學習啦 > 學習方法 > 初中學習方法 > 初一學習方法 > 七年級英語 > 七年級英語下冊Unit2同步練習題


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  I. 根據(jù)句意及漢語提示,寫出單詞。

  1. These apples are for me, and the _________ (剩余部分) of the apples are for you.

  2. Beijing is the cultural _________ (中心) of China.

  3. _________ (鼓) are popular in modern music.

  4. Do you like playing the _________ (吉他) or the organ?

  5. Li Ming is twelve years old. His _________ (年長的) brother is fifteen years old.

  6. Do you know when Betty’s grandfather _________ (去世)?

  II. 選擇括號內(nèi)所給單詞或短語完成下列句子。

  1. Xian Xinghai was called _________ (the People’s / Classical) Musician.

  2. Uncle Wang often _________ us _________ (took ...around / took ... for) their factory.

  3. Mozart wrote his first opera _________ the age _________ (at ... of / on ... of) fourteen.

  4. Some of the things were _________ (hundred of / hundreds of) years old.

  5. Mozart was born in _________ (London /Austria) in 1756.

  6. Sally’s _________ (younger / young) sister was born in 1990.

  III. 根據(jù)漢語寫出英語短語。

  1. 除……以外 ________________________

  2. 中國的首都 ________________________

  3. 整個歐洲 ________________________

  4. 一個美麗古老的城市 ________________________

  5. 拉小提琴 ________________________

  6. 在巴黎 ________________________

  IV. 根據(jù)漢語意思完成下列句子,每空詞數(shù)不限。

  1. 大約翰•施特勞斯寫了一首華爾茲的古典舞曲。

  Johann Strauss the elder wrote________________________,


  2. 冼星海以《黃河》曲而聞名。

  Xian Xinghai ___________________ the song The Yellow River.

  3. 小約翰•施特勞斯比他父親更成功更流行。

  Johann Strauss the younger was even _________ than his father.

  4. 他不僅喜愛彈鋼琴,而且喜愛拉小提琴。

  He liked playing ___________ the piano, ____________the violin.

  5. 他擅長演奏歐洲音樂。

  He is good at playing ________________________.


  I. 1. rest 2. centre 3. Drums 4. guitar 5. elder 6. died

  II. 1. the People’s 2. took ... around 3. at ... of 4. hundreds of

  5. Austria 6. younger

  III. 1. in addition to 2. the capital of China 3. all over Europe 4. a beautiful old city 5. play the violin 6. in Paris

  IV. 1. a waltz, a classical dance 2. was famous for 3. more successful and popular 4. not only, but also 5. European music





