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  關于英語笑話故事:Forest Gump Goes to Heaven

  The day finally arrived: Forest Gump dies and goes to Heaven.

  He is met at the Pearly Gates by Saint Peter himself. The gates are closed, however, and Forest approaches the gatekeeper.

  Saint Peter says, "Well, Forest, it's certainly good to see you. We have heard a lot about you." "I must inform you that the place is filling up fast, and we've been administering an entrance examination for everyone. The tests are fairly short, but you need to pass before you can get into Heaven."

  Forest responds, "It shore is good to be here Saint Peter. I was looking forward to this." "Nobody ever told me about any entrance exams. Shore hope the test ain't too hard; life was a big enough test as it was."

  Saint Peter goes on, "Yes, I know Forest." "But, the test I have for you is only three questions. Here is the first: What

  days of the week begin with the letter 'T'?" "Second, how many seconds are there in a year?" "Third, what is God's first


  Forest goes away to think the questions over. He returns the next day and goes up to Saint Peter to try to answer the exam questions.

  Saint Peter waves him up and asks, "Now that you have had a chance to think the questions over, tell me your answers."

  Forest says, "Well, the first one, -how many days of the week begin with the letter 'T'?" "Shucks, that one's easy; that'd be Today and Tomorrow!" The saint's eyes open wide and he exclaims, "Forest! That's not what I was thinking, but... you do have a point though, and I guess I didn'tspecify, so I give you credit for that answer."

  "How about the next one" says Saint Peter, "how many seconds in a year?"

  "Now that one's harder," says Forest. "But, I thunk and thunk about that, and I guess the only answer can be twelve."

  Astounded, Saint Peter says, "Twelve!" "Twelve!" "Forest, how in Heaven's name could you come up with twelve seconds in a year?"

  Forest says, "Shucks, there gotta be twelve: January second, February second, March second..." "Hold it," interrupts Saint

  Peter. "I see where you're going with it." "And I guess I see your point, though that wasn't quite what I had in mind." "I'll

  give you credit for that one too."

  "Let's go on with the next and final question," says Saint Peter, "Can you tell me God's first name?"

  Forest says, "Well shore, I know God's first name." "Everbody probly knows it." "It's Howard."

  "Howard?" asks Saint Peter. "What makes you think it's 'Howard'?"

  Forest answers, "It's in the prayer."

  "The prayer?" asks Saint Peter, "Which prayer?"

  "The Lord's Prayer," responds Forest: "Our Father, Howard be thy name..."

  關于英語笑話故事:What is This Going to Cost Me

  It seems God noticed Adam was despondent. So the Lord God said, "Adam, come over here and sit down!". And Adam did so.

  "Adam," spoke the Creator, "I see your countenance is fallen and you seem to feel rotten and lonely." Adam said nothing in

  response. "So," continued the Lord, "I am going to create an alternate person who will be with you!" Adam just looked puzzled but interested. "This person," said the Lord, "will take all the raw and tasteless food that you are currently ruining and will prepare wonderful, spicy, and tasty dishes."

  Adam looked grateful. "This person, "said the Lord, "will be beautiful to behold andgraceful and interesting to watch as she walks." Adam looked thoughtful. "This person, "emphasized the Lord,"will be able to satisfy all those dreams that you currently are having!" Adam really looked believed. "And, lastly," said the Lord, "She will obey your every whim and desire and order with cheerfulness." Adam was really impressed and finally spoke.

  "O.K., Lord, but what is this going to cost me?" "An arm and a leg," said the Almighty.

  "Well," Adam then said, "What can I get for a rib?"

  關于英語笑話故事:Making a Confession

  A drunken man staggered into a Catholic church, sat down in the Confessional and said nothing. The priest is waiting and waiting and waiting.

  The priest coughs to attract the drunk man's attention, but still the man says nothing.

  The priest then knocks on the wall three times in a final attempt to get the man to speak.

  Finally the drunk replies, "No use knockin,' pal. There's no paper."

  關于英語笑話故事:Becoming Christian

  A Jewish lawyer was troubled by the way his son turned out, and went to see his Rabbi about it. "I brought him up in the faith, gave him a very expensive bar mitzvah, cost me a fortune to educate him. Then he tells me last week he has decided to be a Christian. Rabbi... where did I go wrong?"

  "Funny you should come to me," said the Rabbi. "Like you, I, too, brought my boy up in the faith, put him through University, cost me a fortune, then one day he comes and tells me he has decided to become a Christian."

  "What did you do?" asked the lawyer. "I turned to God for the answer," replied the rabbi.

  "And what did he say?"

  He said, "Funny you should come to me..."

  關于英語笑話故事:An Atheist

  A young lady came home and told her Mother that her boyfriend had proposed but she had turned him down because she found out he was an atheist, and didn't believe in Heaven or Hell.

  "Marry him anyway dear." the Mother said. "Between the two of us, we'll show him just how wrong he is."





