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  七年級英語短文加翻譯:Green Card, a Perfect Solution?


  Seven years ago, when I was visting Germany, I met with an official who explained to me thatthe country had a perfect solution to its economic problems. Watching the U.S. economy soarduring the '90s, the Germans had decided that they, too, needed to go the high-technologyroute. But how? In the late '90s, the answer seemed obvious: Indians.


  After all, Indian entrepreneurs accounted for one of every three Silicon Valley start-ups. So theGerman government decided that it would lure Indians to Germany just as America does: byoffering green cards. Officials created something called the German Green Card and announcedthat they would issue 20,000 in the first year.


  Naturally, the Germans expected that tens of thousands more Indians would soon be beggingto come, and perhaps the quotas would have to be increased. But the program was a failure. Ayear later barely half of the 20,000 cards had been issued. After a few extensions, the programwas abolished.


  I told the German official at the time that I was sure the initiative woudl fail. It's not that I hadany particular expertise in immigration policy, so I understood something about green cards,because I had one (the American version).


  The German Green Card was misnamed, I argued, because it never, under any circumstances,translated into German citizenship. The U.S. green card, by contrast, is an almost automaticpath to becoming American (after five years and a clean record). The official dismissed myobjection, saying that there was no way Germany was going to offer these people citizenship. "We need young tech workers," he said. "That's what this program is all about."


  So Germany was asking bright young professionals to leavve their country, culture and families,move thousands of miles away, learn a new languaged and work in a strange land - but withoutany prospect of ever being part of their new home. Germany was sending a signal, one thatwas clearly received in India and other countries, and also by Germany's own immigrantcommunity.


  七年級英語短文加翻譯:Weddings in the United States


  Weddings in the United States vary as much as the people do. There are church weddings witha great deal of fanfare; there are weddings on mountain-top with guests barefooted; and therehave been weddings on the ocean floor with oxygen tanks for the guests. But many weddings,no matter where or how they are performed, include certain traditional customs.


  Before a couple is married, they become engaged. And then invitations are sent to those wholive nearby, their close friends and their relatives who live far away. When everything is ready,then comes the most exciting moment.


  The wedding itself ususlly lasts between 20 and 40 minutes. The wedding party enters thechurch while the wedding march is played. The bride carrying a bouquet enters last with herfather who will "give her away". The groom enters the church from a side door. When thewedding party is gathered by the altar, the bride and groom exchange vows.


  It is traditional to use the words "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, forworse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do uspart". Following the vows, the couple exchange rings. Wearing the wedding ring on the fourthfinger of the left hand is an old custom.


  After the ceremony there is often a party, called a "reception" which gives the wedding guestsan opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds.


  The car in which the couple leaves the church is decorated with balloons, streamers andshaving cream. The words "Just Married" are painted on the trunk or back window.


  The bride and groom run to the car undre a shower of rice thrown by the wedding guests.When the couple drives away from the church, friends often chase them in cars, honking anddrawing attention to them. And then the couple go on their honeymoon.




  At the approach of spring the red squirrels got under my house, two at a time, directly under my feet as I sat reading or writing, and kept up the queerest chuckling and chirruping and vocal pirouetting and gurgling sounds that ever were heard; and when I stamped they only chirruped the louder, as if past all fear and respect in their mad pranks, defying humanity to stop them. No, you don't - chickaree - chickaree. They were wholly deaf to my arguments, or failed to perceive their force, and fell into a strain of invective that was irresistible.


  The first sparrow of spring! The year beginning with younger hope than ever! The faint silvery warblings heard over the partially bare and moist fields from the bluebird, the song sparrow, and the red-wing, as if the last flakes of winter tinkled as they fell! What at such a time are histories, chronologies, traditions, and all written revelations? The brooks sing carols and glees to the spring. The marsh hawk, sailing low over the meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life and awakes.


  The sinking sound of melting snow is heard in all dells, and the ice dissolves apace in the ponds. The grass flames up on the hillsides like a spring fire - "et primitus oritur herba imbribus primoribus evocate" - as if the earth sent forth an inward heat to greet the returing sun; not yellow but green is the color of its flame; - the symbol of perpetual youth, the grass-blade, like a long green ribbon, streams from the sod into the summer, checked indeed by the frost, but anon pushing on again, lifting its spear of last year's hay with the fresh life below. It grows as steadily as the rill oozes out of the ground. It is almost identical with that, for in the growing days of June, when the rills are dry, the grass-blades are their channels, and from year to year the herds drink at this pernnial green stream, and the mower draws from it betimes their winter supply.

  在所有的谷中,聽得到融雪的滴答之聲,而湖上的冰在迅速地溶化。小草像春火在山腰燃燒起來了,—— "et primitus oritur herba imbribus primoribus evocata" ——好像大地上送上了一個內在的熱力來迎接太陽的歸來;而火焰的顏色,不是黃的,是綠的,——永遠的青春的象征,那草葉,像一根長長的綠色緞帶,從草地上流出來流向夏季。是的,它給霜雪阻攔過,可是它不久又在向前推進,舉起了去年的干草的長莖,讓新的生命從下面升起來。它像小泉源的水從地下淙淙的冒出來一樣。它與小溪幾乎是一體的,因為在六月那些長日之中,小溪已經(jīng)干涸了,這些草葉成了它的小道,多少個年代來,牛羊從這永恒的青色的溪流上飲水,到了時候,刈草的人把它們割去供給冬天的需要。

  So our human life but dies down to its root, and still puts forth its green blade to eternity.






