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  We're no strangers to relationship problems. Now, new research has found that being prone to feelings of guilt can make partnerships more challenging — and cause us to shy away from them.


  The study, published in last month's issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, used a series of five experiments to examine how people's susceptibility to guilt affected the likelihood that they'd enter into a new partnership. Participants first completed a questionnaire about how guilty or ashamed they would feel in various situations — for example, would they keep extra change if a salesclerk didn't notice?


  Then, in each experiment, participants were given a task that required some expertise. For instance, a participant would be instructed to work on an accounting task with a partner who just so happened to be an expert in accounting. The first participant then got to decide whether they would be scored as a team or as individuals.


  The results showed that participants who were more prone to feeling guilty were less likely to form partnerships — meaning collaborate and combine scores — with people they perceived to be more competent. The authors suggest this might be because the guilt-prone people were concerned they would get more than they gave, thus letting their partners down. They preferred to do poorly on the task on their own, rather than potentially disappoint their partners.


  Of course, this study looked at business partnerships, not romantic ones. But, other studies have shown that guilt and shame, which are clinically different concepts but often overlap, can play huge roles in both starting and maintaining dating-type relationships, too. Feeling guilty can be a good thing (it makes us more likely to apologize and smooth things over), but only when we've actually done something wrong. Guilt trips for no reason — or just feeling guilty all the time — can cause a buildup of resentment. The effects of shame are especially pronounced for those dealing with anxiety disorders.


  So, if you're prone to this "important" trait, learning to give yourself a break could be the secret to a happier relationship.



  Motherhood is tough and intense but it is not a job當(dāng)媽不是工作

  Around the time I returned to work after the birth of my first child I went to visit a lawyer friend who had also just had a baby and had decided to stay at home to look after him.


  The lunch was going fine until I said that I envied her not having a job: it must be nice to be with her son all day. She looked at me with something close to loathing. She did have a job, she snapped. Bringing up her child was most definitely a job, and a much more worthwhile one than anything to do with corporate law.


  But was she right? Is motherhood a job? Margaret Thatcher thought it was — according to her, bringing up children was a management job. The Queen apparently thinks so too and told Kate Winslet that it was “the best job” there was.

  她說得對嗎?做母親是份工作嗎?瑪格麗特?撒切爾(Margaret Thatcher)生前認(rèn)為是的,用她的話來說,撫養(yǎng)孩子相當(dāng)于一份管理工作。女王顯然也這么認(rèn)為,她告訴凱特·溫絲萊特 (Kate Winslet),撫養(yǎng)孩子是世上“最棒的工作”。

  Yet it now seems that middle-class mothers have changed their minds. The same sort of women who used to get furious with anyone who implied that raising children was not a job, are now equally indignant with those who say it is one. Last week Mumsnet, the social network for parents, put out a press release laying down the new law: “Motherhood is an emotional journey, not a job.”


  This is the right answer, but for the wrong reason. Bringing up children is not a job, and never was one. Parenting is work — sometimes extremely hard work — but is not a job, as you do not get paid. The deal with a job is that you opt to do it and can resign whenever you like, but while you are doing it you must toe the line.


  As a columnist, I have to write this column because it is my job. As a parent, I can decide that I can’t be bothered to cook and order takeaway instead. At home in extremis I can shout and throw things; if I did that at work I would probably get fired. No matter how much my children think I am making a poor fist of bringing them up, they can’t get rid of me. Parenting is for life. Jobs are not.


  Yet motherhood is not an “emotional journey” either. A journey is something that involves travelling from A to B, whereas mothering tends to be pretty static, in my case, happening almost entirely in the kitchen. Neither is it a journey in any cheesy metaphorical sense. Motherhood starts at full emotional throttle and proceeds in the same vein forever.


  The worst thing about describing raising children like this is not that it is brainless, but that it is exceedingly off-putting. If someone had told me at the outset that what I was embarking on was an “emotional journey” I would have gone off the idea altogether.


