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  誰是下一個WhatsApp和Candy Crush

  WhatsApp and Candy Crush recently joined the big leagues of technology start-ups done good,prompting tech-shy investors to join the hunt for the digital giants of the future.

  WhatsApp和Candy Crush最近加入了成功高科技初創(chuàng)企業(yè)的行列,這推動通?;乇芸萍脊傻耐顿Y者開始尋找未來的數(shù)字巨擘。

  Family offices, wealthy individuals and even some institutional investors have begun to siftthrough the swaths of up-and-coming technology ventures in the hope of spotting the next bigthing.


  Christian Nagel, co-founder of Earlybird, a Berlin-based venture capital company, admits thatEuropean investors have in recent years suffered a “horrible experience” when committingcapital to start-ups.

  總部位于柏林的風(fēng)投公司Earlybird聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人克里斯蒂安•納格爾(Christian Nagel)承認(rèn),最近幾年,歐洲投資者在將資金投入初創(chuàng)企業(yè)方面遭遇了“可怕的經(jīng)歷”。

  “Venture capital as an asset class has not been in investors’ favour, and investment volumeshave constantly come down,” he says.


  But he believes the high-risk, low-return dynamic that blighted early-stage investors isshifting.


  “We have had discussions with our investors about whether the venture capital model isbroken, and we find that family offices are among those who have realised that something haschanged,” he says. “There is less capital chasing more opportunities.”


  The recent flurry of young tech companies that have found success at an international level hasspurred investor interest in digital start-ups, despite the fact that many investors were burntnot too long ago during the dotcom bubble.


  Just last month King Digital Entertainment, the developer behind the addictive online gameCandy Crush Saga, filed for an initial public offering in the US with the hope of raising morethan $500m.

  就在上個月,深受網(wǎng)民喜歡的在線游戲Candy Crush Saga背后的開發(fā)公司King Digital Entertainment,申請在美國進行首次公開發(fā)行(IPO),希望籌資逾5億美元。

  Sina Weibo, a Chinese messaging platform similar to Twitter, followed suit last week byannouncing plans to list on the New York Stock Exchange with a potential valuation of up to$8bn.

  類似于Twitter的中國微博客平臺新浪微博(Sina Weibo)最近也宣布,計劃在紐交所(New York StockExchange)上市,估值可能高達80億美元。

  Social networking giant Facebook also recently surprised markets with its $19bn buyout ofinstant messaging application WhatsApp in what appeared to be one of Silicon Valley’s best-kept secrets.


  While the odds of spotting the next Facebook are very long, investing in the next Airbnb, theaccommodation website, or Farfetch, the online fashion retailer, is more plausible, accordingto Stefano Guidotti, chief executive of U-Start, a matchmaker for start-ups that puts selectedsmall businesses in touch with angel investors.

  為初創(chuàng)企業(yè)牽線搭橋、把精選的小企業(yè)介紹給天使投資者的U-Start公司的首席執(zhí)行官斯泰法諾•吉多蒂(Stefano Guidotti)表示,盡管發(fā)現(xiàn)下一個Facebook的機會不大,但投資于下一個住宿網(wǎng)站Airbnb或者在線時尚零售商Farfetch還是比較可信的。

  He says: “Digital start-ups are disrupting industries from travel to accommodation to logistics– this is where you can really look for home runs in the investment space.


  “Models that are growing at an incredible pace have the chance to become a billion-dollaropportunity, and [they emerge] much more frequently than companies like Facebook orTwitter.”


  The one area that investors should steer clear of is the new breed of start-ups aiming to cashin on the buzz around alternative digital currencies such as Bitcoin, according to Matteo Rizzi,partner at SBT Venture Capital, the financial technology-focused firm.

