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  上班遲到 late for Work

  Do you feel guilty if you are late for work? One in ten workers said that they arrive late to work at least once a week and about 24% said they arrive late at least once a month.

  情景對話 1:


  Wang Ping: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 真抱歉讓您久等了。

  Tom: That's OK. What made you so late? 沒關系,你怎么來這么晚?

  Wang Ping: I was tied up with some urgent business. 有急事脫不開身。

  Tom: I see. 我明白了。

  Wang Ping: You've visited some places of interest in Beijing during the last few days, haven't you? 您已經(jīng)參觀了北京的許多名勝古跡,對嗎?

  Tom: Yes, we've visited many places such as the Imperial Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall. Well, during my visit to Xi'an, I suddenly got an idea that we should build a synthetic fiber works there. It will be a joint venture. 是的。參觀了許多地方,比如說故宮、天壇和長城。對了,在西安參觀時,我突然產(chǎn)生了一個想法:我們應該在那里開辦一家合資性質的合成纖維廠。

  Wang Ping: That's a great idea. We'll surely try our best to cooperate with you. We have many favorable conditions to run a joint wenture there. You can get full support from the local government there.那太好了。我們一定盡全力與貴方合作。我們有許多有利條件。貴方可以得到當?shù)卣矫娴娜χС帧?/p>

  Tom: That sounds really attracting. And what about the details? 聽起來確實很有吸引力。那么,有哪些細節(jié)?

  Wang Ping: If it is convenient for you, we can go and visit the local government for those details. 如果你有時間,我們可以去拜訪一下當?shù)氐恼私庖幌录毠?jié)。

  Tom: All right. Let's make it 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. 好的,就定在明天早上九點鐘吧。



  Jane: Sorry, Ma Lin, I'm late. 對不起,馬林,我遲到了。

  Ma Lin: Jane, that's the second time this week, isn't it? 珍妮,這是本星期的第二次了,是吧?

  Jane: Yes. My bus was late again. 是的,公共汽車又來遲了。

  Ma Lin: Is it possible for you to take an earlier bus? 你能搭乘一班早一些的公汽嗎?

  Jane: I think so. I'm going to do that tomorrow. 我想是可以的,我打算明天就這么辦。

  Ma Lin: Perhaps we can change your working hours a bit if you wish. 如果你愿意,也許我們可以改一下你得工作時間。

  Jane: No, thanks. I can manage. 不用了,謝謝。我能設法應付的。

  Ma Lin: All right. If there's anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to let me know. 好的,如果有什么事我能為你做,請盡管告訴我。

  Jane: That's very kind of you. Ma Lin. 你太好了,馬林。


  向別人表示歉意時,首先要承認自己做錯了事,或做出了不禮貌的行為,并且通常要說明原因,表示遺憾。最簡單的道歉方式是說I'm sorry。但這往往不夠,還需要對你所做的錯事做出解釋之后,做出改正和改進的許諾,表示不會讓錯誤再次發(fā)生。如果你真的做錯了事,給對方造成傷害或帶來不利的影響,這時做無謂的解釋,只能欲蓋彌彰,效果相反。



  1. look good/very well/nice/great/terrific/fresh-complexioned 看起來氣色很好

  Wow! Candy, you're looking great!


  2. have a good color/high color 臉色紅潤

  You have a high color on the face.


  3. have a good complexion 面色好;氣色很好

  At the same time, people usually have good complexion, have a better mental state , which also shows their good health.


  4. off color 不舒服、氣色差

  I feel a bit off color.


  5. little color 沒有血色

  He has little color in his cheeks.


  6. be in the pink 身體好

  I hope you'll soon be in the pink again.


  7. looking bouncy 看起來生龍活虎

  You certainly look bouncy today.


  8. a ball of fire 精力充沛的人

  I hope John will join us, he is a ball of fire.




  1. mortgage loan (按揭貸款) is a loan secured by real property through the use of a mortgage note which evidences the existence of the loan and the encumbrance of that realty through the granting of a mortgage which secures the loan.

  e.g. Personal Home Loan Mortgages provides borrowers with the most current mortgage rates, news, resources and information.

  2. a relocated unit or household (搬遷戶) is the basic residential unit in which economic production, consumption, inheritance, child rearing, and shelter are organized and carried out.

  e.g. Appropriate a special fund to help relocate households or units having to move

  3. domestic removal allowance (住戶搬遷津貼)

  e.g. Domestic allowances will be provided to the eligible households affectecd by public rental housing redevelopment.

  4. compensation for demolition (拆遷補償費)

  e.g. On the compensation for demolition, relocation of people being relocated due to compensation and resettlement.

  5. property right certificate (房權證)

  e.g. The property right certificate is an necessary proof of your ownership of housing.

  6. real estate speculator (炒房者)

  e.g. A Real Estate Speculator Goes From Boom to Bust.

  7. residence houses for low-and-medium wage earners (經(jīng)濟適用房)

  e.g. A study on the problem of the Chinses Policy on residence houses for low-and-medium wage earners.

  8. urban housing provident fund (城鎮(zhèn)住房公積金)

  e.g. Urban Housing Provident Fund Management Center, former director jailed for bribe.

  9. removal expense (拆遷費用)

  e.g. Removal expenses for teaching assistants, teaching fellows, graduate students.

  10. Comfortable Housing Project (安居工程)

  e.g. Government's comfortable housing project in Tibet.