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  第一部分 聽力(1-20小題)在筆試結(jié)束后進(jìn)行。




  例:How much is the shirt?

  A.£19.15. B.£9.15. C.£9.18.


  1.Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A.In a library. B.In a laboratory. C.In a restaurant.

  2.What does the man mean ?

  A.He knows Thomas’ birth date. B.The woman is good with dates. C.He has trouble remembering dates.

  3.What is the weather like now?

  A.Fine B.Hot C.Rainy.

  4.What will the speakers do tomorrow afternoon?

  A.Go to a park. B.Go shopping. C.Eat out with Joe.

  5.What is the man complaining about?

  A.His work. B.The weather. C.The noise from neighbors.




  6.What did Betty do during her stay abroad?

  A.She stayed inside studying all day long.

  B.She had much free time to do sightseeing.

  C.She visited Paris all by herself.

  7.What does Betty say she will do in the future?

  A.She doesn’t want to go to France again.

  B.She can get the chance to travel around France again.

  C.She can’t possibly get the chance to go to France again.


  8.Which team won in the end?

  A.The US team. B.The Spanish team C.The Chinese team.

  9.What’s the woman’s favorite sport?

  A.Basketball. B.Football. C.Ping-pong.


  10.What happened to Cathy last week?

  A.She had a bad cold. B.She infected Ann. C.Ann infected Cathy.

  11.What is the weather like recently?

  A.Cold. B.Hot. C.Changeable.

  12.What does the man think of the sweater?

  A.It looks pretty. B.It doesn’t suit her well. C.It was too expensive.


  13.What probably happened to the man?

  A.He got an offer for a new job. B.He got fired from his job. C.He closed his company.

  14.Why is the woman worried?

  A.The man doesn’t like to work. B.Her business isn’t doing well. C.The man won’t be able to pay the rent.

  15.Where did Daniel use to work?

  A.At a theater. B.At a sandwich shop. C.At a coffee house.

  16.What does the woman suggest the man do?

  A.Live with her. B.Run a business. C.Work for her.


  17.What did the speaker use to think of TV?

  A.It wasted too much of people’s time.

  B.It helped people learn about the world.

  C.TV made people silly and overweight.

  18.What happened to the speaker year?

  A.She turned 65. B.She retired from work. C.She bought a TV set.

  19.What may happen to the speaker when she turns 65?

  A.She may devote all her time to TV and stop reading.

  B.She may graduate from an open university.

  C.She may stop going out in the evenings.

  20.What is the speaker’s only problem?

  A.She can’t find time to read books or go out.

  B.Her hearing and eyesight are gradually failing.

  C.She gets angry when her programs are interrupted.

  第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)




  Grand City Tour with Griffith Park Observatory &Hollywood Sign

  Los Angeles,Hollywood,homes of the movie stars—it’s all here on this Grand Tour!Your tour guide takes great pride in offering amazing customer service,too.Hotel pickups are available at almost any hotel in Hollywood, Downtown LA,Mid-Wilshire,West Hollywood and North Hollywood.

  From: US Dollars

  Movie Star Homes GPS Self-Guided Bike Tour

  Want the flexibility of taking a “whenever you feel like it” Hollywood tour?Here’s the perfect solution.Explore and experience the best of West Hollywood and Beverly Hills on your own time,at your own pace!Cycle past legendary homes and all the places where the rich and famous live,shop,eat and play.And your tour is guided by GPS with an iPad fixed to the bicycle!

  From: .95 US Dollars

  Amazing Scavenger Quest in Los Angeles

  ONLY FOR UP TO 5 PEOPLE!This Amazing Scavenger Quest is an interactive(互動的)adventure that combines the fun of the “Amazing Race” with a three-hour sightseeing tour of historic downtown Los Angeles.Offered at a fixed price for a group as opposed to per person pricing,this city tour/game offers a great value if you’re on a budget.

  From: US Dollars

  Disneyland Excursion from Los Angeles

  See Disneyland in Anaheim,California-roundtrip transportation from any of the designated (指定的)hotels and admission for a day of Disney fun.Pick-up from Downtown Los Angeles,Los Angeles International Airport,Beverly Hills,Santa Monica,Marina del Rey,Culver City and South Bay area hotels.

  From: 9.95 US Dollars

  21.If you like to travel at your own pace,you will most probably be interested in .