  聚焦金融技術(shù)的公司SBT Venture Capital合伙人馬特奧•里茲(Matteo Rizzi)表示,投資者應(yīng)回避的一個領(lǐng)域是希望借助比特幣(Bitcoin)等另類數(shù)字貨幣所引發(fā)的熱潮謀利的新型初創(chuàng)企業(yè)。

  “This is potentially a very risky investment because the return could be very big, or you couldlose all of your money,” he says. “It has such explosive potential because regulation could hitthis sector very hard and kill it before it gets going.”


  Rising investor confidence in early-stage technology and digital businesses has been helpedby the development of vibrant start-up hubs beyond the US.


  A cluster of businesses focusing on online marketing and data analytics has sprung up in Berlin,while London is home to a growing number of financial tech start-ups. Large entrepreneurialcommunities have similarly sprouted in Tel Aviv and pockets of eastern Europe and SouthAmerica.


  Mr Nagel says: “In the past most start-ups were in Silicon Valley or New York and you had tospend millions just to start developing. Now we see businesses popping up everywhere as youcan develop and test an app overnight with little money.”


  As a result, Earlybird recently launched a fund focused on early-stage businesses in Turkey,central and eastern Europe. It raised $110m from entrepreneurs, family offices andinstitutional investors including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development andthe International Finance Corporation.

  因此,Earlybird最近推出了一只基金,關(guān)注土耳其、中歐和東歐的初創(chuàng)企業(yè)。這只基金從企業(yè)家、家族理財室和機構(gòu)投資者那里籌資1.10億美元,這些機構(gòu)投資者包括歐洲復(fù)興開發(fā)銀行(European Bank forReconstruction and Development)和國際金融公司(International Finance Corporation)。

  Family offices founded by successful business people who made their fortunes decades agohave been among the first to realise that an exciting new generation of entrepreneurs hasemerged, according to Mr Nagel. “This new breed of entrepreneur does not copy existing USbusiness models, but creates something unique that can be expanded internationally,” he says.


  Mr Guidotti agrees, pointing out that many family offices are particularly keen to invest insectors they already have some experience of. Families with a background in the motorindustry, for example, prefer to invest in start-ups in related technology, such as car-sharingor tracking devices.


  “They see the opportunity in something they can control and understand better than ahedge-fund product, which has not necessarily brought the results they expected,” Mr Guidottisays.


  Although investors are regaining confidence in the tech start-up scene, it is not fool proof.There is resounding consensus that roughly 15 to 20 per cent of even the most carefullyselected businesses will fail.


  To keep business failures – and investor discontent – to a minimum, venture capitalists andgroups such as U-Start seek recommendations from accelerators such as Berlin’sStartupbootcamp and academic incubators that provide facilities, office space and mentoringadvice to early-stage entrepreneurs.


  Earlybird’s Mr Nadel adds that the main reason a business tends to fail is down to problemswith the team dynamic.


  He says: “We have declined opportunities where the idea was great but the team was so-so.The team needs to be really willing to create something, not give up first time a cheque fromGoogle comes around. This is not about quick money – if you sell the company or bring itpublic, the team should stay.”




  In 1990, when Eric Babolat was a college student in France, he remembers watching SharonStone play tennis with a hologram instructor in the movie Total Recall and thinking, "That's thefuture of tennis." This was not idle reflection. Babolat represents the fifth generation in afamily business of tennis equipment makers, started when his great-great grandfather madethe first strings out of sheep gut, obtained from the slaughterhouses of Lyon. Their latestinnovation, a racquet called Babolat Play, has just come on the market. This time, it's not juststrung; it's wired.

  埃里克o百保力記得,1990年他在法國上大學(xué)時,曾經(jīng)看過一部名叫《宇宙威龍》(Total Recall )的電影。在這部電影中,莎朗o斯通和一個全息投影的“教練”一起打網(wǎng)球。當(dāng)時埃里克不禁想到:“這就是網(wǎng)球的未來”。他可不是閑著沒事才回想往事。埃里克o百保力是著名家族企業(yè)、法國網(wǎng)羽設(shè)備制造商百保力集團(Babolat)的第五代繼承人,從他的曾曾祖父開始,百保力家族就已經(jīng)在用羊腸線制做網(wǎng)球拍,制作原料來自法國里昂的屠宰場。百保力集團最近推出了一款名叫Babolat Play的網(wǎng)球拍。特別之處在于它是一副安裝有電子設(shè)備的網(wǎng)球拍。

