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時(shí)間: 楚薇20 分享



例1:There has been much hand-writing about how unprepared American students are for college. Graff reverses this perspective, suggesting that colleges are unprepared for students. In his analysis, the university culture is largely (i)______ entering students because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp. Understandably, many students view academic life as (ii)______ ritual.

Blank (i)

primed for

opaque to

essential for

Blank (ii)

an arcane

a laudable


此題兩個(gè)空格是孤立的,可以分別通過(guò)與各自相關(guān)的邏輯關(guān)系來(lái)進(jìn)行推斷??崭?i)可以通過(guò)第一、二句話的描述來(lái)進(jìn)行推斷,同時(shí)也可以用 “because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp”進(jìn)行推斷,表示的是對(duì)學(xué)生來(lái)說(shuō)“unprepared”的意思,即負(fù)面的評(píng)價(jià),所以答案為“opaque to”。同理,空格(ii)也要表明學(xué)生對(duì)學(xué)術(shù)生活“不理解”的態(tài)度,因此答案為“an arcane(known or knowable only to the initiate)”。

例2:Most artists maintain an attitude of (i)______ toward their own work. They know, better than any critic would know, how their art (ii)______ their ambitions. The artist would demand of his admirer, Do you really think this is the best I am capable of? Henri Cartier-Bresson’s dismissal of his life’s work in photography, however, is (iii)______: it seems almost contempt, or even hatred, not just for his achievement but for the medium itself.

Blank (i)

extraordinary hubris

irremediable disdain;

healthy disrespect

Blank (ii)

falls far short of

eventually transcends

subtly realizes

Blank (iii)

entirely comprehension

at another level altogether

at odds with his achievement

此題為包含三個(gè)空格,但是和例3不同的是它的空格不再是孤立的,而是存在相互的邏輯關(guān)系。首先從空格(ii)后的句子可以看出,藝術(shù)家對(duì)自己的能力是不確定的,是懷疑的,所以空格(ii)應(yīng)該體現(xiàn)出對(duì)“ambitions”的不確信和懷疑,即負(fù)面動(dòng)作。因此,空格(ii)答案為“falls far short of”。此時(shí),空格(i)應(yīng)該和空格(ii)體現(xiàn)同樣的含義,即“對(duì)自己的能力缺乏信心”,因此“healthy disrespect”為正確答案??崭?iii)則是相對(duì)孤立的,由它前面的“however”可以看出,空格(iii)要體現(xiàn)和前面兩個(gè)空格相對(duì)的含義,所以“at another level altogether”為正確答案。



bucolic adj.鄉(xiāng)村的,牧羊的

rural adj.鄉(xiāng)村的

rustic adj.鄉(xiāng)村的,鄉(xiāng)土氣的

rusticate  n.過(guò)鄉(xiāng)間生活

predial adj 土地的,鄉(xiāng)村的

campestral adj 田野的,農(nóng)村的

paysage n 鄉(xiāng)村景色,風(fēng)景

pastoral adj.田園生活的,寧?kù)o的

eclogue n.田園詩(shī),牧歌

idyll n.田園生活,田園詩(shī)

madrigal n.合唱曲,情詩(shī),牧歌

boor n.舉止粗野的人,鄉(xiāng)下人

corny adj.平談無(wú)奇的,鄉(xiāng)巴佬的

yeoman n.自耕農(nóng),鄉(xiāng)下人

yokel n.鄉(xiāng)巴佬

bumpkin n 粗人,鄉(xiāng)巴佬

hillbilly n 鄉(xiāng)下人,鄉(xiāng)巴佬


adumbrate v.(對(duì)將來(lái)事件)預(yù)示

apocalyptic adj  預(yù)示災(zāi)禍的,啟示的

augury n.預(yù)言,征兆,占卜

bode v.預(yù)示

extrapolate v.預(yù)測(cè),推測(cè)

forebode v.預(yù)兆,兇兆

foreboding n.預(yù)感,預(yù)兆

forerunner n.預(yù)兆,前兆,先驅(qū).

herald n.傳令官,預(yù)示

hunch n.直覺(jué),預(yù)感

omen n.征兆、預(yù)兆

ominous adj.預(yù)兆的、不祥的

portend v.預(yù)兆,預(yù)示

precognition n.預(yù)感,早知

predictable adj.可預(yù)知的,平庸的

prefigure v.預(yù)示,預(yù)想

presage n.預(yù)感,不祥感v.預(yù)示

prevision n.先見(jiàn),預(yù)感

prognosticate v.預(yù)測(cè),預(yù)示

sibyl n.女預(yù)言家,女先知

sibylline adj.預(yù)言的

fatidic adj 預(yù)言的

vaticinate v 預(yù)言,預(yù)告

foretaste v 預(yù)示,跡象,先嘗試

foreordain v 預(yù)先注定

diviner n 卜者,占卦者,預(yù)言者

foreshadow vt 成為前兆,暗示,預(yù)示

premonition n 預(yù)告,預(yù)感,征兆

prophet n 預(yù)言者,先知,提倡者

prophecy n 預(yù)言,預(yù)言能力

auspicious adj.幸運(yùn)的,吉兆的

harbinger n.先驅(qū),先兆

portent n.兇兆,異兆

portentous adj.兇兆的,有危險(xiǎn)的

precursor n.先驅(qū),先兆


atone v.贖罪,補(bǔ)償

atonement n.贖罪,彌補(bǔ)

expiate v.贖罪,補(bǔ)償

inexpiable adj.不能補(bǔ)償?shù)?/p>

ransom n.贖金,贖身,v.贖回,解救

redeem v.贖罪,實(shí)踐(諾言)

redemption n.贖罪

irredeemable a.不能贖回的

amortize v.分期償還

compensate v.補(bǔ)償,賠償

indemnify v.賠償,償付

indemnification n.賠償,賠償金

liquidate v.清除,清償,停止

recompense v.報(bào)酬,賠償

reimburse v.償還

reimbursement n.償還(的款項(xiàng))

remunerate v.報(bào)酬,補(bǔ)償

reparation n.賠償,補(bǔ)償

restitution n.歸還,賠償

retrieval n.取回,補(bǔ)償

solvent adj.有償債能力的,n.溶劑

insolvent adj.無(wú)錢還債的

solvency n.溶解力,· 還債能力

assoil v 赦免,· 釋放,· 補(bǔ)償,· 贖

recoup v 重獲,· 補(bǔ)償

quietus n(債務(wù)的)償清,· 平息

offset v 抵銷,· 補(bǔ)償

extinguish vt 熄滅,消滅,償清

foreclose v.排除,· 取消抵押品的贖回權(quán)

moratorium n.停止償付,· 禁止

