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  Thank sunshine flowers, because the sunshine tending it grow; The eagle thanks to the blue sky, because the blue sky let it fly freely; Teacher, I thank you, because you to our knowledge, make our healthy growth.

  Once, when I was sick for a week, take medicine not better, is that you give me to find a kind of earthwork, cured my disease. My grades down, is your patience to help me, until I put on. Before the test, the teacher always reminds us to check carefully, to solve the problem. When we came home from school, but also on the old table is a dear teacher corrects students' papers.

  Teacher, I thank you, is your selfless dedication, teach us knowledge. When we grow up, you are old, my love for you will never "old", said the daughter is mother close small cotton-padded jacket, I would like to do you a sweet little quilted jacket, accompany in your side, let you feel warm forever.





  When you are scrawled written assignments, will think of the teacher let you write your homework is to who? When you are absent-minded in class, will think of the teacher prepares a lesson of hard, tired? Driving when you hear the teacher caught a cold to cough, will think of the teacher to the class and class? When you are sick, when the teacher asked cold ask warm to you, will think of the teacher care for you? When you make a liuxue86.com mistake, the teacher criticism, you will know that this is for your own good?

  Time flies, we slowly grow up, the teacher slowly getting old. Her unusual love for us, do you have any feeling. That every little bit of love, no change for us.




  The flower thanks rain, because rain to moisten it grow; goshawk Thanksgiving sky, because the sky let it fly; mountain Thanksgiving earth, because the earth it tall; I am grateful to my teacher, because the teacher opens the wisdom door, let me travel in the ocean of knowledge. As I grew up, your deep love of the teachers has been around. Yes, the teacher is a sacred profession. The teacher is the Enlightenment of the pillars of the motherland, the creator there is no teacher, how will the motherland's prosperity today? Like the teacher won Ding, hard to cultivate the motherland flowers. Teachers, though not our loved ones, but wins is our loved ones! Is undoutable. A good teacher! Time passes in a hurry, and is a teacher, the teacher, you worked hard, whenever the dead of night, you have in preparing lessons, looking at your shadow, I couldn't help wanted to say: "thank you, teacher, whenever we encounter do not understand the problem, you are patiently explained to us, watching you, I couldn't help but think to say" thank you, teacher. Whenever we naughty fun or not doing homework, you will not scold us, just give us serious reason. Let us recognize the error. It takes a hundred years. I will forget the teacher's teachings. Some people say, you like, because the mountains towering, revered. I want to say, you like the sea, because Ohai Hiro, immeasurable. Thank you, teacher.

  鮮花感恩雨露,因為雨露滋潤它成長;蒼鷹感恩長空,因為長空讓它飛翔;高山感恩大地,因為大地讓它高聳;我感恩我的老師,因為老師打開智慧的大門,讓我在知識的海洋里遨游。在我的成長歷程中,您濃濃的師愛一直伴隨左右。是啊,老師是一種神圣的職業(yè)。老師是祖國棟梁的啟蒙者,創(chuàng)造者沒有了老師,怎會有祖國今日的繁榮?老師就象圓丁,辛勤的培育祖國的花朵.老師雖不是我們的親人,卻勝是我們的親人!無庸質(zhì)疑,老師真好! 時光匆匆流逝,又是一年教師節(jié),老師,您辛苦了,每當夜深人靜的時候,您卻在備課,看著您的身影,我忍不住想要跟您說:"感恩您,老師",每當我們遇到不懂的問題時,您都很有耐心的給我們講解,看著您,我忍不住想對您說"感恩您,老師"。每當我們淘氣貪玩或不寫作業(yè)是,您不會罵我們,只是嚴肅的給我們講道理。讓我們認識到錯誤。十年樹木,百年樹人。老師的教誨之恩我終身難忘。有人說,師恩如山,因為高山巍巍,使人崇敬。我還要說,師恩如海,因為大海浩瀚,無法估量。感恩您,老師。