  A.Movie Star Homes GPS Self-Guided Bike Tour

  B.Amazing Scavenger Quest in Los Angeles

  C.Grand City Tour with Griffith Park Observatory & Hollywood Sign

  D.Disneyland Excursion from Los Angeles

  22. How much will a family of 4 pay for the Amazing Scavenger Quest in Los Angeles?

  A..00 US Dollars. B..20 US Dollars.

  C..00 US Dollars. D.6.00 US Dollars.

  23. The price of the Disneyland Excursion from Los Angeles includes all the following expenses EXCEPT .

  A.pickup service at some locations B.a one-day ticket to Disneyland

  C.transportation back to some hotels D.a guided tour around Hollywood


  A few years ago,I felt like I was stuck in a rut(車轍),so I decided to follow in the footsteps of the great American philosopher,Morgan Spurlock,and try something new for 30 days.The idea is actually pretty simple.Think about something you’ve always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days.It turns out 30 days is just the right amount of time.

  There’re a few things I learned while doing these 30-day challenges.The first was the time was much more memorable.This was part of a challenge I did to take a picture every day I also noticed that as I started to do more and harder 30-day challenges,my self-recognition grew.I went from a desk-dwelling computer nerd (電腦迷)to the kind of guy who bikes to work.

  Even last year,I ended up hiking up Mt.Kilimanjaro.I would never have been that adventurous before I started my 30-day challenges.

  I also figured out that if you really want something badly enough,you can do anything for 30 days.Have you ever wanted to write a novel?Tens of thousands of people try to write their won 50,000-word novel in 30 days.It turns out that all you have to do is write 1,667 words a day for a month.So I did.

  So here’s my question to your: What are you waiting for?The next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not,so why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot!

  24.The underlined sentence in Para.1 means .

  A.I felt my life was unchanged and boring B.I didn’t like following others’ footsteps

  C.I thought that I was in trouble D.it seemed that my car broke down

  25.The author did all the following things every day to change EXCEPT .

  A.talk about his own experiences B.encourage people to try something new

  C.introduce a new philosophy D.show people the challenges in life

  27.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

  A.Would you like to change yourself? B.Fed up with your life?

  C.Ways to challenge yourself. D.Try something new for 30 days.


  Life in the Internet age is lonely—or is it?That’s what experts in human interaction are debating after a new Stanford University survey has been published.

  According to the study,the more time people spend online,the less they can spare for real-life relationships with family and friends.The researchers asked 113 people about the Web’s influence on daily activities.36% of those people are online for more than five hours a week.”As Internet use becomes more widespread,it will have an increasingly isolating (孤立的) effect on society,”says Robert Kraut,one of the researchers.

  Scholars and Web lovers criticized the study for stretching its data to make the “isolating” point.While 13% of regular Web users admitted the loss of time with loved ones,60% reported watching less TV.The survey also shows that E-mail is the most popular online activity,If some of webheads (網(wǎng)蟲)spend what was once passive TV time keeping company with friends via E-mails,“that’s a move toward greater connectedness,”says Paul Resnick,a professor at the University of Michigan.

  This isn’t the first claim that the Web should be criticized,A 1998 report monitored 73 Pittsburgh-area families’ Net use for a year.People who used the Internet more “talked less to family members and reported being lonelier and more depressed.” says Robert Kraut.

  “It’s true that there have been big declines in social connectedness over the past decades,but those declines began before the Internet was invented,” says Thomas Putnam.

  As Amitay Etzioni says,the Internet gives us a different kind of social life—not better or worse than before,but just different.

  28.Who claimed that the Web had negative influence?

  A.Robert Kraut. B.Paul Resnick. C.Thomas Putnam. D.Amitay Etzioni.

  29.The underlined word “This” in Para.4 refers to .

  A.the study conducted by Stanford University B.the survey made by the University of Michigan

  C.the conclusion in a report written in 1998 D.the opinion expressed in Bowling Alone

  30.From the passage we learn that .

  A.watching TV used to take time away from staying online

  B.36% of web users spend more than five hours a week online

  C.the Web was blamed more than once for causing an isolating effect

  D.the Web has the same influence as telephones and televisions

  31.The passage mainly discusses .

