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  精神身體醫(yī)學(xué) 好好反省一下吧

  Science and technology


  Psychosomatic medicine


  Think yourself well


  You can. But it helps to think well of yourself in the first place


  THE link between mind and body is terrain into which many medical researchers, fearingridicule, dare not tread.


  But perhaps more should do so.


  For centuries, doctors have recognised the placebo effect, in which the illusion oftreatment, such as pills without an active ingredient, produces real medical benefits.


  More recently, respectable research has demonstrated that those who frequently experiencepositive emotions live longer and healthier lives.

  最近以來,相當(dāng)受重視的研究表明, 那些經(jīng)常以積極的態(tài)度生活的人活得更長久,而且更健康。

  They have fewer heart attacks, for example, and fewer colds too.


  Why this happens, though, is only slowly becoming understood.


  What is needed is an experiment that points out specific and measurable ways in which suchemotions alter an individual's biology.


  And a study published in Psychological Science, by Barbara Fredrickson and Bethany Kok at theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, does precisely that.


  Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok concentrated their attentions on the vagus nerve.


  This nerve starts in the brain and runs, via numerous branches, to several thoracic andabdominal organs including the heart.


  Among its jobs is to send signals telling that organ to slow down during moments of calm andsafety.


  How effectively the vagus nerve is working can be tracked by monitoring someone's heart rateas he breathes in and out.


  Healthy vagal function is reflected in a subtle increase in heart rate while breathing in and asubtle decrease while breathing out.


  The difference yields an index of vagal tone, and the value of this index is known to beconnected with health.


  Low values are, for example, linked to inflammation and heart attacks.


  What particularly interested Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok was recent work that showed somethingelse about the vagal-tone index:


  people with high tone are better than those with low at stopping bad feelings gettingoverblown.


  They also show more positive emotions in general.


  This may provide the missing link between emotional well-being and physical health.


  In particular, the two researchers found, during a preliminary study they carried out in 2010,that the vagal-tone values of those who experience positive emotions over a period of time goup.


  This left them wondering whether positive emotions and vagal tone drive one another in avirtuous spiral.


  They therefore conducted an experiment on 65 of the university's staff, to try to find out.


  They measured all of their volunteers' vagal tones at the beginning of the experiment and atits conclusion nine weeks later.


  In between, the volunteers were asked to go each evening to a website especially designed forthe purpose, and rate their most powerful emotional experiences that day.


  Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok asked their volunteers to consider nine positive emotions, such ashope, joy and love, and 11 negative ones, including anger, boredom and disgust.


  They were asked to rate, on a five-point scale, whether—and how strongly—they had felt eachemotion.


  One point meant not at all; five meant extremely.


  In addition, half the participants, chosen at random, were invited to a series of workshops runby a licensed therapist, to learn a meditation technique intended to engender in themeditator a feeling of goodwill towards both himself and others.


  This group was encouraged to meditate daily, and to report the time they spent doing so.


  Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok discovered that vagal tone increased significantly in people whomeditated, and hardly at all in those who did not.


  Among meditators, those who started the experiment with the highest vagal-tone scoresreported the biggest increases in positive emotions.


  Meditators who started with particularly low scores showed virtually no such boost.


  Taken as a whole, these findings suggest high vagal tone makes it easier to generate positiveemotions and that this, in turn, drives vagal tone still higher.


  That is both literally and metaphorically a positive feedback loop.


  Which is good news for the emotionally positive, but bad for the emotionally negative, for itimplies that those who most need a psychosomatic boost are incapable of generating one.


  A further experiment by Dr Kok suggests, however, that the grumpy need not give up all hope.


  A simpler procedure than meditation, namely reflecting at night on the day's socialconnections, did seem to cause some improvement to their vagal tone.


  This might allow even those with a negative outlook on life to bootstrap their way to a mentalstate from which they could then advance to the more powerful technique of meditation.


  Whether, besides improving general health, the mechanism Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok havediscovered helps explain the placebo effect remains to be investigated.


  But it might, because part of that effect seems to be the good feeling engendered by the fact ofbeing treated.


  More generally, doctors in the ancient world had a saying: a healthy mind in a healthy body.


  This sort of work suggests that though this proverb is true, a better one might be, a healthymind for a healthy body.




  New drugs that boost the immune system’s ability to fight tumors may be one of the greatestmedical advances in years, cancer doctors say, pulling some patients from death’s door andkeeping them in remission for years.