  The company first came up with the idea of a connected racquet a decade ago, thinking itwould provide more reliable data about prototypes. "We have professional testers whoanalyze if a racquet is rigid, heavy, light," Babolat says. "We wanted to make sure that theywere speaking the same language, and our engineers wanted captors to show exactly what wasgoing on." They quickly realized this feature could prove interesting for players, too. "Nobodyreally knows what happens the moment the racquet hits the ball."


  At the time, the technology wasn't up to the task, but three years ago it looked morepromising, and Babolat gave it another go. To develop the system, it hired Movea, a leader inmotion sensing technology headquartered in Grenoble. (In 2008, Movea acquired Gyration, whohad worked with Nintendo on an early prototype for the Wii.) Babolat established twoconditions. First, the technology would have to fit inside the racquet handle so that it wouldn'taffect a player's game. Second, it needed to be accessible and useful to all players, not justpros.


  They started by modifying the company's bestselling model, the Pure Drive. The Play version isthe same weight, around 11 ounces, and looks nearly identical; the only obvious difference istwo orange stripes at the bottom of the handle, buttons that activate the racquet andsynchronize it via Bluetooth.

  研發(fā)團隊開始在百保力最暢銷的網(wǎng)球拍產(chǎn)品Pure Drive的基礎(chǔ)上進行開發(fā)。Babolat Play和Pure Drive的重量相同,都是11盎司,外觀看起來也一般無二。唯一顯著的區(qū)別是Babolat Play的手柄底部有兩個橙色亮條,以及用來激活球拍和通過藍(lán)牙進行同步的按鈕。

  You have to remember to switch the racquet on before playing -- and, prior to that, to chargeit. Afterwards, you download the data to your user account on a computer, tablet orsmartphone app. Here you can see a breakdown of your shots by number and classification(forehands, backhands, serves, smashes), the power of your strokes in percentage, based onthe speed of the racquet (100 percent corresponds roughly to a flat serve of 136 miles perhour), the type of spin you use and how often. An impact locator shows what percentage ofyour shots hit the sweet spot or the areas around it. CyrilleSoubeyrat, vice president ofengineering for Movea, says this was the most complicated feature to make, requiring thedevelopment of brand new technology.


  Soubeyrat did his best to explain in simple terms what happens inside the racquet during play.In the handle, sensors deliver signals to an electronic system, which executes algorithms.Some analysis takes place continuously, such as the racquet's position in relation to theground. Other measurements start each time the ball hits the strings, setting off a reactionlike when a car crash sets off an airbag.


  At the moment of impact, the racquet experiences several modes of flexion and torsion, and atdifferent frequencies. The electronic system analyzes all of these vibrations simultaneously,and within 200 milliseconds produces information about 20 different properties of the shot. Atthe same time, it recognizes and rejects all the "parasitic" gestures, such as bouncing the ballbetween serves or using the racquet to whack clay off one's sneakers.


  Soubeyrat says the technology is remarkably accurate, even if there are things it cannotmeasure, like whether that ball you hit so powerfully went right over the court and into theparking lot. Eventually, he says, other tools could round out the offer, such as sensors in theshoes.


  One of the most addictive things about the new technology is the gaming aspect. Each playerstarts out as a "newbie" and can work his or her way up through levels like a video game. "There's nothing more frustrating in tennis than feeling you aren't progressing," Eric Babolatsays. "To put a bit of reward in the application seemed like an obvious thing to do." You canjoin the global Babolat Play community, check your ranking and compare your performanceto other players, even Rafael Nadal. If you like what you see you can share the data onFacebook.

