __15__talking and let her finish, but she didn't. Mr. Rider then told us to discuss whose__16__was the best and why. My partner just asked me to__17__what I said to her again.

  I really regret not having a better attitude to my__18__year Spanish class. We often__19__a thing for granted until it's not there anymore. The__20__has taught me one thing: We should always be thankful for what we have.


  1.A.doctor B.officer

  C.teacher D.headmaster

  答案:C 由文章第一句話“When I took...class”可知Mrs. Sager是一位西班牙語教師。

  2.A.bad B.beautiful

  C.strong D.spanish

  答案:A 根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容特別是第一段的第二句“There were a lot of people...like.”和第二段的“...with our limited spanish words”可推知答案為A。

  3.A.avoid B.learn

  C.refuse D.calculate

  答案:B 由文章知道是西班牙語學(xué)習(xí)班的第二年,故此處應(yīng)該是“那些并不能幫助我學(xué)習(xí)西班牙語的奇怪的活動(dòng)”。

  4.A.fun B.wrong

  C.strange D.abnormal

  答案:A 第一段提到的作者不喜歡的一些人和事,根據(jù)第二段的despite可知此處的記憶與上文提到的是相反的,故用fun。

  5.A.write B.perform

  C.deserve D.describe

  答案:D 根據(jù)前半句的“...listen to each other...”可知是“口頭上說”,故選describe。

  6.A.on B.in

  C.off D.for

  答案:A 由文章知是:給我們新的關(guān)于討論的話題觀點(diǎn)。

  7.A.like B.dislike

  C.hate D.despise

  答案:B 由第一段第二句話和4、5段的內(nèi)容可知是作者過去經(jīng)常告訴朋友他不喜歡Mrs. Sager的課堂,故選B項(xiàng)。C、D兩項(xiàng)語義上有點(diǎn)過了。

  8.A.looked about B.turned back

  C.turned about D.looked back

  答案:D look back“回顧,回想”,常和介詞on/upon搭配用。look about“環(huán)顧四周”;turn back“使折回,把趕走”;turn about“旋轉(zhuǎn),改變主意”。

  9.A.open B.cover

  C.damage D.update

  答案:B 由上文的“__2__ accent”和本段的“no one tried hard to study”可知答案。

  10.A.criticize B.please

  C.praise D.abuse

  答案:A 根據(jù)空后的“when...answered”知應(yīng)是“批評(píng)”;B、C兩項(xiàng)意思不符合,D項(xiàng)過分了。

  11.A.dream B.improvement

  C.contribution D.nightmare

  答案:D 從上下文兩位老師的對(duì)比,很容易知道選D項(xiàng)。

  12.A.smaller B.bigger

  C.better D.worse

  答案:B 本段介紹的內(nèi)容是和上文中的Mrs. Sager時(shí)期對(duì)比,故由上文的“the class was small”可以推知此處為The class was two times bigger。

  13.A.classes B.conclusions

  C.discussions D.decisions

  答案:C 由空后的like Mrs. Sager和第二段最后一句話可以知道C項(xiàng)正確。

  14.A.making up B.showing off

  C.writing down D.talking about

  答案:D 由上句中的“we were supposed to talk about...”可知答案。

  15.A.stopped B.continued

  C.began D.enjoyed

  答案:A 作者的合作伙伴沒聽他說而是在做鬼臉,所以就先“停下”,目的是讓他停止做鬼臉。

  16.A.summer B.accent

  C.journey D.article

  答案:A Mr. Rider讓我們討論誰的暑假過得最好以及為什么。

  17.A.talk B.explain

  C.repeat D.review

  答案:C 根據(jù)上文可知作者已經(jīng)說過了自己的暑假情況。

  18.A.first B.second

  C.third D.fourth

  答案:B 從文中知作者在第三年學(xué)習(xí)西班牙語時(shí),才意識(shí)到了第二年的做法不對(duì),所以就會(huì)“后悔”當(dāng)時(shí)沒有一個(gè)更好的態(tài)度。

  19.A.take B.make

  C.let D.send

  答案:A take常和for granted搭配,構(gòu)成“認(rèn)為……是當(dāng)然的”。

  20.A.matter B.rule

  C.example D.experience

  答案:D 根據(jù)文章可知是作者的“經(jīng)歷”讓作者知道了“人應(yīng)該感恩所擁有的”的道理。