  But the truth is that this happens for only a minority of patients. Now, doctors say, there is anew imperative to develop a test that will identify in advance which patients will benefit,sparing others the cost and possible side effects.


  The drugs currently cost about 0,000 a year per patient — even more for higher doses usedin some cases — and the health system is eventually expected to spend billions or even tensof billions of dollars on the drugs each year.


  “We don’t want to give these to 100 percent of the patients if only 59 percent or 20 percent willbenefit,” said Dr. David R. Gandara, a professor and lung cancer specialist at the University ofCalifornia, Davis. Being able to test for a biomarker that could predict the drugs’ efficacy“would make this new class of drugs easier on the wallet, the national health wallet,” he said.

  “如果只有59%或者20%的病人能從中受益,我們不希望將這種藥物開給100%的病人,”加州大學(xué)戴維斯分校的教授、肺癌專家大衛(wèi)·R·甘德拉醫(yī)生(Dr. David R. Gandara)說。如果有一項(xiàng)技術(shù)可以通過檢測(cè)生物標(biāo)志物來展示藥物有效與否,“將使這種新型藥物對(duì)錢包造成的壓力減小,我說的是國家醫(yī)療體系的錢包。”他說。

  But developing such a test has proved tricky so far, for ethical as well as scientific reasons.Some doctors said it would be unfair to withhold the new drugs from patients based on a testif there was still even a slight chance that the drugs would help.


  “We don’t want to be wrong, because these medicines have an effect that, in some cases, isdurable for years,” said Dr. Jedd D. Wolchok, chief of the melanoma and immunotherapeuticsservice at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. “We don’t want to have an imperfectbiomarker.”

  “我們不想犯錯(cuò),因?yàn)檫@些藥物在某些病例中,藥效會(huì)持續(xù)數(shù)年,”紀(jì)念斯隆-凱特琳癌癥中心(Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center)黑色素瘤和免疫療法服務(wù)部(melanoma and immunotherapeutics service)負(fù)責(zé)人杰德·D·沃夏克博士(Dr.Jedd D. Wolchok)說。“我們不希望有一個(gè)不完美的生物標(biāo)志物。”

  The need for such biomarkers is illustrated in a study led by Dr. Wolchok that is to bepresented on Sunday in Chicago at the annual meeting of the American Society of ClinicalOncology. The study is being published online by the New England Journal of Medicine.

  沃夏克領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的一項(xiàng)研究說明了對(duì)于這樣的生物標(biāo)志物的需求,研究將在芝加哥周日的美國臨床腫瘤學(xué)會(huì)(American Society of Clinical Oncology)年度會(huì)議上獲得展示?!缎掠⒏裉m醫(yī)學(xué)期刊》(New EnglandJournal of Medicine)也將在其網(wǎng)站上發(fā)表這項(xiàng)研究。

  The 945-patient study shows that the combination of two immune-boosting drugs fromBristol-Myers Squibb — Opdivo and Yervoy — is more effective than either drug alone intreating advanced melanoma. Patients treated with both drugs went a median of 11.5 monthsbefore their disease worsened, a longer reprieve than the 6.9 months for those who receivedonly Opdivo and 2.9 months for those who took Yervoy.

  這項(xiàng)覆蓋945名病人的研究表明,兩種來自百時(shí)美施貴寶(Bristol-Myers Squibb)的提高免疫力的藥物——納武單抗(Opdivo)和伊匹單抗(Yervoy)——搭配在一起,在治療晚期黑色素瘤中比任意一種更有效。同時(shí)使用這兩種藥物的病人在病情惡化前有平均11.5個(gè)月的時(shí)間,相較只使用納武單抗的6.9個(gè)月和只使用伊匹單抗的2.9個(gè)月,病人獲得了更長的壽命。

  But the combination also caused serious side effects like diarrhea and colitis in 55 percent ofpatients, compared with only 16.3 percent for Opdivo alone and 27.3 percent for Yervoy alone.


  Dr. Antoni Ribas, a melanoma specialist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who wasnot involved in the study, said Opdivo alone might be just as good as the combination formany patients, with far fewer side effects, but that a biomarker test was needed.

