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時間: 小鈿1254 分享



  1.I`m not guessing,I really know 我不是在猜想,我真的知道。

  2.It`s time to tell her the truth 是該告訴她真相的時候了。

  3.Let`s watch TV with a candle on 咱們點上蠟燭看電視吧。

  4.Most games cost about that much 大部分游戲差不多都是這個價錢。

  5.My parents want me to go abroad 我父母想讓我出國。

  6.She has been collecting stamps 她一直收集郵票。

  7.There are many stars in the sky 天上有很多星星。

  8.We get to London this afternoon 我們是今天下午到達倫敦的。

  9.What about having a pizza first? 先吃點比薩餅怎么樣?


  11.久仰!I've heard so much about you

  12.好久不見了!Long time no see

  13.辛苦了!You've had a long day You've had a long flight

  14.尊敬的朋友們!Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends

  15.閣下(多用于稱呼大使) Your Excellency

  16.我代表北京市政府歡迎各位朋友訪問北京。On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing

  17.對您的大力協(xié)助,我謹(jǐn)代表北京市政府表示衷心的感謝。On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance

  18.在北京過得怎么樣?How are you making out in Beijing?

  19.我一定向他轉(zhuǎn)達您的問候和邀請。I'll surely remember you and your invitation to him

  20.歡迎美商來北京投資。American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing

  21.歡迎多提寶貴意見。Your valuable advice is most welcome

  22.不虛此行! It's a rewarding trip!

  23.您的日程很緊,我們的會見是否就到此為止。As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time

  24.請代我問候王先生。Please remember me to MrWang

  25.感謝光臨!Thank you so much for coming

  26.歡迎再來!Hope you'll come again

  27.歡迎以后多來北京!Hope you'll visit Beijing more often

  28.請留步,不用送了!I will see myself out, please

  29.多保重!Take care!

  30.祝您一路平安!Have a nice trip!

  31.愿為您效勞!At your service!

  32.為…舉行宴會/宴請Host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of …

  33.歡迎宴會Welcome dinner

  34.便宴Informal dinner


  36.便餐Light meal

  37.工作午餐Working luncheon

  38.自助餐 Buffet dinner/luncheon

  39.答謝宴會Return dinner

  40.告別宴會Farewell dinner

  41.慶功宴Glee feast


  43.雞尾酒會Cocktail party

  44.茶話會Tea party

  45.包餐/點餐Table d'hote/a la carte

  46.上菜Serve a course

  47.您的位置在這里。Here is your seat

  48.請入席!Please have a seat

  49.歡聚一堂Enjoy this happy get-together

  50.請隨便!Please make yourself at home/Please enjoy yourself