

時(shí)間: 劉惠25 分享




  第一部分 聽(tīng)力(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分30分)




  1. What is the man doing?

  A. Offering help. B. Expressing thanks. C. Asking for permission.

  2. Where does this conversation probably take place?

  A. In a library. B. In a restaurant. C. In a supermarket.

  3. What is the woman going to do?

  A. Buy a silk dress. B. Attend a party. C. Wear a new dress.

  4. What does the man probably think of the movie?

  A. Touching. B. Exciting. C. Boring.

  5. Where does this conversation probably take place?

  A. On a plane. B. On a bus. C. In a bookshop.



  6. What can we learn about the man’s country?

  A. The biggest issue is loss of soil and water.

  B. The climate is always wet.

  C. It is more agricultural and has much less industry.

  7. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the conversation?

  A. Water is rationed(定量)in the woman’s country.

  B. Some laws on air pollution have been introduced in the woman’s country.

  C. Air pollution is now on a truly global scale.


  8.Why is the housework divided among the family?

  A. Because Adam’s mother has gone back to work.

  B. Because of Adam’s suggestion.

  C. Because they are all very fond of doing housework.

  9.Who usually does the shopping in this family?

  A. Mother and father.

  B. Father and David.

  C. Mother and Adam.


  10.What’s the man doing?

  A. Making a phone call.

  B. Explaining how to use the phone.

  C. Charging the woman for using the phone.

  11. What’s good about the card?

  A. It saves money.

  B. It’s much safer.

  C. It’s convenient.

  12. What will the woman probably do next?

  A. Ask someone for change.

  B. Call the information office.

  C. Use the man's phone card.


  13. What sort of group does the man play with?

  A. A hip-hop group.

  B. A rock group.

  C. A jazz group.

  14. What is the man busy with this weekend?

  A. A music show.

  B. Band practice.

  C. Band dinner.

  15. How long has the man been playing music?

  A. About twenty years.

  B. About ten years.

  C. About eight years.

  16. What do we know about drummers from the conversation?

  A. They require a lot of musical knowledge.

  B. They are rare parts of jazz music.

  C. They are the man’s least favorite instruments.


  17. Which might be a reason why ancient people painted pictures on the wall of caves?

  A. Because they loved animals.

  B. Because they enjoyed seeing pictures.

  C. Because they thought pictures helpful.

  18. About how many years ago did the Egyptians use pictures as a kind of writing?

  A. 30,000 years ago.

  B. 5,000 years ago.

  C. 1,000 years ago.

  19. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. The Roman alphabet was developed from the Egyptian one.

  B. The Greeks copied their writing system from the Egyptians.

  C. The Egyptian signs later became a kind of alphabet.

  20. What do we learn from the passage?

  A. The Greeks formed no alphabet.

  B. The Roman alphabet is widely used.

  C. The Mediterranean Sea was the first place to find pictures.

  第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分40分)




  David Beckham was born on May 2, 1975, in London. At an early age, Beckham showed his own promise as a footballer, winning the Bobby Soccer Schools National Skills competition at 11. His talent soon caught the notice of Manchester United team officials, who asked him to try out for the club's youth league. By the age of 16, Beckham had left home and was playing for United's training division. Two years later he made the club and by 1995, he was a full-time starter.

  Beckham wasted little time making a splash on the English soccer field. The talented goal scorer was named the Professional Footballers' Association Young Player of the Year in 1997. A year later, he was one of the leading faces of England's World Cup team.

  On the field, Beckham didn't miss a beat. In 1999, he led Manchester United to the Premier League title, the FA Cup championship, and the Champions League title. Thanks to the last minute free kick against Greece in 2001, England qualified for the 2002 World Cup. That same year, Beckham signed a three-year million contract to remain with Manchester United. But Beckham's time with United proved to be shorter than anyone thought. In 2003, he was acquired by Real Madrid in a shocking deal that brought to light Beckham's growing division with Manchester's manager, Sir Alex Ferguson. Spanish soccer fans were thrilled to have their opponent join their team.

  In 2007, the soccer great moved across the Atlantic to sign a reported five-year, $ 250 million deal with the L. A. Galaxy.

  On May 16, 2013, -just days after winning a title with French club Paris Saint-Germain-Beckham announced that he would be retiring at the end of the 2013 season. By 2013, Beckham had been considered as England's wealthiest sportsman, reportedly earning more than million annually.