  加州大學(xué)洛杉磯分校的黑色素瘤專家安東尼·瑞巴斯醫(yī)生(Dr. Antoni Ribas)沒有參與到這項(xiàng)研究當(dāng)中,他說,對(duì)于許多病人來說,只使用納武單抗的療效也許和藥物組合一樣好,它遠(yuǎn)沒有那么多副作用,只是需要一項(xiàng)生物標(biāo)志物檢測(cè)。

  “The combination is outstanding, but we have to figure out who needs the combination asopposed to the single agent,” he said.


  The main test being explored is for PD-L1, a protein produced by cancer cells that, in effect,orders the immune system to stand down and not attack.


  The Merck drug Keytruda, Opdivo and other similar treatments work by keeping this “standdown” order from being received by the immune cells. So it makes sense that the drugs workbest against tumors that are issuing such an order and that they may not work at all againsttumors that are not issuing the order.


  Studies by Bristol-Myers and Merck as well as Roche, which is also developing such a drug, haveshown that there was a much greater success rate using the drugs to treat tumors that werepositive for PD-L1.


  Still, at least a small number of patients whose tumors do not produce meaningful amounts ofPD-L1 also seem to benefit from these drugs. So some doctors say it is wrong to withholdthe drugs from patients whose tumors test negative for PD-L1.


  In the melanoma study, patients whose tumors were positive for PD-L1 did as well on Opdivoalone as with the combination, as measured by the delay before their cancer worsened. Oneimplication might be that those patients should get only Opdivo, while others should get thecombination.


  But Dr. Michael B. Atkins, deputy director of the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive CancerCenter in Washington, said that even for PD-L1-positive tumors, the combination was betterat shrinking the abnormalities.

  但喬治城大學(xué)隆巴底綜合癌癥中心(Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center)的副主任邁可‧B‧埃特金斯博士(Dr. Michael B. Atkins)表示,即便是PD-L1呈陽性反應(yīng)的腫瘤,藥物組合在縮小腫瘤上的表現(xiàn)仍然更佳。

  “The biomarker isn’t good enough to make any decisions on it,” said Dr. Atkins, who was notinvolved in the study.


  PD-L1 is not the only possible biomarker. Scientists are finding that the drugs work bestagainst tumors with lots of mutations. Researchers reported on Friday that a genetic signaturecould identify a small subset of patients with colorectal and other types of cancer who would belikely to benefit from Keytruda.


  Dr. Ribas and colleagues suggest examining tumor samples to see if immune cells are present.The drugs appear to work best when immune cells are already in or near the tumor, ready toattack when the “stand down” order is lifted by a drug. If the immune cells are not present,then merely lifting the order may not be enough.


  Merck is working with a diagnostic company, NanoString Technologies, to develop a test thatmeasures activity levels in genes associated with immune response.

  默克正在與診斷技術(shù)公司“奈米序列科技(NanoString Technologies)合作,研發(fā)一種測(cè)試,用以測(cè)量與免疫反應(yīng)相關(guān)的基因的活躍程度。

  A downside for drug companies is that a test can narrow the market for a drug.


  Shares of Bristol-Myers fell nearly 7 percent on Friday based on what would seem to be positiveclinical trial results showing that Opdivo could prolong the lives of patients with the mostcommon form of lung cancer.


  But there was a big survival difference in patients with PD-L1-positive tumors and patientswhose tumors test negative for the protein. For those with PD-L1-negative tumors, therewas no real difference between Opdivo and the generic chemotherapy drug docetaxel. Thisinformation dashed investors’ hopes that Opdivo might be used by all patients with that form oflung cancer.


  Opdivo did cause fewer side effects than docetaxel, but insurers might not be willing to pay somuch more for that reason alone.


  Docetaxel costs ,000 for six cycles of treatment; Opdivo used for the same length of timecosts about ,000, said Dr. Patrick W. Cobb, an oncologist in Billings, Mont.

  蒙大拿州比靈斯的腫瘤科醫(yī)生派崔克‧W‧柯布(Partrick W. Cobb)表示,多西他賽六次療程要價(jià)6千美元(約合3萬7千人民幣),同樣時(shí)長療程的納武單抗則需6萬美元。

  “The cost of treating these patients will be far higher than in the past,” Dr. Cobb said on awebinar sponsored by Kantar Health, a consulting firm. “We really need a way of determiningwhich patients are likely to benefit from these agents.”

