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時(shí)間: 小潔21242 分享



  1. exert a far-reaching impact on… 對(duì)···產(chǎn)生一種深遠(yuǎn)的影響

  2. lay a solid foundation for… 為···打下良好的基礎(chǔ)

  3. pose a threat to… 對(duì)···產(chǎn)生威脅

  4. compared to/ with… 與···相比

  5. be closely interrelated with… 與···有密切關(guān)系

  6. give publicity to… 宣傳···

  7. narrow the gap between… 縮小了···的鴻溝

  8. lighten the burden of… 減輕了···的負(fù)擔(dān)

  9. be attractive to… 對(duì)···具有吸引力

  10. have quick and easy access to… 更快地接觸到···

  11. give a big push to the development of… 給···予極大地推動(dòng)

  12. be easily taken in by… 容易受到···的欺騙

  13. cultivate a strong sense of … 培養(yǎng)了強(qiáng)烈的···感

  14. tap one’s potential 挖掘某人的潛能

  15. concentrate one’s attention on… 關(guān)注···

  16. be fully aware of… 充分意識(shí)到···

  17. report on… 報(bào)道···

  18. invade one’s privacy 侵?jǐn)_了···的隱私

  19. be a great comfort to… 對(duì)···來(lái)說(shuō)是一個(gè)巨大安慰

  20. provide sb. with sth. 給···提供···

  21. be inconceivable to sb. 對(duì)···來(lái)說(shuō)是難以想象的

  22. in the disguise of… 打著···的幌子

  23.keep sb. informed about sth. 使人們了解···

  24. have unhealthy and harmful effects on… 對(duì)···有不良影響

  25. deprive sb. of one’s imagination and creativity 使···喪失想象力和創(chuàng)造力

  26. jeopardize one’s health 危害健康

  27. be exposed to… 接觸到···

  28. find its way into every family 進(jìn)入千家萬(wàn)戶

  29. be fascinated by… 被···所吸引

  30. be sick of… 對(duì)···厭倦

  31. be detached from… 與···隔絕

  32. conflict with… 與···沖突

  33. give special care to… 給予···特殊照顧

  34. be vulnerable to… 易于患上···

  35. on the brink of… 處于···的邊緣

  36. put the blame on… 歸咎于···

  37. be attributable to… 歸因于···

  38. give priority to… 優(yōu)先考慮···

  39. put other’s life at risk 使別人的生命處于危險(xiǎn)之中

  40. excessive intake of… 吃過(guò)多的···

  41. have difficulty in doing sth. 做···很難

  42. take rigorous action against … 采取嚴(yán)厲的措施打擊···

  43. impose tighter restrictions on… 在···上實(shí)施嚴(yán)厲的限制

  44. subject to… 受···約束

  45. launch massive campaigns 開(kāi)始大規(guī)模的宣傳活動(dòng)

  46. educate the public about… 給大眾提供···教育

  47. impose heavy fines on… 在···上實(shí)施大額罰款

  48. lift out of… 擺脫···

  49. increase demand for… 對(duì)···增加

  50. harness the power of… 利用···的力量










