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  1) Patience is bitter,but its fruit is sweet 。忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果實是甜蜜的。

  2) Good is good,but better carries it。精益求精,善益求善。

  3) Laugh and grow fat。心寬體胖。

  4) Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs。友誼可以增添歡樂,可以分擔(dān)憂愁。

  5) Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in,and it will come naturally。如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;盡管做你自己熱愛的事情并且相信它,成功自然到來。

  6) Where there is a will ,there is a way 。有志者,事竟成。

  7) Money is round。It rolls away。圓圓錢幣,滾走容易。

  8) Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault。無功得名是常事,無過失名也是常事。

  9) Behind bad luck comes good luck。塞翁失馬,焉知非福。

  10) An apple a day keeps the doctor away。一日一個蘋果,身體健康不求醫(yī)。


  1) Hope for the best,prepare for the worst。好處著想,壞處準(zhǔn)備。

  2) Love doesn't just sit there,like a stone;it has to be made,like bread,remade all the time,made new。愛不僅僅坐在那里,像塊石頭,而是像面包一樣被做出來的,自始至終創(chuàng)造,不斷更新。

  3) Suspicion is the poison of friendship。懷疑是對友誼所下的毒藥。

  4) It is never too late to mend。亡羊補牢,猶未為晚。

  5) Nothing is impossible to a willing heart。心之所愿,無事不成。

  6) Sow nothing,reap nothing。春不播,秋不收。

  7) The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want,and if they cannot find them,make them。在這個世界上取得成就的人,都努力去尋找他們想要的機會,如果找不到機會,他們便自己創(chuàng)造機會。

  8) First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity。初戀只是一分傻冒再加九分好奇。

  9) Shallow men believe in luck。Self-trust is the first secret of success。膚淺的人相信運氣,而成功的第一秘訣是自信。

  10) Behind the mountains there are people to be found。天外有天,山外有山。

  11) Books,like friends,should be few and well chosen。書籍如朋友,應(yīng)該少而精。

  12) Friend ship remain and never can end。友誼永固。

  13) Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse。好人越學(xué)越好,壞人越學(xué)越壞。

  14) The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost。珍愛一切的好辦法是:意識到你可能會失去它。

  15) Follow your own course,and let people talk。走自己的路,讓別人說去吧。

  16) There is no such thing as darkness;only a failure to see。沒有黑暗這種東西,只有看不見而已。

  17) What we learn with pleasure we never forget。樂意學(xué)的東西決不會忘記。

  18) Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip。功虧一簣。

  19) Adversity reveals genius,fortune conceals it??嚯y顯才華,好運藏天知。

  20) Friends may meet,but mountains never greet。朋友可相逢,高山永分離。


  1) Life is fine and enjoyable,yet you must learn to enjoy your fine life。人生是美好的,但要學(xué)會如何享用美好的生活。

  2) The greater the man,the more restrained his anger。人越偉大,越能克制怒火。

  3) Love is… one thing you can't give away - it comes baack to you。愛出者愛返,福往者福來。

  4) How do we treat the life,the life how we treat。我們怎樣對待生活,生活就怎樣對待我們。

  5) Clothes do not make the man。人不在衣裝。

  6) The first step is as good as half over。第一步是最關(guān)鍵的一步。

  7) One is one’s own refuge,who else could be the refuges?信賴你自己,除了自己之外,還有誰能做你的依靠。

  8) A friend is best found in adversity?;茧y見真友。

  9) Initiative is doing the right thing without being told。主動性就是在沒有人告訴時做正確的事情。

  10) You have to believe in yourself。That's the secret of success。人必須有自信,這是成功的秘密。

  11) Be tolerant among the intolerant,gentle among the violent,and free from greed among the greedy。在急躁的人?中要容忍,在兇暴的人?中要溫和,在貪婪的人?中要慷慨。

  12) Treat other people as you hope they will treat you。己所不欲,勿施于人。

  13) One never lose anything by politeness。講禮貌不吃虧。

  14) Business is business。公事公辦。

  15) If you do what you should not,you must hear what you would not。若做了不應(yīng)做之事,則必然會聽見不愿聽之語。

  16) There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power。沒有偉大的意志力,便沒有雄才大略。

  17) Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them ongreat occasions。只有在日常生活中盡責(zé)的人才會在重大時刻盡責(zé)。

  18) A great man is always willing to be little。偉大的人物總是愿意當(dāng)小人物的。

  19) He that can bear a reproof,and mend by it,if he is not wise,is in a fair way of being so。能承受責(zé)備并據(jù)此改過者,若不算是智者,也距之不遠(yuǎn)。

  20) Clean your finger,before you point at my spots。先洗浄你的手指,再指出我的污跡。

  21) A man falls in love through his eyes,a woman through her ears。男人是透過他的眼睛捕捉愛意的,女人是通過她的耳朵體驗愛意的。

  22) What is the advantage of you to others,you must how to praise him。你要別人具有怎樣的優(yōu)點,你就要怎樣地去贊美他。

  23) Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect。有時候,最適合你的人恰恰是你最沒有想到的人。

  24) Lost time is never found again。光陰一去不復(fù)返。

  25) Gratitude is the sign of noble souls。感恩是精神高尚的標(biāo)志。

  26) Strength alone knows conflict,weakness is below even defeat,and is born vanquished。只有強者才懂得斗爭;弱者甚至失敗都不夠資格,而是生來就是被征服的。

  27) Our destiny offers not the cup of despair ,but the chalice of opportunity 。命運給予我們的不是失望之酒,而是機會之杯。

  28) Bitter pills may have wholesome effects。良藥苦口利于病。

  29) My love is like an ocean;it goes down so deep。My love is like a rose;whose beauty you want to keep。我的愛就像浩瀚的海洋,它深沉厚重;我的愛就像芬芳的玫瑰,你疼愛珍重。

  30) Faith can move mountains。信念能移山。(精誠所至,金石為開。)











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