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時間: 楚欣650 分享



  In the 1939 film classic The Women, much is made of the alluring quality of a specific color of nail polish: “Jungle Red.” It turns out that the characters’ faith in the product was not misplaced.

  New research suggests the color red on a woman does indeed signal sexual availability—not only to men, but also to other women.




  As we have noted previously, studies have found that men tend to view women in red as more sexually attractive. But, ladies, if you were thinking wearing that color would send a subliminal signal only males would pick up on, you’re out of luck.


  “Our results suggest that women perceive and behave toward other women in red as if these other women are actively advertising” their openness to the possibility of a sexual encounter, writes a research team led by University of Rochester psychologist Adam Pazda.


  Pazda and his colleagues describe a experiment conducted on two different continents that provide evidence that wearing red sets off certain alarm bells. In the first, 196 women recruited online viewed a photo of “a moderately attractive women in her late 20s.”


  Half saw an image of her wearing a white dress; the rest viewed an otherwise identical image of her in a red dress. Afterwards, all responded on a sliding scale to a series of statements such as “This person is sexy.”


  As expected, the woman was seen as more sexy if she was wearing red. This held true whether or not the study participants were in a committed relationship.


  The researchers caution that, needless to say, “not all women displaying red are actively advertising sexual availability.” For those who are not, it’s valuable to understand the ways their wardrobe choices are being interpreted—both by men, and by their female acquaintances.



  attractive [ә'træktiv]



  當今其他方面的吸引力 太強, 所以戲劇舞臺的觀眾越來越少

  There are so many counter-attractions these days that the live theatre is losing its audiences.

  第一家公司的還盤很有吸引力 , 從而贏得了訂單

  The first company made a very attractive counter-offer and won the order.

  電視對我沒有什么吸引力 。

  The television has little attraction for me.


  He/His appearance is not at all prepossessing.

  他又感到了海上生活的吸引力 。

  He felt the pull of the sea again.

  那種新式樣不久就失去了吸引力 。

  The new fashion soon lost its appeal.

  重力天體如地球,所施加的自然吸引力 ,如地球,對處于或接近其表面的物體有將它們拉向其中心的趨勢

  The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body, such as Earth, upon objects at or near its surface, tending to draw them toward the center of the body.

  現(xiàn)時去國營企業(yè)就職的想法對年青人沒有多大吸引力 。

  The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays.