  A.how we can make a better use of the Internet B.whether the Internet causes an isolating effect

  C.how declines in social connectedness appear D.what a different life the Internet brings to us


  Food production does great harm to our environment.There are many procedures involved in the manufacture of food that result in greenhouse gases and other pollutants.Some procedures require the consumption of large amounts of fossil fuels,such as the transportation and storage of food products.Other factors that cause great damage to our environment include the overuse of fresh water.

  The production of beef is more damaging to the environment than that of any other food we consume,Raising large numbers of cattle requires the production of large amounts of food for the animals.It’s estimated that producing one pound of beef requires seven pounds of feed.

  Land use is also a problem.If the cattle are free-range cattle,large areas of land are required for them to live on.This has led to disastrous forest cutting and the loss of rare plants and animal species,particularly in tropical rain forests in Central and South America.

  Another problem specific to beef production is methane emissions (甲烷排放).Although many people are aware of the damaging effects of carbon dioxide,they don’t realize methane’s global warming potential is 25 times worse,making it a more dire problem.

  Unfortunately,beef consumption is growing rapidly.This is the result of simple supply and demand factors.Specifically,there are two main causes of demand that are encouraging the production of more supply.First,the increase in the world population means there are more people to consume meat.The second factor is socioeconomic advancement.As citizens in developing nations become financially stable,they can afford to buy more meat.

  Therefore,one way to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions is for people around the world to significantly cut down on the amount of beef they eat.

  32.Which of the following is TRUE?

  A.Raising free-range cattle is eco-friendly. B.People cut down trees for animal habitats.

  C.Producing beef can damage the environment. D.Carbon dioxide causes far more harm than methane.

  33.The underlined word “dire” in Para.4 means .

  A.urgent B.common C.typical D.avoidable

  34.Beef production is growing rapidly because .

  A.more people are in demand of beef B.developing countries raise more cattle

  C.more land is available to raise cattle D.the cost of raising cattle is relatively low

  35.The author writes this article to .

  A.describe the booming of the beef production B.emphasize the advantages of beef production

  C.condemn the deforestation of the rain forest D.argue for a decrease in beef consumption



  The Case For and Against Homework

  Home work is typically defined as any tasks “assigned to students by school teachers that are meant to be carried out during nonschool hours”.Homework has been a constant topic of believed that homework helped create disciplined minds. 36 Since then,arguments for and against homework have continued to multiply.

  A number of studies have been conducted on homework.Two analyses by Cooper and colleagues are the most comprehensive.They concluded that the relationship between homework and student achievement was found to be positive. 37

  38 The authors of How Homework Is Hurting Our Children and What We Can Do About It criticized both the quantity and quality of homework.They provided evidence that too much homework harms student’s health and family time.They insisted that teachers reduce the amount of homework and avoid homework over breaks and holidays.

  One of the more controversial issues in the homework debate is the amount of time students should spend on homework.Researchers have offered various recommendations. 39 Another question regarding homework is the extent to which schools should involve parents.Some studies have reported minimal positive effects or even negative effects for parental involvement. 40

  Finally,assignments should cause students and their parents or other family members to become engaged in conversations and thus extend the students’ learning.

  A.Inappropriate homework may produce little or no benefit.

  B.Teachers are to blame for providing too much homework.

  C.Doing homework causes improved academic achievement.

  D.Although the research support for homework is powerful,the case against homework is popular.

  E.By 1940,growing concern that homework affected other home activities caused a reaction against it.

  F.Experts recommend parents receive clear rules and teachers do not expect parents to act as experts.

  G.For example,5 to 10 minutes per subject might be appropriate for 4th graders,while 30 to 60 minutes for high school students.

  第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)


  When my husband Ian died in 2014,ten days after being diagnosed with cancer,I was completely broken up.He was just 54.We’d planned to 41 together and live the years to the fullest.

  At first,the 42 of spending the following years of my life without him left me feeling 43 .I was in deep 44 having lost him.But as time passed,I began to 45 that life is so precious,and none of us can 46 what’s around the comer.

  I realized I could sit at home and 47 Ian, 48 I could make the most of every moment of my life.Three months 49 he died,a friend mentioned a choir run by a 50 Tenovus Cancer Care,which was for anyone 51 by cancer.I’ve 52 loved to sing,so I agreed,That decision really has changed my 53 .

