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  With just about every presidential candidate'scampaign in full swing, one group we keep hearingabout (and will continue to) is all of the ordinary,everyday Americans: The ones who are taking thebrunt of the economic downturn, the ones who needsomeone to stand up for them, and the ones whoneed decent paying jobs to provide for their NormanRockwell, picture-perfect American families. So what'sthe most popular suggestion for what theseeveryday Americans should do for work? DWYL – "dowhat you love."

  Let's start with millennials. Fresh out of college with six-figure debts and five-figure salaries,we're being told to "do what we love" and "follow our hearts" into our careers. But if I’m goingto "keep it 100," as many of my fellow millennials might say, I think that's horrible advice.




  In fact, no matter what age group you're in, or education level you've attained, I think it'sincredibly dangerous to wander down the path of "doing what you love."


  You Can't Always Get What You Want


  When we're told to do what we love, we immediately narrow our vision of what a career can be– and therefore, limit our ability to be satisfied by our careers.


  We get the idea that unless we're doing the job that we "love," we're not doing a good job, orthe right job, or the best job when in reality there are plenty of amazing careers to be had infields we're probably not all too aware of.


  The problem for all of us here in the middle class is that the middle class is, well, shrinking. Theeconomic landscape is rapidly changing, and what we may have dreamed of doing as kids maynot be the smartest paths for us to pursue today.


  What's more, we might be wasting our time chasing after bachelor's degree only to take a jobwhere our degree's all but obsolete.


  But Try Sometimes…


  If you look at job trends over the last 100 years, blue-collar and farming jobs are disappearing,but service industry and white-collar jobs are on a steady and welcome rise. New fields areemerging in the tech world every day. While we need good workers in the service industry, webdevelopers and data scientists are in sharp demand as well.


  When your most prominent career advice is "do what you love," there's a big chance you'remissing out on some of the wisest potential career decisions available to you. Whether it'sfinding a field you haven't yet discovered, or learning the value of job that can simply pay yourbills – don't put so much pressure on yourself to find that "perfect job."


  Start with focusing on what skills you have, what you can learn, and how that can translate intoa sustainable job with upward mobility. The reality is: we need bus drivers, we need cooks, andwe need doormen just like we need developers, bankers, and engineers. While machines may betaking some jobs away, there are myriad jobs that aren't going anywhere – and we depend onthem in the big picture of our world's day-to-day.


  Stop focusing on loving what you do, and start focusing on finding a job that fills a tangibleneed. Your love for what you do will come with the satisfaction of a job well done.
