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  SU:( Switch user切換用戶),可讓一個普通用戶切換為超級用戶或其他用戶,并可臨時擁有所切換用戶的權(quán)限,切換時需輸入欲切換用戶的密碼;那么你知道linux 用戶切換su 命令橫杠的作用么?接下來是小編為大家收集的linux 用戶切換su 命令橫杠的作用,歡迎大家閱讀:

  linux 用戶切換su 命令橫杠的作用

  1. 首先用help理解su,sudo su,sudo

  2. 其次理解"login shell" and "interactive shell".

  "When Bash starts executes the commands in a variety of different scripts.

  (1) When started as an interactive login shell: Bash reads and executes the /etc/profile (if it exists). After reading that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile in that order, and reads and executes the first one (that exists and is readable). When a login shell exits: Bash reads and executes ~/.bash_logout (if it exists).

  (2) When started as an interactive shell (but not a login shell): Bash reads and executes ~/.bashrc (if it exists)."

  顯然login shell和interactive shell在環(huán)境的設(shè)置上是存在差別的,詳細可以參考:http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.user/browse_thread/thread/2b71ecfc45789958/7bff24e3bae74b36?lnk=raot

  3. 然后su命令的橫杠就非常容易理解了,參數(shù)橫杠-, 是為了讓切換獲取的shell是一個login shell

  -, -l, --login make the shell a login shell

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2.linux su命令參數(shù)及用法詳解

