學習啦 > 作文 > 英語作文 > 高中英語作文 > 關(guān)于感恩父母高中英語作文  


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  When we are feeling sick and lying in bed, is parents will take care of us; When we test sent, it is parents encourage us; When we made a mistake, it is the parents' education in the us to correct our mistakes...   Thank my parents when I was frustrated, encouraged me, comfort me, give me courage, let me set up confidence to face the difficulties bravely. Remember a math test, I only got eighty points. I returned home, sadly homework also do bad, eat not sweet. Mom saw my abnormal, kindly ask me why sat by my side. I YiWuYiShiBa exam told his mother the truth, I didn't expect that my mother did not criticize me, instead, comfort I said: "good kid, a failure is not equal to yourself is not good, do you want to analysis the reason, well know where mistakes, this is progress." Listen to the mother, I feel much more relaxed. Have words to say well "who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui". Therefore, in order to repay hard raising my parents, I must study hard now, when I grow up, find a good job, let parents abetted. Parents paid for me, I will thank you ten times, one hundred times, return them, let them give valuable.

  當我們生病臥床不起時,是父母在無微不至地照顧著我們;當我們考試考差了,是父母的鼓勵著我們;當我們犯了錯誤,是父母的教育著我們改正錯誤…… 感謝父母在我受到挫折時,鼓勵我、安慰我、給我勇氣,讓我樹立自信勇敢地去面對困難。記得一次數(shù)學測驗,我只考了八十多分。我垂頭喪氣地回到家,作業(yè)也做不好,飯吃不香。媽媽看見我的反常,坐在我的身邊和藹地問我原因。我一五一十把考試的實情告訴了媽媽,令我沒想到的是媽媽不但沒有批評我,反而安慰我說:“好孩子,一次失敗不等于自己就不優(yōu)秀了,你要好好地分析原因,知道錯誤到哪里,這就是進步。”聽了媽媽的話,我的心情一下子輕松多了。 有一句話說得好“誰言寸草心,報得三春暉”。因此,為了報答辛苦養(yǎng)育我的父母,我現(xiàn)在一定要好好學習,長大后,找一個好的工作,讓父母安享晚年。父母為我付出的,我將十倍、百倍的感謝、回報他們,讓他們的付出有價值。


  The universe, life cycle, each came to this world are lucky. Entering the new century, children especially: the wind for our company, there are birds singing for us. We are in a quiet environment knowledge. Healthy growth in the loving care when sad, someone will sent to amuse you stick stick lollipop; Falls down, someone will extend a hand of pairs of enthusiasm. You can have the ideal, you have the conditions to realize your ideals, do you want your efforts. The classmates, living in the colorful, infinite love of liuxue86.com the world is how happy! You should know to cherish. Should he is able to give you all this, her or it. Yes, people should have a grateful heart, Thank you thank the sun gives us warmth, the earth gives us food, thanks to the birds sing for us, thank parents gave us love, thanks to teachers and students to our education and care, thanks to a stranger to give us an understanding smile... Grateful to have a good mood, the world will become more beautiful!

  天地萬物,生命輪回,每一個來到這世間的人都是幸運的。步入新世紀的孩子們,更是如此:有風兒為我們作伴,有鳥兒為我們唱歌。我們在安靜的環(huán)境中汲取知識。在愛的呵護中健康成長傷心時,會有人送來逗你開心的棒棒棒糖;摔倒時,會有人伸出一雙雙熱情的手。你們可以有理想,你們有條件去實現(xiàn)你們的理想,你要你們努力。 同學們,生活在這五彩繽紛、愛心無限的世界是多么幸福!你們應該懂得珍惜。應該懂得給予你們這一切的他、她或它。是的,人應該有顆感恩的心: 感謝太陽給我們溫暖,感謝大地給我們食物,感謝小鳥給我們唱歌,感謝父母給我們愛,感謝老師、同學給我們的教育與關(guān)心,感謝陌生人給我們一個理解的微笑…… 懂得感恩就有一個好心情,世界也會變得更美好!


  I consider my parents as the most important people in my life。 This is not because they’re wealthy or famous。 Rather, what I value about most is the care and love they show to me。我認為我的父母是我生命中最重要的人。這并不是因為他們有錢或有名的。相反,我最珍惜的是他們給我的關(guān)心和愛。My parents might work hard, but they’re always there for me。 Whenever I get into trouble and desperately need a hand, they e over first to support me and encourage me。 I grew up with their constant care and love。 While they’re getting older with grey hair and wrinkles, they never lose dignity in both life and jobs。我父母雖然努力工作,但他們總是陪在我身邊。每當我陷入困境,迫切需要幫忙時。他們是第一個支持我、鼓勵我的人。我在他們不斷的愛和照顧中長大。當他們變老而且出現(xiàn)白發(fā)和皺紋時,他們也永遠不會失去生活和工作的尊嚴?!rom my parents, I have learned that one person can really make a difference。 I’ll never forget their care and love。 Gratefulness brings a great fullness to life。 I wish they could always be happy and healthy。 It is high time we expressed our gratitude to people we cherish![由www.duanmeiwen.com整理]你從我的父母身上,我明白一個人真的能夠有所作為。我永遠也不會忘記他們的關(guān)懷和愛。感恩使生活帶來了的充實。我期望他們能永遠幸福和健康。是時候我們要向我們珍惜的人表達我們的謝意了!