  21. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph Two mean?

  A. Beckham developed an interest in soccer quickly.

  B. Beckham wasted little time practicing playing soccer.

  C. Beckham became a member of Manchester United quickly.

  D. It didn't take Beckham long to become famous on the England soccer team.

  22. We can know the division between Beckham and Alex Ferguson through ______.

  A. Beckham's joining Real Madrid

  B. 2002 World Cup

  C. Beckham's great achievements

  D. Beckham's injuries

  23. How many football clubs Beckham joined are mentioned in the passage?

  A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

  24. What is the main idea of the passage?

  A. Beckham-the wealthiest sportsman in the world.

  B. Beckham's soccer career.

  C. Beckham has announced his retirement.

  D. How Beckham left Manchester United.


  The HR manager(招聘經(jīng)理) calls with great news: the job is yours. Phew, the hardest part is over, right? Maybe not. Determining whether to take a job offer can — and should — be a more difficult decision. Before you take on a job, you need to evaluate the situation carefully. Here are principles you can follow to ensure you make the right decision.

  Do more in-depth research

  You can find out a lot about a company before you send in your resume, but once you have the offer in hand, it’s time to do more in-depth research. Dig around for the information about the organization, the culture, and your future co-workers. Find company employees on Linked In and see what they say about their job on social media. You also want to find out the organization’s future prospects. In a bad economy, you have to consider whether the company will still be around in a few years.

  Be realistic about your expectations

  Unfortunately, most job searchers do not compare several offers at once. More likely, you’ll say “yes” to your first offer even if you have sent in several resumes. Look at the applications you have filled out and reasonably assess which are likely to hire you. You should compare the offer in hand against a wish list of what you really want in your future job. Besides, you need to think about what kind of an investment an employer will make in you and what bad impacts there will be if you leave. After all, any future employers will look down on quick job switches.

  If you decide to say no

  Saying no to a job offer can be complicated. The last thing you want is for the company to think you played them. If you do say no, remember that never imply that the job or the salary was to blame. Instead, focus on what’s not a good fit. This will keep the door open for the future.

  25. What’s the purpose of this passage?

  A. To provide some suggestions on how to apply for a job.

  B. To provide some specifics on deciding whether to accept a job offer or not.

  C. To warn us some traps when signing a job contract.

  D. To provide some guidelines on how to find a new job.

  26. When you do some in-depth research about a company, which information should be dug in?

 ?、?the employee’s comment about their company

 ?、?the potential risks of the company

 ?、?the outlook of the company

 ?、?some gossip of its boss

  A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ②③④ D. ①③④

  27. Which one is NOT a mistake that a job searcher commits?

  A. Saying yes to his or her first job offer.

  B. Accepting any offer without evaluating the situation.

  C. Switching jobs at will.

  D. Saying “I'm not fit for the job” when declining a job offer.

  28. Which statement is true according to the passage?

  A. Doing some research about a company before applying for a new job is enough.

  B. Deciding whether to take a job offer is more difficult than applying for a new job.

  C. State your reasons frankly why you refuse the job.

  D. You should apply for one job at one time.


  An international team of researchers climbed into a set of windowless steel capsules Thursday to start a 520-day experiment of a flight to Mars planned to help real space team of the future deal with limited space, stress and tiredness of interplanetary travel.

  The six members, all-male and from Russia, France, Colombia and China, will follow a tight rule of experiments and exercise under video monitoring.

  The Mars-500 experiment-conducted by the Moscow-based Institute for Medical and Biological Problems in cooperation with the European Space Agency and China's space training center-aims to reproduce the conditions of space travel, with exception of weightlessness.

  “Certainly, the crew is largely on its own here, with very limited communications with the outside world,” Martin Zell of the ESA's directorate of Human Spaceflight told the Associated Press.

  A real flight to Mars is decades away because of huge costs and various technical challenges, particularly the task of creating an effective shield that will protect the team from deadly space radiation.

  Psychologists said a long time with limited space would put the team under stress as they grow increasingly tired of each other’s company. Psychological conditions can be even more challenging on an experiment of a flight than a real flight because the team won't experience any of the excitement or dangers of actual space travel.

  “The routine is much more than on a real flight; there is a little bit less excitement,” Zell said, “But I think their team spirit, and their determination to go there and to fulfill the whole mission is great.”

