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  Ever since the founding fathers wrote "and the pursuit of happiness" into the Declaration of Independence, the elusive emotion has become a holy grail of sorts for Americans. We expect to be happy, even believe we are owed happiness by the gods, our work, our family, and our life. Unfortunately, the expectation can sometimes lead to a disappointing reality.


  André Spicer, professor of organizational behavior at Cass Business School in London, and Carl Cederström, associate professor of organization theory at Stockholm University, have studied the impact of happiness in corporate settings. In a recent article in Harvard Business Review, they discuss their findings.

  André Spicer是倫敦卡斯商學院的組織行為學方面的教授,以及Carl Cederström,瑞典斯德哥爾摩大學的組織行為學的副教授,共同研究了在職場環(huán)境下幸福感的影響。他們在最近的哈佛商業(yè)評論雜志中論述了他們的研究發(fā)現(xiàn)。

  Spicer and Cederström say the recent trend of companies harnessing "happiness as a way to boost productivity" dates back to the Hawthorne experiments in the 1920s, which involved changing employees' environments to increase productivity at a factory. Since then, this belief has been applied to almost every corporate philosophy--happy employees equal productive employees.


  However, "When you look closely at the research, it's actually not clear that encouraging happiness at work is always a good idea," Spicer and Cederström write. "Most striking is that consciously pursuing happiness can actually drain the sense of joy we usually get from the really good things we experience." Below, find out how the authors' research has found the happiness theory on productivity is a "mere myth."

  然而,“當你仔細閱讀這一次的研究結(jié)果,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)實際上提高員工的幸福感并不總能適用于所有的情況,”Spicer和 Cederström在文章中寫道。“最令人感到吃驚的是,有意識追求幸福感,實際上會磨光了那些平常讓我們真正感到快樂的事情的滿足感。”接下來,看一看兩位學者的研究是如何發(fā)現(xiàn)幸福感提供生產(chǎn)力“只是一個傳說”。

  Happy workers do not mean productive workers.


  Here's the bombshell: "Happiness doesn't necessarily lead to increased productivity," Spicer and Cederström write. A study conducted in British supermarkets found that "the more miserable" employees felt, the greater profits reaped by the company. The study also found a negative relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. Other research has shown the opposite, suggesting that the effect on happiness on productivity remains murky.



  The pursuit of happiness is "exhausting."


  Happiness is thought to energize people and make them more effective. But if you're not happy--certainly a normal emotional state--the pursuit of happiness can be taxing. The authors quote French philosopher Pascal Bruckner, who said, "Unhappiness is not only unhappiness; it is, worse yet, a failure to be happy." Setting yourself up for failure by expecting, or demanding, yourself to be happy will work against you.


  Happiness is a tool.


  Happiness, like any other promise of an elusive emotion or spiritual achievement, can be used as a tool for manipulation. Companies use happiness to get more out of their employees, not because they want their employees to be happy. Spicer and Cederström believe that companies continue to rely on the happiness myth because of aesthetics and ideology. "Happiness is a convenient idea that looks good on paper (the aesthetic part). But it's also an idea that helps us shy away from more serious issues at work, such as conflicts and workplace politics (the ideological part)," they write. When happiness is slated as a choice, unhappy employees can be characterized as dysfunctional, which ignores the problems that are actually making the employees unhappy.


  Happy people lose negotiations and get duped.


  Another study Spicer and Cederström cite found that people in a good mood were less effective at reading deceit in other people. And in corporate settings, research has found that when people are angry they are more effective in negotiations. "This suggests that being happy all the time may not be good for all aspects of our work, or jobs that rely heavily on certain abilities," they write. "In fact, for some things, happiness can actually make us perform worse."

  Spicer和 Cederström在文中提到了另外一個研究,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),心情愉快的人們辨別他人說謊的能力相對較弱。在職場的環(huán)境下,研究還發(fā)現(xiàn)當人們的情緒越易怒,他們在談判中更游刃有余。“這就證明了隨時保持愉快的心情并不利于工作的所有方面,還可能不適用于需要某種技能的職業(yè)崗位。”他們在文章中說道。“實際上,對于處理某些事情,快樂感會讓我們表現(xiàn)得更糟糕。”

  The expectation trap.


  When you expect work to make you happy, it makes you expect your boss to cater to your emotional needs. The writers mention a study by researcher Susanne Ekmann, which found that employees who had an expectation that work would make them happy were confused psychologically about the role their boss played in their lives. Instead of looking at their bosses for who they really were, they viewed them as "surrogate spouses or parents." When the employees did not receive the "expected emotional response" from their managers, "these employees felt neglected and started overreacting."

  當你期待自己能從工作中獲得幸福感,這就讓你不自覺產(chǎn)生“老板迎合你的要求”的情感需求。兩位作者在文章中提到了Susanne Ekmann的一個研究,研究發(fā)現(xiàn),期待從工作中獲得幸福感的員工在心理上混淆了老板在現(xiàn)實中的真正角色。他們并沒有正視老板實際的角色,而是把他們看作“代理配偶或父母”。當員工們沒有從上司身上獲得“預(yù)期的情感回應(yīng)”,他們就會覺得自己被忽視甚至會產(chǎn)生過度的反應(yīng)。

  推薦:和老板愉快玩耍不難 9個方法供嘗試

  The truth will set you free.


  All of this forced happiness is a bad thing, Spicer and Cederström say. If you're not happy, it's fair to feel that way. "In reality, work--like all other aspects of life--is likely to make us feel a wide range of emotions," they write. "Happiness, of course, is a great thing to experience, but nothing that can be willed into existence." The duo write that the less we actively pursue happiness through our jobs, the more likely we are to experience a sense of "joy which is spontaneous and pleasurable, and not constructed and oppressive."



摘要:研究發(fā)現(xiàn),快樂的員工并不一定就是具有創(chuàng)造力的員工。工作很愉快很有可能不是好事。 Ever since the founding fathers wrote and the pursuit of happiness into the Declaration of Independence, the elusive emotion has becom