  “治療這些病患的支出會(huì)遠(yuǎn)超以往,”柯布醫(yī)生在由咨詢公司坎達(dá)健康(Kantar Health)贊助的網(wǎng)絡(luò)研討會(huì)中表示。“我們真的需要找到一個(gè)方法,來分辨哪些病患可能從這些藥物獲得益處。”


  身心醫(yī)學(xué) 要相信你的身體很棒

  Science and technology - Psychosomatic medicine


  Psychosomatic medicine


  Think yourself well


  You can. But it helps to think well of yourself in the first place


  THE link between mind and body is terrain into which many medical researchers, fearingridicule, dare not tread.


  But perhaps more should do so.


  For centuries, doctors have recognised the placebo effect, in which the illusion of treatment,such as pills without an active ingredient, produces real medical benefits.


  More recently, respectable research has demonstrated that those who frequently experiencepositive emotions live longer and healthier lives.


  They have fewer heart attacks, forexample, and fewer colds too.


  Why this happens, though, is only slowly becoming understood.


  What is needed is an experiment that points out specific and measurable ways in which suchemotions alter an individual's biology.


  And a study published in Psychological Science, by Barbara Fredrickson and Bethany Kok at theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, does precisely that.


  Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok concentrated their attentions on the vagus nerve. This nerve startsin the brain and runs, via numerous branches, to several thoracic and abdominal organsincluding the heart.


  Among its jobs is to send signals telling that organ to slow down during moments of calm andsafety.


  How effectively the vagus nerve is working can be tracked by monitoring someone's heart rateas he breathes in and out.


  Healthy vagal function is reflected in a subtle increase in heart rate while breathing in and asubtle decrease while breathing out.


  The difference yields an index of vagal tone, and the value of this index is known to beconnected with health.


  Low values are, for example, linked to inflammation and heart attacks.


  What particularly interested Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok was recent work that showed somethingelse about the vagal-tone index: people with high tone are better than those with low atstopping bad feelings getting overblown.


  They also show more positive emotions in general.


  This may provide the missing link between emotional well-being and physical health.


  In particular, the two researchers found, during a preliminary study they carried out in 2010,that the vagal-tone values of those who experience positive emotions over a period of time goup.


  This left them wondering whether positive emotions and vagal tone drive one another in avirtuous spiral.


  They therefore conducted an experiment on 65 of the university's staff, to try to find out.


  They measured all of their volunteers' vagal tones at the beginning of the experiment and atits conclusion nine weeks later.


  In between, the volunteers were asked to go each evening to a website especially designed forthe purpose, and rate their most powerful emotional experiences that day.


  Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok asked their volunteers to consider nine positive emotions, such ashope, joy and love, and 11 negative ones, including anger, boredom and disgust.


  They were asked to rate, on a five-point scale, whether—and how strongly—they had felt eachemotion.


  One point meant not at all; five meant extremely.


  In addition, half the participants, chosen at random, were invited to a series of workshops runby a licensed therapist, to learn a meditation technique intended to engender in themeditator a feeling of goodwill towards both himself and others.


  This group was encouraged to meditate daily, and to report the time they spent doing so.


  Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok discovered that vagal tone increased significantly in people whomeditated, and hardly at all in those who did not.


  Among meditators, those who started the experiment with the highest vagal-tone scoresreported the biggest increases in positive emotions.


  Meditators who started with particularly low scores showed virtually no such boost.


  Taken as a whole, these findings suggest high vagal tone makes it easier to generate positiveemotions and that this, in turn, drives vagal tone still higher.


  That is both literally and metaphorically a positive feedback loop.


  Which is good news for the emotionally positive, but bad for the emotionally negative, for itimplies that those who most need a psychosomatic boost are incapable of generating one.


  A further experiment by Dr Kok suggests, however, that the grumpy need not give up all hope.


  A simpler procedure than meditation, namely reflecting at night on the day's socialconnections, did seem to cause some improvement to their vagal tone.


  This might allow even those with a negative outlook on life to bootstrap their way to a mentalstate from which they could then advance to the more powerful technique of meditation.


  Whether, besides improving general health, the mechanism Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok havediscovered helps explain the placebo effect remains to be investigated.


  But it might, because part of that effect seems to be the good feeling engendered by the fact ofbeing treated.


  More generally, doctors in the ancient world had a saying: a healthy mind in a healthy body.


  This sort of work suggests that though this proverb is true, a better one might be, a healthymind for a healthy body.