  The facility for the experiment is in western Moscow and includes living parts the size of a bus connected with several other parts for experiments and exercise. A separate built-in Red Planet’s surface which is artificial is also attached for the experiment of landing.

  29. The passage is mainly about ______.

  A. a real flight to Mars

  B. the difficulty of a real flight to Mars

  C. the research into space travel

  D. an experiment of a flight to Mars

  30. All of the following account for the hardship of the experiment EXCEPT ______.

  A. the facility for the experiment

  B. very limited communication

  C. limited space

  D. psychology stress

  31. Which country played the most important role in the experiment?

  A. France. B. Russia. C. Colombia. D. China.

  32. Compared to a real flight, the experiment of a flight ______.

  A. costs more money

  B. deals with more space radiation

  C. produces more psychological stress

  D. faces more technological challenges


  Larry Walters' boyhood dream was not an unusual one: He wanted to fly. What was unusual, though, was the way he fulfilled it. After finishing school, Larry joined the U.S. Air Force, but was rejected from pilot-training school because of poor eyesight. However, his dream remained.

  Larry, aged 33, was not a pilot, but a truck driver in Los Angeles. One day, while sitting outside and watching jets fly overhead, an idea came to him that he could use weather balloons to fly.

  A few weeks later, Larry bought 42 one-meter diameter weather balloons. He tied them to a chair and filled them with helium(氦氣). Then he sat down in the chair with some beer, sandwiches, and a gun. Larry's plan was to float about 10 meters above his backyard, enjoy a few hours in the air, and then pop some balloons with his gun to get back down. But things did not go according to Larry's plan.

  When his friends cut the anchor lines, Larry, lifted by the 42 balloons, shot skyward at an astonishing speed. Finally, he settled at an altitude of 4,000 meters, cold and frightened, with his beer and sandwiches for 14 hours.

  Airline pilots heading toward Los Angeles’ busy international airport radioed in reports of the strange sight. Larry's presence in the skies caused numerous planes to be rerouted. Eventually, Larry worked up the nerve to shoot a few balloons and slowly descended, landing in power lines. Uninjured, he climbed down to safety and was arrested by waiting police.

  When asked by a reporter why he had done it, Larry responded, "A man just can’t sit around." Larry fulfilled his dream, and set a record for a gas-filled balloon flight. But it cost him: He was later fined US class="main">


時(shí)間: 劉惠25 分享

  33. What's the main idea of this passage?

  A. Larry became famous because he set a new flying record.

  B. Larry paid the price for his behavior.

  C. Larry realized his dream in an unusual way.

  D. Inspiration is very important to one's success.

  34. Which of the following is true?

  A. Larry planned to fly at a height of 4,000 meters.

  B. Larry was rejected from the US Air Force because of his height.

  C. The police helped him come back to the land

  D. When things did not go according to his plan, Larry felt nervous and terrified.

  35. The underlined part“worked up the nerve”in Paragraph 5 probably means _______.

  A. got a chance B. took his courage C. lost his patience D. woke up



  Ideas to Make Your School a Green Campus

  Universities are doing everything they can to become a green campus. But there are also items students can do to make your camps more eco-friendly.

  1. Recycle everything, especially paper!

  There is a large amount of paper a college student goes through per semester. 36 We know that these things can’t be avoided, but the way you handle the use of all the paper can really help create a better green campus.

  2. Walk and bike to school.

  Most campuses, especially those that are trying to become a more eco-friendly campus, have pretty good public transit. 37 Walking or biking will help make your campus a green university.

  3. Buy green.

  38 paper, cleaning products and water are products that can be purchased as recycled goods. They are slightly more expensive than the normal products, but it’s worth it to make a green campus.

  4. 39

  A water bottle can be refilled at any water fountain and can easily be drunk in class or while riding a bike. This will save the environment by decreasing the amount of plastic waste on your campus.

  5. Buy used clothing.

  It is usually thought of as something to do to save money. 40 Recycling clothes minimizes the use of resources to make clothing and puts a dent in the problem of worldwide sweatshops.

  A.Carry a water bottle.

  B.It is also good for the environment!

  C.Buy recycled goods as much as possible.

  D.Paper made of this kind of wood is much stronger.

  E.On top of that, almost all universities are pedestrian friendly.

  F.It includes class notes, term papers, student newspapers and so on.

  G.Universities call on all the students to learn to recycle all the waste paper.


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