  We rehearse (排練) once a week and perform 54 to raise money.We sing inspiring songs like “You’ve Got a Friend” which really 55 all of us.

  Spending time with the choir,I have not only made a whole new friendship circle,but I feel so 56 ,which has been fantastic for my 57 wellbeing.

  I 58 money for the charity too,including travelling a long way to Machu Picchu,where I scattered (播撒) some of Ian’s ashes,I know Ian would 59 my decision to look after myself.

  Living a good life,and finding ways to enjoy my retirement,is the best 60 I can offer him.

  41.A.die B.retire C.live D.sing

  42.A.feeling B.thought C.sense D.hope

  43.A.lost B.tired C.excited D.relaxed

  44.A.trouble B.breath C.shock D.regret

  45.A.wonder B.understand C.forget D.remember

  46.A.change B.doubt C.predict D.leave

  47.A.mourn for B.wait for C.look after D.talk with

  48.A.and B.so C.for D.or

  49.A.before B.after C.since D.as

  50.A.charity B.company C.club D.hospital

  51.A.killed B.defeated C.scared D.affected

  52.A.hardly B.seldom C.always D.often

  53.A.mind B.life C.dream D.goal

  54.A.dances B.plays C.services D.concerts

  55.A.amuse B.interest C.push D.impress

  56.A.skillful B.cautious C.secure D.positive

  57.A.mental B.physical C.social D.economical

  58.A.spend B.save C.raise D.earn

  59.A.approve of B.care about C.be opposed to D.be sorry about

  60.A.award B.experience C.comfort D.help


  第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)



  On the first day of her work,Sally found that a class full of problems was waiting for her.She was told six teachers 61 (quit) before her.When she walked into the classroom,it was chaos: two boys were fighting in a corner,yet 62 rest of the class seemed not to notice them; some girls were chatting and some were running about with paper,food packages and other garbage 63 (leave) everywhere.

  Sally walked onto the platform, 64 (pick) up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard: “Rule 1: We are family!” All students stopped 65 (look) at her.And she continued with Rule 2,Rule 3…In the following weeks, Sally worked out 10 class rules and posted them 66 the walls of the classroom.She patiently explained all the rules to the students and required everyone to follow them.

  67 (surprise),Sally was not driven out like the former teachers; 68 ,she won respect from the students.Over the years,she witnessed gradual changes in the class.At the graduation ceremony,just 69 she expected,she was very proud to stand with a class of care,manners and 70 (confident).

  第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)






  Born in America,Thomas Edison was a great scientist and an inventor.He was once thought to be a boy whom was not worth educating.In fact,he was a man full of imaginations.

  I admire Edison a lot because his great contributions to the world.He is said to having more than 1,000 inventions. In his lifetime,he were always eager to know how things worked.He was also very diligent and work day and night.And this explained why he had so much great inventions.

  Success can never be easy achieved. Probably I can’t be another Edison himself,but I will work hard to be a worthy person.

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(dá) (滿分25分)


  1.活動簡介; 2.支持理由; 3.支持者理由; 4.你的觀點。

  支持者理由 聯(lián)系父母方便;上網(wǎng)便捷,有意學(xué)習(xí)

  反對者理由 影響學(xué)習(xí);手機(jī)游戲消磨意志




  Smart phones are becoming more and more of a necessity for high school students.


  1.C 【命題立意】考查學(xué)生對所聽內(nèi)容簡單推斷的能力。

  【試題解析】由對話中女士所說的“May I take your order now?”可知答案為C。

  2.C 【命題立意】考查學(xué)生對所聽內(nèi)容簡單推斷的能力。

  【試題解析】由對話中男士所說的“Don’t ask me. I’m not good with dates.”可知答案為C。

  3.C 【命題立意】考查學(xué)生對所聽內(nèi)容獲取事實性具體信息的理解能力。

  【試題解析】由對話中男士所說的“The rain won't last long. The radio says it'll be fine later on.”可知答案為C。

  4.B 【命題立意】考查學(xué)生對所聽內(nèi)容獲取事實性具體信息的理解能力。

  【試題解析】由對話中女士所說的“We can do that in the afternoon, and come here in the morning.” 可知答案為B。

  5.C 【命題立意】考查學(xué)生對所聽內(nèi)容獲取事實性具體信息的理解能力。

  【試題解析】由對話中男士所說的“Excuse me, madam. I am trying to do some work now. I’m afraid your children are making too much noise.”可知答案為C。

