關于英文短文故事:A Foolish Boy
A gay young spark I knew, who happened from his aunt great riches to inherit.
He started squandering and squandered with such spirit, that all his worldly wealth was I.O.U.
He had a fine fur coat, still new. It was winter at the time, and old Jack Frost was in his prime.
One day a s wallow passed: what does our booby do. But pawn the fur as well!
"Why, aren't we all aware, you'll never see a swallow in the air till spring insight!
So now,"thinks prodigal,"my fur is useless quite. Why wrap oneself in furs?
It is now the first spring breezes. To Nature's waking realm bring everything that pleases, and to the silent North the banished Frost takes wing."
Our friend is quick at reckoning. He only quite forgets—at least, until he sneezes, one swallow does not make the spring.
And so it proves! The frosts return again. The carts go creaking through the crumbled snow, the chimneys puff their smoke, one very window pane, delightful fairy tracings show.
Poor rake! His eyes with rheumy moisture flow; the little bird that spoke of summer days to follow, lies frozen in the snow.
He stands beside the swallow. And shakes, and holds his breath, and mumbles through his teeth, "You villain, any how you'refinished too!
I thought that I could count on you! To pawn my fur just now—a pretty thing to do!"
關于英文短文故事:the Statue
Once there lived a man among the hills, who possessed a statue wrought by an ancient master,at lay at his door face downward and he was not mindful of it.
One day there passed by his house a man from the city, a man of knowledge, and seeing thestatue he inquired of the owner if he would sell it.
The owner laughed and said, "and pray who would want to buy that dull and dirty stone?"
The man from the city said, "I will give you this piece of silver for it." And the other man wasastonished and delighted.
The statue was removed to the city, upon the back of an elephant.
And after many months the man from the hills visited the city, and as he walked the streets hesaw a crowd before a shop, and a man with a loud voice was crying, "
Come in and behold the most beautiful, the most wonderful statue in all the world. Only twosilver pieces to look upon this most marvelous work of a master. "
There upon the man from the hills paid two silver pieces and entered the shop to see thestatue that he himself had sold for one piece of silver.
關于英文短文故事:The old woman and the physician
An old woman having lost the use of her eyes, called in a physician to heal them, and madethis bargain with him in the presence of witnesses:
That if he should cure her blindness, he should receive from her a sum of money; but if herinfirmity remained, she should give him nothing.
如果醫(yī)生能治愈她的雙眼,她就會給醫(yī) 生一大筆錢:如果沒有治愈,醫(yī)生將得不到任何酬勞。
This agreement being made, the physician, time after time, applied his salve to her eyes, andon every visit took something away, stealing all her property little by little.
And when he had got all she had, he healed her and demanded the promised payment.
The old woman, when she recovered her sight and saw none of her goods in her house, wouldgive him nothing.
The physician insisted on his claim, and. as she still refused, summoned her before the judge.
The old woman, standing up in the court, argued: "this man here speaks the truth in what hesays; for i did promise to give him a sum of money if i should recover my sight:
But if i continued blind, i was to give him nothing.
Now he declares that I am healed. I, on the contrary affirm that I am still blind; for when I lostthe use of my eyes, I saw in my house various chattels and valuable goods: But now, thoughhe swears i am cured of my blindness, i am not able to see a single thing in it."
現(xiàn)在他聲稱已經(jīng)洽愈了我的眼睛,可我卻認為自己仍然是個瞎子。因為在我失明前,我能看到屋里有很多東西和貴重物品。但是現(xiàn)在,盡管他發(fā)誓我的眼睛已被治愈, 但我卻什么也看不見啊!