

時間: 雪珠631 分享



  一、Listen and choose.(聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞 共5)

  ( ) 1. A. lunch B.math C. class

  ( ) 2. A. slippers B.sneakers C. pototoes

  ( ) 3. A. cucumber B.cloudy C.cool

  ( ) 4. A. windy B.rainy C.sunny

  ( ) 5. A. these B. those C.shoes

  二、Listen and choose.(聽錄音,選答語補全句子 共5)

  ( ) 1.What’s the weather _____ in Beijing?

  A ./ B. like C. likes

  ( ) 2.----What colour is your_____? ---- ____________.

  A. shirt B. T-shirt C.skirt

  ( )3.Let’s go to the_______ to have some chicken.

  A. TV room B. art room C. canteen

  ( ) 4.It’s _____ in Harbin.

  A.windy B. cloudy C. hot

  ( ) 5.This is the ______

  A.music room B.computer room C.teacher’s desk

  三、Listen and choose.(聽錄音,選擇所聽句子的最佳答語 共5)

  ( ) 1. A.Yes,they are. B. Yes,they aren’t.

  ( ) 2. A.It’s my t-shirt. B. No,it’s not.

  ( ) 3. A. Thank you. B. Yes.

  ( ) 4. A. They are goats. B. They are goat.

  ( ) 5. A. It’s 11 o’clock. B. Eleven.

  四、Listen and number.(聽錄音,給圖片標上序號 共5)

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  ( ) ( )

  五、Listen and judge(聽句子,與所聽內(nèi)容一致的“T”不一致“F” 共5)

  ( ) 1.The canteen is on the second floor.

  ( ) 2. These are your baby pants.

  ( ) 3. Are they sheep? ---Yes,they are.

  ( ) 4. My socks are white. Xk b1 .co m

  ( ) 5.It’s7:00.It’s time for breakfast.

  六、Listen and colour.(聽錄音,給圖片涂上顏色 共5)

  1. 2. 3.

  4. 5.

  七、Listen and tick“T”or“F”.(聽錄音,判斷正誤 共5)

  1. 2. 3.

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  4. ( ) 5. ( )

  八、Listen and write.(聽錄音,寫一寫,把下面句子補充完整 共5)、

  1. Look at the .They are fat.

  2. The is pretty, but it’s too expensive.

  3. I want a water watermelon and bananas.

  4. --- Mr monkey, is it cold? ---No, it’s not. It’s .

  5.We have a new room.


  一、 Read and find.(讀一讀,選出不同類的單詞 共5)

  ( ) 1. A.gym B.TV C. TV rooom

  ( ) 2. A.boots B.pants C.jeans

  ( ) 3. A.warm B.cold C. dress

  ( ) 4. A.fat B.duck C.rabbit

  ( ) 5. A.rainy B.windy C.seven

  二、Look and write.(看圖,寫單詞 共5)

  三、Watch and judge.(仔細觀察,判斷劃線部分讀音是否一致,一致的“T”不一致“F” 共5)

  ( ) 1. A. nose B. home ( ) 2. A. pig B.bike

  ( ) 3. A. cat B.cake ( ) 4. A. music B. B. student

  ( ) 5. A. egg B.red

  四. 看圖,根據(jù)句意選擇正確的單詞填空 共5)

  A.boots B.expensive C. library D. snowy E. How many

  1. _______ pears?-----Two.

  2.The skirt is 100yuan,very _______ .

  3.Today is _______.Put on your _______.

  4.Go to the ________ . Read some books.

  五. Read and find.(讀一讀將右欄前的序號寫在相應(yīng)問句前的括號內(nèi) 共5)

  A B

  ( ) 1.What time is it? A. It’s on the second floor.

  ( ) 2.Are they goats? B. Yes, you can.

  ( ) 3.Whose is this T-shirt? C. It’s eight o’clock.

  ( ) 4.Where is the music room? D.It’s Amy’s.

  ( ) 5. Can I wear my new shirt today? E. Yes,they are.

  六、Read and choose.(選擇填空 共5)

  ( ) 1. ----How much is this pretty dress? ---- ____________.

  A. It is 98 yuan. B.They are 98 yuan. C.Great.

  ( ) 2.It’s rainy today. Let’s _____!

  A. go to the playground B. play football C. watch TV

  ( ) 3. ----Can I help you? ---- ____________.

  A.Yes. How much is it? B.It’s pretty. C.You are welcome.

  ( ) 4.----Where is the TV room? ---- It’s on the _____ floor.

  A. one B. first C. two

  ( ) 5.----Is this your T-shirt? ----_____________.

  A. No,it is. B.Yes, it is. C. Yes,it isn’t.

  七、Read and match(讀一讀,連線 共5)

  1. What are these? ---They are cats.

  2. Take off your jackets.

  3. It’s hot today.I can wear my T-shirt.

  4. Go to the canteen.Eat some noodles.

  5. It’s windy .Hold on to your hat.

  八、Read and number. (讀一讀,排順序 共5)

  ( ) What colour is it?

  ( ) Is this your sweater?

  ( 1 ) Where is my sweater?

  ( ) Black.

  ( ) No,it’s not.

  ( 7 ) It’s my sister’s.

  ( ) Whose is it?

  九、Read and match.(看圖回答問題 共5)

  1. How many hens ?

  2. Is this your art room?

  3. What’s the weather like?

  4.Are they horses?

  5. What time is it?

  十、Put the words in the right order.(連詞成句 共5)

  1. Is cold it (?)

  2. your That computer is ( .)

  3. time English It’s for class( .)

  4. are much How they ( ? )

  5. What is colour it ?

  十一、Read and fill in the blanks、(閱讀短文,選擇合適的句子補全對話、共5)

  Amy: Hello.

  Chen Jie: Hi,Amy! ___________

  Amy: Not much.

  Chen Jie: _____________________

  Amy: It’ rainy. How ahout Linyi?

  Chen Jie: ____________

  Amy: Oh,no,my pictures!

  Chen Jie: What’s the matter ,Amy?

  Amy: It’s windy now . ___________ Bye!

  Chen Jie: OK._______

  A. What’s the weather like in Shanghai?

  B. Goodbye

  C. What are you doing?