  6.A 【命題立意】考查學(xué)生對所聽內(nèi)容獲取事實性具體信息的理解能力。

  【試題解析】由對話中女士所說的“Everyday I had to stay inside all day long. I didn't have much free time to do any sightseeing, so I was only shown around the city of Paris.”可知答案為A。

  7.B 【命題立意】考查學(xué)生對所聽內(nèi)容簡單推斷的能力。

  【試題解析】由對話中女士所說的“I’ll have many chances to go to France in the future, so I can travel around the country some other time.”可知答案為B。

  8.A 【命題立意】考查學(xué)生對所聽內(nèi)容獲取事實性具體信息的理解能力。

  【試題解析】由對話中男士所說的“Finally, the American team beat the Spanish.”可知答案為A。

  9.C 【命題立意】考查學(xué)生對所聽內(nèi)容獲取事實性具體信息的理解能力。

  【試題解析】由對話中女士所說的“In fact, I m not so interested in basketball. My favorite sport is ping-pong.”可知答案為C。


  【試題解析】由對話中女士所說的“I had a bad cold and had to stay in bed for two days.”可知答案為A。


  【試題解析】由對話中男女雙方所說的“One day is hot and the next day is cold. And very windy, too.”可知答案為C。


  【試題解析】由對話中女士所說的“Pretty, isn't it?” 以及男士說所的“It certainly is.”可知答案為A。


  【試題解析】由對話中男士所說的“I didn’t want to tell you, but I lost my job last week.” 可知答案為B。


  【試題解析】由對話中女士所說的“What about the rent? How are you going to pay it?”和“…but I can't pay my little brother's rent forever. We'll have to move to a cheaper place soon if you don’t get another job.”可知答案為C。


  【試題解析】由對話中男士所說的“I thought my job at the theater was perfect.”可知答案為A。


  【試題解析】由對話中女士所說的“I know you're a great cook and you’ve always wanted to open your own sandwich shop. Why don't you try to do that?” 可知答案為B。


  【試題解析】由獨白中第二句所說的“I thought that people spent too much time watching it.”可知答案為A。


  【試題解析】由獨白中“Last year I turned 60 and I retired from my job.”可知答案為B。


  【試題解析】由獨白中“In fact, I think I may follow one of the Open University TV courses next year. Perhaps I’ll get a degree when I'm 65.”可知答案為B。


  【試題解析】由獨白中“There's only one problem. I get quite angry when people interrupt my favorite programs.”可知答案為C。

  第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié), 滿分40分)






  【試題解析】根據(jù)第二部分“Movie Star Homes GPS Self-Guided Bike Tour”中“Explore

  and experience the best of West Hollywood and Beverly Hills on your own time, at your own pace!”,可知答案為A。


  【試題解析】根據(jù)第三部分“Amazing Scavenger Quest in Los Angeles”中“ONLY FOR UP TO 5 PEOPLE!”和“Offered at a fixed price for a group as opposed to per person pricing”,可知答案為C。


  【試題解析】根據(jù)第四部分“Disneyland Excursion from Los Angeles”內(nèi)容,可知答案為D。




  【試題解析】根據(jù)后文“so I decided to follow in the footsteps of the great American philosopher, Morgan Spurlock, and try something new for 30 days.”,可知答案為A。


  【試題解析】根據(jù)第二段中“take a picture”和“bikes to work”,第四段中“all you have to do is write 1,667words a day for a month. So I did.”,可知答案為D。


  【試題解析】作者整篇文章的目的就是鼓勵讀者去嘗試一下自己想做的事情,尤其是最后一段“What are you waiting for?”,可知答案為B。






  【試題解析】根據(jù)第三段中“As Internet use becomes more widespread, it will have an increasingly isolating (孤立的)effect on society,”可知答案為A。


  【試題解析】本句話意為“這并不是批評網(wǎng)絡(luò)(的消極影響)的第一個論斷。”This指代的是Stanford University開展的調(diào)查研究??芍鸢笧锳。








  【試題解析】根據(jù)第二段“The production of beef is more damaging to the environment than that of any other food we consume.”可知答案為C。