  So why have mothers changed their minds about the job question? I suspect it is because we no longer think of jobs in the way we used to.


  Twenty years ago a job was a sign of status; now it is seen as drudgery and suggests a lack of imagination. Anyone who likes theirs has to pretend that they don’t view it as a job at all, but as an outlet for their passion and creativity.


  Mothers used to insist on calling what they did a job because it made them feel better; now it does the reverse. Yet both reactions are daft. Jobs and parenting are equally vital to the survival of the human race, but the two activities exist on different planes and moral comparisons ought not to come into it.


  Saatchi & Saatchi has just done some research for Mumsnet on what the non-job of bringing up children is all about. It has concluded that mothers play eight different emotional roles, five of which I more or less agree with — carer, fan, friend, hero, safe house — while the remaining three — partner in crime, coach and rule breaker — make me feel very worried indeed.

  盛世長城(Saatchi & Saatchi)剛剛為Mumsnet做了一項(xiàng)關(guān)于養(yǎng)孩子都包含哪些非專職工作的研究,其結(jié)論是:媽媽們扮演著八種不同的情感角色,我基本贊成其中五種——保姆、崇拜者、朋友、英雄、避難所,但我對其余三種深感擔(dān)憂,它們是——共犯、教練和規(guī)矩破壞者。

  Rule breaker? Partner in crime? What happened to nag or rule enforcer? What am I meant to say to my teenage son when he comes home from school with a bag full of trigonometry homework? Sod that, here is some fake ID — why not go to the pub instead?


  This soppy list of roles tells us that there is one thing modern parenting has in common with modern jobs. Both have gone so far from the Theory X view of motivation — that everyone is basically lazy and so a little authoritarianism is called for — that they now shy away from ever saying: I am in charge.


  Managers have to pretend that their greatest skill is as a coach; parents have to do the same. It’s all for show: very little coaching goes on in most companies; even less happens at home. Coaches have to have distance, patience and objectivity — hard to feel any of that towards your maddening, beloved child.


  The pretence that motherhood is one long, democratic, emotional, jolly jape is a far worse lie than the one that says motherhood is a job. In the end, I am with Margaret Thatcher — who insisted that being a mother was a management job. She was wrong about the job; right about management.



  Unlimit Your Lifie!


  Do you have a tendency to think in absolutes?


  Is everything good or bad, black or white?


  This type of thinking can severely limit your options.Or worse, prevent you from getting an accurate picture of what’s possible.


  Most people are uncomfortable hanging out in the "I don't know" space. The anxiety of not knowing triggers a rush to decision making. However, learning how to deal with periods of uncertainty while weighing your options will afford you the time to make a superior choice.


  So how do you do this? Try a new approach and get support.


  Broaden' your reach


  Suppose you wanted to explore career options. If you usually get advice from one or two people, instead mane a list of every possible person who might provide information. If you get a knot in your stomach at the thought of contacting these people, you’re on the right trackl you’re out of your comfort zone, and that's good. To build up your courage before tackling this list, ask a trusted friend for encouragement and moral support.


  As a further challenge, attempt to connect with a person who has achieved prominence in their field. While getting an appointment with a successful individual or receiving a return e-mail may take time, the effort could result in valuable insight and net you a future mentor.


  Ideally, speak with one person working in each of the ranks (upper, middle andlor lower) of the career area you are exploring. Keep the information flowing by asking your contact for another name.


  Besides getting a more detailed picture of what you can expect from thiscareer choice, you’II begin to get a view of all the permutadons that are possible.Each person's opinion will broaden your view and knowledge.


  Explore tlxe Gray Area


  It is in this huge "gray area" where a wonderful new career might be waiting for you. You could even discover that you already possess many of the requisite skills, making a career transition easier than you thought.


  In the end, the choices you make will improve if you do the research and take the time for reflection. Don't panic or rush the process. In this case, faster is not better, slower is. And a wonderful by-product of this process is a newfound sense of self-confidence and fresh possibilities!
