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時(shí)間: 焯杰674 分享




  1、no cross, no crown。沒(méi)有苦難,就沒(méi)有快樂(lè)。

  2、honesty is the best policy。誠(chéng)實(shí)乃上策。

  3、life is not all beer and skittles。人生并非盡是樂(lè)事。

  4、all things are difficult before they are easy。凡事必先難后易。

  5、a contented mind is a perpetual feast。知足長(zhǎng)樂(lè)。

  6、a stitch in time saves nine。防微杜漸。

  7、where there‘s a will,there‘s a way。有志者事竟成。

  8、an idle youth,a needy age。少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。

  9、bite the hand that feeds one。恩將仇報(bào)。

  10、all roads lead to rome。行行出狀元。

  11、where there is life, there is hope。留得青山在,不怕沒(méi)柴少。

  12、action speaks louder than words。行動(dòng)勝過(guò)語(yǔ)言。

  13、a friend in need is a friend indeed。患難見(jiàn)真情。

  14、by doing we learn。經(jīng)一事,長(zhǎng)一智。

  15、grasp all, lose all。欲盡得,必盡失。

  16、big mouthfuls ofter choke。貪多嚼不爛。

  17、idleness is the root of all evil。懶惰是萬(wàn)惡之源。

  18、be slow to promise and quick to perform。不輕諾,諾必果。

  19、long absent, soon forgotten。別久情疏。

  20、first things first。凡事有輕重

  21、a merry heart goes all the way。心情愉快,萬(wàn)事順利。

  22、where there‘s smoke,there‘s fire。無(wú)風(fēng)不起浪。

  23、he that knows nothing,doubts nothing。無(wú)知即無(wú)疑。

  24、between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip。功虧一簣。

  25、teaching others teaches youself。教學(xué)相長(zhǎng)。


  1、business before pleasure。事業(yè)在先,享樂(lè)在后。

  2、great hope makes great man。偉大的思想造就偉大的人。

  3、by falling we learn to go safely。吃一塹,長(zhǎng)一智。

  4、it is hard to please all。眾口難調(diào)。

  5、blind men can judge no colours。不宜問(wèn)道於盲。

  6、a little pot is soon hot。壺小易熱,量小易怒。

  7、self-trust is the essence of heroism。自信為英雄品質(zhì)之本。

  8、truth and roses have thorns about them。真理和玫瑰,身旁都有刺。

  9、lookers-on see most of the game。旁觀者清,當(dāng)局者迷。

  10、a false tongue will hardly speak truth。假舌不會(huì)吐真言。

  11、a good beginning is half the battle。好的開(kāi)端等于成功一半。

  12、who has deceiv'd thee so oft as thy self?欺騙你的莫過(guò)于自己。

  13、let thy vices die before thee。讓惡習(xí)先你死去。

  14、while there is life there is hope。留得青山在,不怕沒(méi)柴燒。

  15、nothing is impossible to a willing heart。心之所愿,無(wú)事不成。

  16、waste not,want not。不浪費(fèi),不愁缺。

  17、bring up a raven and he'll pick out your eyes。養(yǎng)虎貽患。

  18、he is a wise man who speaks little。智者寡言。

  19、equivocation is first cousin to a lie。含糊其詞是謊話的近親。

  20、trust not a great weight to a slender thread。細(xì)線掛重物,終究不可靠。





