

時間: 劉惠25 分享

  第三部分:英語知識運用(共兩節(jié), 滿分45分)


  閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C、和D )中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。

  Norman Cousins was given a few months to live in 1964. He had Ankylosing Spondylitis, a rare 41 of the connective tissues. He was told by a doctor that he had a 1 in 500 chance of 42 . He was told to“get his affairs 43 ”.

  But Cousins would have none of it. Because he was a journalist, he was used to doing 44 and so he tried to find a solution. He read and 45 that both his disease and the medicine were draining(消耗)his body of vitamin C.

  He did three things that would be 46 today but were unheard of then.

  Firstly, he left the hospital. He discovered that the culture of 47 and over medication in hospital was not good for his health. He found a doctor who 48 work with him as a team member instead of insisting on being in charge.

  Secondly, he got plenty of vitamin C injections.

  Thirdly, he got a movie projector, not easy in those days, and a pile of 49 movies. He spent a lot of time watching films and laughing. And he didn’t just laugh. 50 being in constant pain, he made a point of laughing until his stomach hurt from it.

  Cousins finally died on November 30, 1990, having 51 years longer than his doctors 52 : 10 years after his first heart attack, 16 years after his collagen(骨膠原) illness, and 26 years after his doctor first 53 his heart disease.

  Can it be proven that 54 added 26 years to Norman Cousins’ life? 55 , but we see above that it 56 the immune system that fights disease. There can be 57 real tests for this. They can’t take two groups of dying people and have one laugh and 58 cry and see who lives. The ethical problems would be enormous and there would be too many variables. We will just have to 59 his word-“ If laughing doesn’t extend life, wouldn’t it be 60 to laugh anyway to make your last days more pleasant?”

  41. A. symptom B. event C. element D. disease

  42. A. death B. survival C. failure D. success

  43. A. in time B. in detail C. in danger D. in order

  44. A. reports B. interviews C. research D. exercise

  45. A. informed B. imagined C. agreed D. discovered

  46. A. usual B. expensive C. beneficial D. important

  47. A. injection B. defeat C. conflict D. distrust

  48. A. could B. should C. must D. would

  49. A. thrilling B. funny C. proper D. historical

  50. A. Apart from B. As a result of C. In terms of D. In spite of

  51. A. survived B. suffered C. won D. experienced

  52. A. observed B. predicted C. cured D. prepared

  53. A. ignored B. operated C. attacked D. detected

  54. A. treatment B. experiment C. medicine D. laughing

  55. A. Not really B. No trouble C. Not at all D. No problem

  56. A. destroys B. forms C. shortens D. strengthens

  57. A. no B. also C. even D. still

  58. A. another B. others C. the other D. the others

  59. A. take B. get C. change D. explain

  60. A. easier B. better C. safer D. worse


  第三部分:英語知識運用(共兩節(jié), 滿分45分)

  第二節(jié)語法填空(共10小題;每小題l.5 分,滿分l5分)


  How do learning habits influence learning results? It’s useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. There is a famous 61 (say) “Good habits lead to good endings”, which shows the importance of habits.

  “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” also 62 (show) how a healthy everyday habit helps to build up our body. Thus, good learning habits can help us gain great learning results, high scores and abundant knowledge 63 (include). At first, learning habits form our ways of thinking and attitudes 64 the content of our learning. 65 (obvious), a good habit can help us to speed up to reach our destinations. As we can see, developing a good habit is so important that I would like to introduce one kind of good learning habit-keeping 66 learning diary every day. We can start the habit by 67 (write) learning summary and remember to record something impressive and 68 (mean). Keep it in mind, 69 gradually we can gain this good learning habit and benefit from it.

  What’s 70 (much), I find out that I still have some bad learning habits as well. I can only concentrate on reading for a short time, and I will conquer this problem by spending more effort on concentration practice.

  I believe that through my efforts, I can gain good learning results by having good habits.

  第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題l分,滿分l0分)







  I’m angry to see some schoolmates throw away food in the school canteen, which make me very concerned. As is we all know, there are still a lot of people who don’t have enough food to eat. Even many people are suffering from hungry every day. In addition, food is a kind of limiting resource. To save food can better preserve our resource and protect the environment.

  However, it’s high time that we should say no to those waste food and realize the importance of saving food. Don’t order too many next time! When you are eating, you should eat up all your food, try your best to reduce the waste. Let’s join our hands together to build a economized campus!

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)

  為了提升同學們的英語口語水平,你們學?,F(xiàn)聘用外籍教師Mr. Smith來校任教。你是學生會主席李華,現(xiàn)代表全校師生做歡迎詞。

  要點如下:1. 歡迎Mr. Smith;

  2. 簡單介紹Mr. Smith先生 (從教20年,經(jīng)驗豐富, 教學專著……);

  3. 表達祝愿。

  要求:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

  2. 不得使用真實姓名和學校名稱;

  3. 首句已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。

  Dear schoolmates,

  We feel greatly honored tonight to be here with Mr. Smith.