  這項新技術(shù)最令人上癮的地方是它含有電子游戲的因素在里面。每個運動員一開始都是一個“菜鳥”,然后可以像打游戲一樣逐漸“升級”??怖锟薿百保力說:“網(wǎng)球這項運動最令人沮喪的莫過于覺得自己沒有進步。因此,在這款應(yīng)用中加入一點激勵的元素也就成了順理成章的事。”你可以加入全球Babolat Play社區(qū),然后查看自己的排名,把自己的表現(xiàn)和其他球員(甚至是納達爾)進行對比。如果你對自己的進步滿意的話,也可以把你的數(shù)據(jù)分享到Facebook上。

  Can the racquet improve a player's technique? "The advantage of gaming is that it motivatespeople to play more tennis," Babolat says. "It's exciting to see how you evolve." The companylent me a Play for a couple of weeks to try out. After noting (to my chagrin) that all of myserves were flat, I concentrated on adding some spin and immediately saw the difference, onthe court and on the app. As for the impact locator, I managed to hit the sweet spot a goodpart of the time, but also hit a sizable percentage below it, and realized that I wasn't bendingmy knees enough. Afterwards, going back to my old racquet was a bit of a letdown.


  Babolat introduced the Play in mid-December in the United States, its number one market,selling it in 50 specialized stores. (It launches in Europe in May.) Though it was on the shelvesfor only ten days, it took fourth place for December's overall tennis racquet sales in the U.S.,in terms of dollar value -- at $400, it is roughly twice the price of a normal racquet. Eric Babolatnotes that in 2013, his company sold 1.8 million unconnected racquets worldwide, and he feelsthat the potential for connected racquets is huge: "I'm convinced that 10 years from now allracquets will be wired."


  Meanwhile, two other companies have been working on a similar concept. Artengo, a Frenchbrand specializing in modestly priced racquet sport equipment, now sells a gadget thatattaches to the outside of a handle and gathers data (also developed by Movea). And inJanuary, Sony (SNE) showed off a prototype sensor at the Consumer Electronics Show in LasVegas. Weighing under 3 ounces and made to snap onto the butt of certain Yonex racquets, itcomes out in Japan this spring.


  Babolat sees this competition as encouraging. "I'm surprised that Sony is among the first toenter this field, since sports is not really their thing. But it's reassuring to see that they arefocusing on tennis, and that they believe it has potential as online communityentertainment."


  Last July, the International Tennis Federation wrote its 31st rule, permitting the use ofapproved "Player Analysis Technology" during competitions. Babolat is looking forward to theday the Play makes its debut in an official tournament. For the moment, however, only thePure Drive is wired, and the company's star ambassadors -- Nadal and Jo-Wilfried Tsonga --use a different model.

  去年七月,國際網(wǎng)球協(xié)會(International Tennis Federation)制訂了它的第31條規(guī)則,允許在網(wǎng)球比賽中使用經(jīng)過批準(zhǔn)的“運動員分析技術(shù)”。埃里克o百保力非常期待有一天能在正式的網(wǎng)球錦標(biāo)賽上看到Play球拍的亮相。目前這家公司的產(chǎn)品中,電子球拍只有Pure Drive一款,而公司的產(chǎn)品代言人納達爾和威爾弗雷德o特松加則使用的是另一款產(chǎn)品。

  The pros had the chance to try the new racquet at a demonstration match at Roland Garros in2012. According to Babolat, Nadal and his coach, Antonio Nadal, were like children when theygot their hands on it -- Toni teasing his nephew that now he'd see how badly he was serving,Rafa responding that he would show his uncle just how powerfully he was hitting. "They arealways on the lookout for the detail that make a difference," the Frenchman says. "A player feelscertain things, and his trainer sees others. For the first time they had quantifiable data theycould discuss."


  Before the demonstration began, a 14-year-old ball boy went up to Babolat and told himexcitedly that the racquet combined his two favorite activities, tennis and video games. "Itconfirmed that we were on the right track, especially with young people," Babolat says. "Thisis not just an old sport, people wearing white at Wimbledon. Tennis is cool."
