Dear _,
I began my undergraduate study in the Department of Physics at Central China Normal University in September 1998. During the four years, I devoted myself to the mathematics, physics and computer coursed such as advanced mathematics, classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics etc. It was my hop that I would be able to build a solid foundation for my future research. My undergraduate study was very successful and my overallGPA was among the top 5% in my class.
Academic Performance
After graduation in 1992,I was admitted by Peking University to pursue a Master’s Degree in Space Physics. The three-year graduate study at Peking University was fruitful. I took a number of coursed, such as Solar-terrestrial Space Physics, Space Plasma Physics and Ionosphere Physics, etc. In order to enlarge my knowledge background and to satisfy my curiosities to modern science., I audited and elected many other courses for other majors like General Relativity, Group Theory and Partial Differential Equations Simultaneously, I frequented the library to refer to different kinds of professional journals, such as Physics Review, Journal of computational Physic, Journal of Geophysical Research, Solar Physics, Astrophysics, etc. I kept myself well informed of the latest developments in this field, and developed my abilities to read and write English. To get a better understanding of academic research, I attended space physics academic communication meeting in 1992, and Geophysics Annual Conference in 1993 where many scientists delivered academic reports. I realized that undertaking the research work offers many interesting challenges, and I need to expand my knowledge in my field.
Because of my outstanding grades and academic performance, I was honored scholarship in two consecutive years, one is Subject Prize in the 1992-1993 academic year, the other is Guanghua Prize the highest scholarship at Peking University, in the 1993-1994 academic year.
Teaching Experience
At Central China Normal University, I took general education coursed, such as Psychology, Education and Teaching Methods. At the last semester, I began my teaching internship at high school. I taught my students clearly in aid of modern experiment instrument, and was widely welcomed by the students.
I became a teaching assistant in FORTRAN LLANGUAGE for undergraduate students at this semester at Peking University. In addition to the necessary FORTRAN 77 taught by the major teacher, I presented the students a variety of computer knowledge in C language, computer program design and computer software. I felt very pride when most of my students can operate computer expertly at the end of this semester.
Scholastic Aptitude
At my second year graduate study, I began to work as a research assistant of Professor Chuanyi Tu, a famous scientist in Space Sciences. He proposed the energy-cascading theory in a new solar wind model, and was awarded VIKRAM SARABHAI prize by COSPAR and ISRO. I modified his theory by considering the dissipation mechanism of the Alfven waves for heliocentric distance R 10R sun and developed a two-fluid model. The mechanism of solar wind acceleration is the basic problem in solar wind model. The purpose of my recent work is to explore the mechanism of solar wind acceleration and heating, and the mechanism of the heating of the corona. I want to establish the energy-cascading heating effect tow-fluid solar wind model by Alfvenic fluctuations, which can describe the radial evolution of power spectrum of Alfvenic fluctuation. The model includes the solar wind equations and power spectrum equation in the spatial and temporal. The FCT (flux-corrected-transport) methods are used to treat the mass equation and the momentum equation. The heat conduction equations as well as the power spectrum equation are treated by an implicit scheme. I devoted myself to the research and have solved most of the established problems independently.
This work is collaborated with Professor Hu at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). This October and November, I took the opportunity to come to USTC to work directly under the guidance of Professor Hu, who is second to none for his achievements in the field of Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) numerical simulation in china. We discussed many questions about research theories and numerical methods. To determine whether a steady state is reached in the temporal evolution of the low, we need to examine some conserved quantities inherent in a steady-state solution to see if they are conserved throughout the domain. Through several weeks’ hard work in the Space Physics Laboratory of USTC, I achieved satisfactory solutions. The mass flux, momentum flux and energy flux are constant within 5%, 0.5% and 3%. In addition, I also participated in their seminar about nonlinear dynamics, and audited some coursed like chaotic dynamics. I realized that my collaboration with other university especially with USTC will give me a more solid and broad background on mathematics and Physics, and may make it easy for me to go into these fields of my later research.
Now, having experienced success and failure in my research work and studies, I have possessed the capacity of carrying research independently and developed my own working habit that somehow we seem to be successful. I believe I hold adequate potential to be further developed. I enjoy my present study and work, which are challenging and desirable. However, I am very eager to further my study in my chosen field up to the most advanced level in your institute. I love the research work and have aimed at a life time career in science for a long time. Upon completion of my study, I will return and make contributions to my homeland.
Yours sincerely,