  第一部分 聽力(每題1.5分;滿分30分)

  1-5ACBAA 6-10CAACB 11-15CCCAB 16-20ACBCB


  第二部分 閱讀理解(每題2分;滿分40分)




  21.D 推理判斷題。推斷劃線句子的含義,可以根據(jù)句子本身的含義結(jié)合后文推出答案。句中的 “make a splash” 的含義是 “引起轟動”,再結(jié)合下文的“The talented goal scorer was named the Professional Footballers' Association Young Player of the Year in 1997. A year later, he was one of the leading faces of England's World Cup team.”可知答案為D。

  22. A 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段倒數(shù)第二句 “In 2003, he was acquired by Real Madrid in a shocking deal that brought to light Beckham's growing division with Manchester's manager, Sir Alex Ferguson.”可知正確答案為A。

  23. D 細節(jié)題。閱讀全文后可知,本文提到的貝克漢姆加入的足球俱樂部有:Manchester United, Real Madrid, the L. A. Galaxy, Paris Saint-Germain共四個,故答案為D。

  24. B 主旨大意題。通過閱讀全文可知,本文主要內(nèi)容是英國著名足球運動員貝克漢姆的足球生涯,故答案為B。



  25. B 由文章第一段的最后一句話可以看出,全文講述的是當面對公司的錄用通知書時,有哪些原則可供求職者參考,決定是否接受這份工作。

  26. A 在第一項原則中的倒數(shù)第1,2,3句話,①②③均有提及,只有④關(guān)于老板的閑言碎語并未提到。

  27. D 在第三項原則的倒數(shù)第3句話開始,作者告訴我們,如果想要拒絕這份工作,不要說工作或者工資不夠理想,要說自己不能夠勝任這項工作,因此D選項不是一個mistake.

  28. B 由文章第一段的第1,2句話可以看出, “Determining whether to take a job offer can — and should — be a more difficult decision.”決定是否要接受這份工作比求職更難。



  29. D主旨大意題。這篇文章的大意是:科學家們?yōu)閷淼幕鹦侵谜归_了一次為期520天的模擬飛行試驗。

  30. A細節(jié)理解題。文章第一段第一句話 “…to help real space team of the future deal with limited space, stress and tiredness of interplanetary travel” 告訴我們C、D兩項都是困難因素。第四段說明B項也是困難因素之一。在最后一段中,我們可以看出A項中的 “facilities”是用來幫助完成任務(wù)的。因此A項為正確答案。

  31. B 細節(jié)理解題。文章第三段告訴我們這次實驗由俄羅斯主導,其他各國協(xié)作來完成的。

  32. C 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第六段第二句話“Psychological conditions can be even more challenging on an experiment of a flight than a real flight because the team won't experience any of the excitement or dangers of actual space travel..”故C項正確。


  本文是一篇記敘文,講述了Larry Walter不同尋常的實現(xiàn)飛行夢想之旅。

  33.C 通讀全文,文章在第一段開始講到對于Larry來說,不同尋常的是他實現(xiàn)夢想的方式。


  34.D 由第四段第二句話“Finally, he settled at an altitude of 4,000 meters, cold and frightened”


  35.B 語義猜測題。從第四段可知Larry害怕用槍射擊氣球后會使他乘坐的折椅失去平衡,


  work up the nerve表示“鼓起勇氣”。


  36.F 上下文是順承關(guān)系。學生每個學期用大量的紙張,這包括課堂用紙……(It includes…)。

  37. E 上下文是并列關(guān)系。

  38. C 上下文是例證關(guān)系。單詞復現(xiàn)“buy”。

  39. A 起始主題句,關(guān)鍵詞重現(xiàn) “bottle”。

  40. B 上下句是并列關(guān)系,信息詞是“It is also good for…”。

  第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),每題1.5分;滿分45分)


  【語篇導讀】:Cousins 患了一種罕見的疾病——強直性脊柱炎,他用笑作為良藥,結(jié)果比醫(yī)生預測的多活了好幾年。

  答案:41-45 DBDCD 46-50 ABDBD 51-55 ABDDA 56-60DACAB


  41. D. 下文多次提到“his disease”, 可知Cousins 患有一種罕見的疾病——強直性脊柱炎。

  42. B. 由上文“Norman was given a few months to live”可知這里指他只有五百分之一的生存幾率。

  43. D. 醫(yī)生告訴他要把事情安排好。這是醫(yī)生讓病人面對死亡的委婉說法。in time: 及時; in detail:

  詳細地;in danger:處于危險之中;in order:井然有序。

  44. C. 由下文可知他并沒有聽從醫(yī)生的建議,相反,他一直在努力尋求適合自己的治療方法。作記者的工作與他處理問題的方法最接近的是調(diào)查研究,所以選C項 research。

  45. D. 句意:他讀了很多數(shù)并且發(fā)現(xiàn)…,discover 和read是順承關(guān)系。

  46. A. 由“but were unheard of then”可推知他做的事情當時從未被聽說過。

  47. B. 他發(fā)現(xiàn)醫(yī)院這種疾病治療失敗的氛圍和過度用藥對他的健康不利。上文提到他只有五百分之一的治療希望,所以,這里應該是被疾病擊敗的氛圍,故選B。

  48. D.would表示“意愿”

  49. B. 根據(jù)常識,能讓他笑的肚子疼的一定是滑稽的電影。

  50. D. make a point of doing sth 表示“重視做某事,努力做某事”盡管他身體一直疼痛,但是他努力笑,直到笑的肚子疼。apart from除了…之外;as a result of由于; in terms of就…而言;in spite of盡管;