  【試題解析】由第五段“This is the result of simple supply and demand factors.”可知答案為A。


  【試題解析】由最后一段可知,本文的寫作目的是呼吁人們“cut downon the amount of beef people eat”以減少對環(huán)境的破壞,可知答案為D。

  第二節(jié) (共5小題;每小題2分, 滿分10分)








  【試題解析】本段主要承接上一段來論述作業(yè)給學(xué)生帶來的消極影響,故選既可承上又可啟下的段落主題句, 可知答案為D。


  【試題解析】根據(jù)前句中“various recommendations”, 可知本題應(yīng)該談到具體的關(guān)于作業(yè)時間的建議形式??芍鸢笧镚



  第三部分英語知識運用 (共兩節(jié), 滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)






















  【試題解析】根據(jù)54空后“to raise money”及58空后“for the charity”,可知答案為A。










  【試題解析】從“inspiring songs”可以知道這些歌曲都是打動人的,可知答案為D。






  【試題解析】作者除了跟合唱團(tuán)一起為慈善盡力,自己也通過個人活動來籌集善款(raise money),可知答案為C。






  第三部分英語知識運用 (共兩節(jié), 滿分45分)

  第二節(jié) (共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)



  61. had quit(ted)


  【試題解析】辭職動作發(fā)生在“She was told”之前,故填過去完成時。

  62. the


  【試題解析】“the rest of...”為固定短語,表示“其余的”。

  62. left



  64. picked



  65. to look


  【試題解析】所有學(xué)生都停下當(dāng)時所做的事情來看老師,故使用“stop to look”。

  66. on/onto


  【試題解析】把規(guī)則張貼到墻上,故使用“post...on/onto the wall”。

  67. Surprisingly



  68. instead



  69. as


  【試題解析】正如她所期待的那樣。as 引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句。

  70. confidence



  第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)



  71. 【命題立意】考查冠詞。

  【試題解析】前后兩個名詞同指一個人,所以去掉 “inventor”前面的“an”。

  72. 【命題立意】考查關(guān)系代詞。


  73. 【命題立意】考查名詞。


  74. 【命題立意】考查介詞。


  75. 【命題立意】考查非謂語動詞。

  【試題解析】be said to do, 所以have用原形。

  76. 【命題立意】考查主謂一致。


  77. 【命題立意】考查動詞時態(tài)。


  78. 【命題立意】考查形容詞及名詞的可數(shù)性。


  79. 【命題立意】考查副詞。

  【試題解析】此處easily用來修飾謂語動詞be achieved。

  80. 【命題立意】考查反身代詞。


  第二節(jié) 書面表達(dá) (滿分25分)

  Smart phones are becoming more and more of a necessity for high school students. Therefore, today in our English class a discussion was held about whether we senior school students should use our smart phones at school. Opinions are different.

  Students who are in favor of it consider it convenient to contact their parents when necessary. Besides, they point out it is smart phones that give them access to the Internet and thus benefit their study. While others hold the opposite opinion. They find it easy for some students to be addicted to playing the smart phones, which has a negative effect on their studies. Worse still, it can also discourage students’ will.

  Personally, as long as you can control yourself and use it properly, you can take it.









有動力而無壓力,緊張而不焦慮,迅速而不慌亂。祝高考成功!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的2017山東成人高考英語試題,僅供大家參考! 2017山東成人高考英語試題 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 聽力(1-20小題)在筆試結(jié)束后進(jìn)行。 注意事項:英語聽力共兩節(jié),共20小題;每小題1


  • 2017全國英語高考真題一卷

    沒有那么多的想象,只有更多的踏實與努力!加油,祝高考成功!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的2017全國英語高考真題一卷,僅供大家參考! 2017全國英語高考

  • 2017全國英語高考真題解析

    非學(xué)無以廣才,非志無以成學(xué)。祝高考成功!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的2017全國英語高考真題,僅供大家參考! 2017全國英語高考真題 第 I 卷 第一部分:

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    從容應(yīng)對高考,自信邁向未來。自信創(chuàng)造奇跡,拼搏續(xù)寫神話。祝高考成功!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的2017全國英語高考真題,僅供大家參考! 2017全國

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    為六月最后高考拼搏,穩(wěn)做王者看誰與爭鋒?祝高考成功!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的2017全國英語高考真題,僅供大家參考! 2017全國英語高考真題 第I卷