

時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享


  適合背誦的英文短文:My favourite fruit

  I like eating various kinds of fruits, but what I like most is apple. Apple is red, round, and juicy. It looks so nice and tastes so sweet. Almost everyone likes it. And it's also very cheap. We can buy it everywhere.


  Apple is not only delicious, but also nutritious, because it contains the vitamins we need. Having apples everyday can make us healthy and wise. Just as saying goes," An apple a day keeps the doctors away.


  What's more, apple can be made into many kinds of foods and drinks. For example, apple milk shake is so popular among people. It's so easy to make. Here is the list: First, peel three apples and cut them into pieces. Second, put the apples and ice cream into a blender, and then pour some milk into the blender. Next, turn on the blender, and the milk shake will be ready in two minutes. Finally, drink the milk shake. This is the last but the most delightful step.


  適合背誦的英文短文:Reading Books Selectively or Extensively?

  When the children get six years old, they need to go to school and finish the compulsive education. It has been admitted that reading more books brings people more knowledge and broadens their vision. But some people believe that reading books selectively is the right way. Both ways have their advantages.


  Reading books selectively helps people get the details of the books. Reading a book needs a lot of time, let alone to study the book, if people choose the book to read, they can have more time to study the details, so they can enjoy the books and know more about the authors’ purpose of writing these books.


  Reading books extensively can make people know more about the books. People can have the main idea of the books, knowing what the authors have written. The more people read, the more knowledge they can gain. In Chinese old saying, if you read all the books, you will not be afraid of travel around the world.


  For me, I think people at first should read as more books as possible, when they start to choose the major, then they should read selectively, so they can have more time to study a book.


  適合背誦的英文短文:Reading Books

  I enjoy reading books very much, because there are lots of interesting things in them. Two years ago, I didn't like reading very much. I had plenty of time, but I spent lots of time on playing with computers. When I was very young, I didn't think reading book was interesting, because I found nothing more interesting than the computer games. I've changed now. I enjoy reading novels, because there're lots of interesting stories. I love to read Harry Potter. That's a good novel. I know that it is one of the best-sellers in England. I'm always lose myself in the interesting stories. From joozone.com. I hate the words like "to be continued" in a novel. That makes me very sad, because I don't know the end of the story. I also hate the words like "the end", because I want to read more. Some of my friends think that I'm strange. Maybe you can find the interesting things in a book, so don't waste your time in the computers any more. If you read very much, you will get lots of knowledge.

  我喜歡讀書(shū),因?yàn)闀?shū)中有許多樂(lè)趣。兩年前,我并不喜歡閱讀。我有許多空閑的時(shí)間,但是我把大量的時(shí)間都花費(fèi)在了電腦上。當(dāng)我年輕的時(shí)候,我不認(rèn)為閱讀是有趣的,因?yàn)槲矣X(jué)得沒(méi)有什么比電腦游戲,還能使我感興趣?,F(xiàn)在我已經(jīng)變了。我喜歡讀小說(shuō),因?yàn)槠渲杏性S多有趣的故事。我喜歡讀哈利波特,那是一部很好的小說(shuō),我也知道在英國(guó),那是一本暢銷書(shū)。 我總是沉浸其中。我討厭在小說(shuō)中出現(xiàn)“未完待續(xù)”這種字樣。那會(huì)使我很難受,因?yàn)槲也恢拦适碌慕Y(jié)尾。我也討厭看到“完結(jié)”這種字樣,因?yàn)槲蚁虢又x。我的一些朋友,因此認(rèn)為我很怪。也許,在書(shū)中,你也可以發(fā)現(xiàn)樂(lè)趣,因此不要再把你的時(shí)間,浪費(fèi)在電腦游戲上了。 假如,你廣泛地閱讀,你會(huì)獲得很多知識(shí)的。








背誦法自古以來(lái)被認(rèn)為是一種高效的英語(yǔ)教學(xué)方法,是我國(guó)傳統(tǒng)英語(yǔ)教育的寶貴經(jīng)驗(yàn)之一。學(xué)習(xí)啦小編分享適合背誦的英文短文,希望可以幫助大家! 適合背誦的英文短文:My favourite fruit I like eating various kinds of fruits, but what I


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  • 有趣的英語(yǔ)短文有翻譯
