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時(shí)間: 慧媛1041 分享



  When holiday comes, thousands of people pour into the tourist sites, they want to relax themselves and enjoy the beautiful scenery. But Chinese people have a bad habit, they like to leave some notes on the site, proving them have been here before. Such a behavior has been criticized by the public, because the leaving note will damage the preservation of the tourist site. Most of the tourist sites are part of our country's historical relics, these sites are priceless, it is everyone's duty to protect the sites. When we go to travel, we should behave ourselves. First, we need to have the idea that no rubbish being leaved behind when we leave the site. We should take away what we bring, keep the environment clean. Second, no any notes being written in the sites. Though in the old days, Chinese workers like to leave their names on the sites, but now it is a new world, we need to behave ourselves.


  Summer Holiday Plan

  Many classmates ask me about my plan for summer holiday. How I wish I could have a colorful and fruitful holiday, so I have decided to do a part-time job during the summer vacation. On the one hand, I can earn some pocket money by doing a part-time job. I can spend them freely, because they are earned by myself. On the other hand, I can accumulate some practical experience by doing a part-time job. They can’t be learned in the class or from text books. Besides, I will go over my study and do some preview. I don’t want to waste the summer holiday.


  On Holiday Travel

  For most people, they will choose to travel during holiday because they want to relieve themselves from the high pressure of work. However, it happens quite often that people often ran into traffic jams on the way to travel. Some people think that we can relax ourselves by traveling no matter of how many people there. Some people would rather to stay in home than going out to travel because they think there are too many people swarm into the scenic spots. In my point of view, I would rather to stay indoors rather than going out to travel. Reasons are listed below.

  對(duì)于許多人來(lái)說(shuō),都會(huì)選擇假期旅游,因?yàn)樗麄兿胍獜木薮蟮墓ぷ鲏毫χ薪夥抛约?。但是,在去旅游的路上遇到交通堵塞的事情?jīng)常發(fā)生。一些人認(rèn)為不管有多少 人,我們還是可以通過(guò)旅游來(lái)放松自己。一些人情愿呆在家里也不遠(yuǎn)出去旅游,因?yàn)樗麄冇X(jué)得旅游景點(diǎn)的人太多了。就我看來(lái),我情愿呆在家里也不遠(yuǎn)走出去旅游。 原因如下:

  Firstly, during holiday, so many people swarm into the travel spots that we can't enjoy ourselves to the full. For most people, they want to travel because during holiday, they can have several days to relieve themselves by traveling. However, so many people crowd together will make their tour lose the original fun.


  Secondly, during holiday, price will be rising drastically. It is known to all that you need to spend much more to buy things or taking bus or any other transportation since many retailers will raise goods' price during this holiday to get fat profits.


  All in all, travel during holiday is not a good choice for us since its inconvenience in traveling among a huge crowd of people and also the dramatically high price for goods and transportations will let us pay extra money.

  總之, 在假期旅游并不是一個(gè)好的選擇。不僅是因?yàn)樵诼糜蔚臅r(shí)候穿梭于人群中會(huì)很不方便,而且也因?yàn)榧倨谄陂g的物價(jià)及交通費(fèi)用會(huì)飛漲而讓我們多支付額外費(fèi)用。