  51. A. survive 意為“比…多活多長時間”, 對應開篇第一句 “Norman was given a few months to live in 1964”,他比醫(yī)生預測的多活了好多年。

  52. B. 見51.解析。

  53. D. 在醫(yī)生第一次發(fā)現(xiàn)(detected) 他的心臟病的26年之后,他才去世。ignore:忽略,

  忽視; operate:動手術(shù),操作;attack: 攻擊。

  54. D. 這里對應Cousins做的第三件事情:He spent a lot of time watching films and laughing.

  55. A. Not really: 不完全如此;No trouble:不麻煩;No problem:沒問題 Not at all:一點


  56. D. 雖然不能完全證明是笑延長了他的壽命,但從他的情況來看,笑確實增強了他的免疫


  57. A. 由下文“They can't take two groups of people ..”可知不會有這樣的測試。

  58. C. One… the other…是固定結(jié)構(gòu),the other 指兩者中的另外一個。

  59. A. 由下文可知這里表示我們要領(lǐng)悟Cousins下面這句話,take 表示“理解,接受”。

  60. B. 句意:“如果笑不能延長生命,那么笑能讓你最后的日子更愉快,不是么?”可以判



  第二節(jié) 語法短文填空 (共10小題,每小題1.5分,滿分15分)

  61.saying 考查名詞。There is a famous saying表示“有一句名言”。

  62.shows 考查動詞的時態(tài)和主謂一致。此處陳述的是客觀事實,應用一般現(xiàn)在時;句子的主語為“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, 謂語動詞用單數(shù)。

  63.included 考查過去分詞。high scores and abundant knowledge和include之間構(gòu)成被動關(guān)系,故用過去分詞,構(gòu)成獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)。

  64.to/towards 考查介詞。Attitudes to/towards表示“對---的態(tài)度”。

  65.Obviously 考查副詞。根據(jù)語境可知,此處應用副詞做狀語。

  66.a 考查冠詞。diary為可數(shù)名詞,故應用不定冠詞a,表示泛指。

  67.writing 考查動名詞。by為介詞,后接動名詞作賓語。

  68.meaningful 考查形容詞。

  69.and 考查固定句型。這是一個固定句型“祈使句+and+陳述句”。

  70.more 考查固定詞組。What’s more表示“而且”。

  第四部分 寫作 (共兩節(jié),滿分35分)

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)

  I’m angry to see some schoolmates throw away food in the school canteen, which make me


  very concerned. As is we all know, there are still a lot of people who don’t have enough food to


  eat. Even many people are suffering from hungry every day. In addition, food is a kind of limiting

  hunger limited

  resource. To save food can better preserve our resource and protect the environment.


  However, it’s high time that we should say no to those ^waste food and realize the

  Therefore who或waste改為wasting

  importance of saving food. Don’t order too many next time! When you are eating, you should eat up all much

  your food, try your best to reduce the waste. Let’s join our hands together to build a economized

  trying an



  1.make 改為 makes, 考查主謂一致。

  2. 刪去is, 改為As we all know, 眾所周知。

  3. hungry 改為 hunger,介詞后用名詞。

  4. limiting 改為limited, 有限的。

  5. resource 改為resources,可數(shù)名詞。

  6. However改為Therefore,上下文是因果關(guān)系。

  7. those 后加who 或者waste 改為wasting。

  8. many 改為much,指代不可數(shù)的東西用much。

  9. try改為trying,現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語.

  10. a改為 an,元音音標開頭的單詞前用an.


  Dear schoolmates,

  We feel greatly honored tonight to be here with Mr. Smith. On behalf of all the teachers and students of our school, I want to express our warm welcome and sincere greetings to our distinguished guest, who has come so far away from America to help us with our English studies.

  Mr. Smith is an experienced language expert devoted to the teaching of English during the past 20 years. He has written many books on English study, all of which are of great help to us. It’s certainly our school’s honor to have Mr. Smith as our English teacher.

  Now, welcome again Mr. Smith! Let’s wish Mr. Smith a pleasant time in his work and life in China.









第三部分:英語知識運用(共兩節(jié), 滿分45分) 第一節(jié):完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分) 閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C、和


  • 廣東歷年高考英語真題2017


  • 廣東高職高考英語試題答案


  • 廣東高職高考英語試卷答案


  • 廣東高職高考英語模擬試題
