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  The Claim: Laboring in a tub of water helps relax expectant mothers, significantly relieving the pain of childbirth.


  The Verdict: A review of 11 trials, encompassing 3,146 women, published by the Cochrane Collaboration, a global network of scientists and clinicians, concludes that laboring in a tub during the first stage of labor reduces the need for epidural anesthesia. But the safety of staying in a tub during the birthing stage hasn't been established -- prompting some doctors to urge caution.

  定論:面向科學(xué)家和臨床醫(yī)師的全球性網(wǎng)絡(luò)Cochrane協(xié)作網(wǎng)(Cochrane Collaboration)發(fā)表的一項文獻(xiàn)回顧,對覆蓋3,146名女性的 11項試驗進(jìn)行了考察,得出的結(jié)論是,第一產(chǎn)程在水中生產(chǎn)可減少使用硬膜外麻醉的必要性。不過,在胎兒娩出階段待在水中的安全性尚未得到確證——因此一些醫(yī)生告誡人們要保持謹(jǐn)慎。

  Sitting in water during labor, sometimes called hydrotherapy, can promote relaxation, improve blood flow and reduce swelling, according to scientific literature. Tubs -- with or without massaging jets -- are available at many birthing centers and some hospitals. For home births, women can use a bathtub or rent a birthing tub for about 0 to 0.


  Typically the water is heated to body temperature, says Jenna Shaw-Battista, director of the Nurse-Midwifery Education Program at the University of California, San Francisco. The tub is filled to cover the belly and sometimes as high as the chest, Dr. Shaw-Battista says. Clothing is optional, she adds, and many women wear a sports bra or a hospital gown.

  加州大學(xué)舊金山分校(University of California, San Francisco)的護(hù)理和助產(chǎn)教育項目(Nurse-Midwifery Education Program)主管詹娜·肖-巴蒂斯塔(Jenna Shaw-Battista)表示,水一般會加熱至體溫。肖-巴蒂斯塔博士說,缸內(nèi)的水會沒過腹部,有時甚至?xí)R胸。她補充稱,穿不穿衣服可以自己選擇,許多女性會穿運動文胸或者醫(yī)院的病號服。

  The scientific literature supports claims that hydrotherapy offers pain relief and relaxation -- and may even shorten labor. But some clinicians draw the line at giving birth underwater.


  In a joint opinion published this month, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of Pediatrics, said that due to reports of newborn drownings, near drownings, and infection described in medical literature, the procedure should remain 'experimental' and be performed only in the context of clinical trials.

  美國婦產(chǎn)科醫(yī)師協(xié)會(American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)和美國兒科學(xué)會(American Academy of Pediatrics)本月發(fā)布聯(lián)合意見稱,鑒于醫(yī)學(xué)文獻(xiàn)中有新生兒溺亡、溺水和感染相關(guān)報告,水中分娩仍然應(yīng)該是“實驗性的”,只能在臨床試驗背景下施行。

  In theory, in a water birth the baby is brought to the surface safely before it takes its first gasp. But if a baby is experiencing distress -- for example if the umbilical cord is crimped -- it may gasp earlier and 'that's all you need to get water in the lungs or to swallow that water into the stomach,' says Tonse N.K. Raju, chief of the pregnancy and perinatology branch at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda, Md., and a liaison to the committee that issued the opinion. Another concern, he says, is that tub water can easily get contaminated with bacteria.

  從理論上說,水下分娩的嬰兒在開始呼吸之前就已經(jīng)被安全地帶到水面上了。但馬里蘭州貝塞斯達(dá)(Bethesda)的美國國家兒童健康與人類發(fā)育研究所(National Institute of Child Health and Human Development)妊娠和圍產(chǎn)期學(xué)分部主管、負(fù)責(zé)與發(fā)布上述意見的委員會進(jìn)行聯(lián)絡(luò)的通斯·拉朱(N·K· Tonse N.K. Raju)表示,如果嬰兒出現(xiàn)窘迫(比如說臍帶纏繞過緊),則有可能會提前呼吸,“這就很容易導(dǎo)致肺部嗆水,或者把水咽進(jìn)胃里”。他說,另一擔(dān)憂是,缸內(nèi)的水很容易被細(xì)菌污染。

  Problems are rare, Dr. Raju says. And the doctors' concerns are based not on large randomized trials but on individual case reports, which some midwives say is a flawed approach as births on land can also have complications. So far, a number of observational studies of water births in low-risk women -- including a 1999 British report of 4,032 water deliveries -- have found no higher newborn mortality than a birth out of water. In data released last week by the American Association of Birth Centers, a trade group for free-standing birth centers, there were no infant deaths in 3,998 water births conducted at 79 centers over four years. And 1.5% of babies delivered underwater needed to be transferred to a hospital for observation or treatment, compared with 2.8% delivered on land.

  拉朱博士說,這些問題很罕見。另外,醫(yī)生的擔(dān)憂也并非基于大規(guī)模隨機(jī)試驗,而是基于個案報告,一些助產(chǎn)士認(rèn)為,這種研究方法是存在缺陷的,因為普通分娩一樣會有并發(fā)癥。 到目前為止,許多針對低危產(chǎn)婦水中分娩的觀察性研究(包括1999年英國一項覆蓋4,032例水中分娩的報告)發(fā)現(xiàn),水中分娩的新生兒死亡率并不比非水中分娩的死亡率高。代表獨立分娩中心的行業(yè)組織美國分娩中心聯(lián)合會(American Association of Birth Centers)近期發(fā)布的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,79家分娩中心在四年中施行的3,998 例水中分娩未出現(xiàn)一例新生兒死亡事件。另外,有1.5%的水中分娩嬰兒需要被轉(zhuǎn)至醫(yī)院接受觀察或治療,而非水中分娩的嬰兒比例為2.8%。

  The data, which the association hopes to publish, reflects that centers steer women likely to have complicated deliveries away from water birth, says the association's director, Lesley Rathbun. Even if a water birth is planned, during labor the baby's heartbeat is carefully monitored and if there's any suggestion of distress, 'we're going to get the woman out of the tub' before delivery, she says.

  美國分娩中心聯(lián)合會主管萊斯莉·拉思本(Lesley Rathbun)表示,這些數(shù)據(jù)(該聯(lián)合會希望發(fā)表相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù))反映出,分娩中心會建議高危產(chǎn)婦不要在水中分娩。她說,即使水中分娩是按計劃進(jìn)行的,分娩過程中也會進(jìn)行細(xì)致的胎心監(jiān)護(hù),如果有任何窘迫征兆,“我們會在胎兒娩出之前讓產(chǎn)婦離開水缸”。


導(dǎo)語:科學(xué)文獻(xiàn)顯示,坐在水中生產(chǎn)(有時被稱為水療分娩)能夠幫助產(chǎn)婦放松,促進(jìn)血液循環(huán)并減輕腫脹。 The Claim: Laboring in a tub of water helps relax expectant mothers, significantly relieving the pain of childbirth. 主張:


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