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  1、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.可能神要我們在遇到對的人之前先遇上一些錯的人,這樣當我們遇到生命中真正的人的時候就會更懂得珍惜和感激。

  2、When you get something it's luck. When you lose it, it's destiny.得之我幸,失之我命。

  3、Sometimes a winner is just a dreamer that never gives up.有時候,成功者只是堅持夢想不放棄的人。

  4、We should learn to let go of people and things that hurt us in the past and move on. Life is always moving on. 我們學著放開過去傷害我們的人和事,學著只向前看。因為生活本來就是一往直前的。

  5、Change it if you can't accept; leave it if you can't change. 不能接受,那就改變;不能改變,那就離開。

  6、I believe good things happen every day. 我相信每天都有好事發(fā)生。

  7、If you don't do it now, you may never have the chance to do it. 有些事,現(xiàn)在不做,以后可能永遠也不會做了。

  8、If you don't go after what you want, you will never have it不去追逐自己想要的,就永遠不可能得到。

  9、Don't always say, "there's still time" because there's also a concept of "it's too late."別總說“還有時間”,畢竟還有“來不及了”這一說。

  10、Don't lose hope. You never know what tomorrow will bring不要失去希望,你永遠不知道明天會帶來什么。

  11、I believed in a lot of things I don't believe anymore...很多以前相信的東西,現(xiàn)在都不再堅信了。

  12、Life is better when you decide not to care about the petty stuff and people——當你決定不再關心那些無關緊要的人和事,生活就會變得更美好。

  13、If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you're old. 如果不學會在困難面前微笑,等到老了就怎么都笑不出來了。

  14、Feelings can be controlled, but tears never lie.情緒可以控制,但眼淚不會撒謊。

  15、One who frequently looks back can't go far. 一個頻頻回頭的人,是走不了遠路的。

  16、Time is stronger than love, and it is not hard to forget anything. 時間終究會比愛強悍,忘記什么都不難。

  17、This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it. 這就是我。沒人說非要你喜歡。

  18、Everything in life is temporary, even bad days and sleepless night.生活中的所有一切都只是暫時的,包括烏云密布的日子以及一個個不眠之夜。

  19、There is still a long way to go. You may cry, but you have to keep on moving and never stop. 前面的路還很遠,你可能會哭,但是一定要走下去,一定不能停。

  20、The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination可能與不可能的區(qū)別就在于一個人的決心!

  21、We have to decide what's worth fighting for——我們必須知道,什么是值得為之奮斗的。

  22、No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true.不管心有多痛,若堅信不移,夢想總會成真。

  23、"Honestly if you're not willing to sound stupid, you don't deserve to be in love. 坦白說,如果你不打算為愛做點傻事,你就不配擁有愛。"《相見恨早》

  24、Life lies in, was born in gap, fragrant, our life also is such. ——生于縫隙,芬芳不息,人生亦如此。

  25、Trust is like a mirror: once it’s broken, it can’t be fixed. 信任就像一面鏡子:一旦它破碎了,就無法修復了。


  1、Among those whom I like, i can find no common denominator, but among those whom i love, i can: all of them make me laugh. ----W.H.Auden 我無法在我所喜歡的人中間找到共同的特征,但我能在我所愛的人中間找到它:他們都會是我歡笑。

  2、I can't promise you a perfect relationship without arguments. However, I can promise you as long as you're trying, I'm staying.我無法信口開河,許諾一段沒有爭執(zhí)的完美愛情。但是,我保證只要有你的努力經營,我就會不離不棄。

  3、L'amour a son instinct, il sait trouver le chemin du Coeur comme le plus faible insecte marche à sa fleur avec une irrésistible volonté.愛情有一種本能,她知道如何找到心的路程。就像一只最弱小的昆蟲,有一種無與倫比的力量,牽引它在它最喜愛的花朵上爬行。

  4、Don’t think of “ good-bye” as an ending because in our hearts we will always have a part of yesterday.不要把”再見”當成一種結束,因為我們心中永遠存留昨天的部分記憶。

  5、Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.—— 對自己承諾:我要強大到任何事情都無法破壞我內心的平和……

  6、"If you have great talents, industry will improve them: if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency." Joshua Reynolds 如果你很有天賦,勤勉會使其更加完善; 如果你能力一般,勤勉會補足其缺陷。

  7、You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.你每天都在做很多看起來毫無意義的決定,但某天你的某個決定就能改變你的一生。

  8、I thought you are the only one who understood me.But now when all the others konw I’m upset,you are the only one who still don’t find it. 我曾以為你是唯一懂我的人。但是現(xiàn)在所有人都知道我很沮喪都時候你是唯一一個沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)的人。

  9、Open communication, trust, and honesty are the most important ingredients in a relationship.—在一段感情中最重要的莫過于真誠,信任,直言不諱。

  10、Don't have quiet sorrow dark hate living, this silent wins audio. With far up, meet why had known each other.別有幽愁暗恨生,此處無聲勝有聲。同是天涯淪落人,相逢何必曾相識。

  11、We must be able to gain deep friendship, maybe even more attention oneself how to behave, not to abuse the ZhiRenZhiMing good friends.我們要能多得到深摯的友誼,也許還要多多注意自己怎樣做人,不辜負好友們的知人之明。

  12、No matter how bad it is happening today,you shouldn't be sad.Because on this day,you are the youngest in the rest of your life.無論今天發(fā)生多么糟糕的事,都不應該感到悲傷。因為今天是你往后日子里最年輕的一天了.

  13、No incurable pain, no not the end of the destruction, all lost, will be back in another way. 沒有不可治愈的傷痛,沒有不能結束的沉淪,所有失去的,會以另一種方式歸來。

  14、It does seem as though people who have brushes with death change their behavior in significant ways.確實似乎有過和死亡擦肩而過經歷的人,行為會顯著地改變。

  15、If you want to happiness, the heart is a little bit more simple; If you want to free and easy point, requirements for life is a little bit more simple. 要想幸福一點,心就要簡單一點;要想灑脫一點,對生活要求就簡單一點。

  16、Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?- Jack’s Mannequin, Dark Blue 你有過那種人群中狂歡,卻越覺得孤單的感覺么?

  17、The problem these days is that people are never happy with what's in front of them. They're more interested in what they don't have.現(xiàn)在的問題是,人們不會滿足于擺在面前的一切。他們更感興趣的是自己沒有的。

  18、Life's too short to worry about what people may think or talk about you, do what you want to do and be happy.人生苦短,無謂去擔心別人怎么想你,怎么說你,做你自己想做的,快樂一點。

  19、Life is not always what we want it to be. We fight. We cry. And sometimes, we give up. But in our hearts, we know it's still love.生活有時不盡如人意。我們掙扎、哭泣,有時甚至放棄。但內心始終充滿愛。

  20、"If u succeed in cheating some one, never think that the person is a fool rather than realise that the person trusted u much than u deserved.!!" - dr. krunal如果你成功的欺騙了某人,別光想著那人是個大傻瓜,而沒有意識到那人對你的那份信任,你配么?





