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  How Do You Know About Football?

  Teams Each soccer team has eleven players and three substitute, or reserve players. The team consists of a goalkeeper, defenders, midfield players, and forwards (or strikers). The object of the game is to get the ball into your opponent's goal.


  The match A game of soccer is called a match and is split into two halves of 45 minutes each, with a 15-minute break at halftime. A referee and two assistants make sure that nobody cheats or breaks the rules.


  Goalkeeping is a special skill. While the rest of the team can afford to make mistakes, if the goalkeeper makes one, it usually results in a goal for the opposition. Above Your Head The best way to catch a ball above your head is by joining the thumbs and forefingers of your hands together so there is a small arch between your hands. Chest or Head Jump off one leg and cradle the ball comfortably to your chest. The ball should rest on your forearms, with your hands holding it from above. Left or Right Always try to get both hands behind the ball and hold on tight. As soon as you've caught it, bring the ball quickly into the safety of your body.

  守門守門是一項(xiàng)特殊的技能。隊(duì)里的其他球員有失誤問(wèn)題還不太要緊,但守門員的失誤就常常導(dǎo)致對(duì)方進(jìn)球。過(guò)頂球處理過(guò)頂球的最佳方法是用大拇指和其他手指一 起來(lái)接球,因?yàn)槟菢与p手之間可形成一個(gè)拱形。胸前或眼前球單腳跳起,把球自然地抱在懷里。用前臂夾住球,兩手從前臂上方抱住球。左側(cè)球或右側(cè)球要盡量從球 后方來(lái)牢牢地接住球,一旦接住了球,就要趕快把球抱住。



  Why does football get people into a frenzy?

  Who is your idol? It may be Napoleon, Picasso, or Michael Jackson. But who is my idol? Can you guess? It is Ronaldo. He is the No. 1 super star of football.

  Football is a game in which 22 people chase one ball around a large field. The aim of the game is to get the ball into the net to score.

  After all, it’s such an easy game, and yet people go crazy mad over it. The answer lies in two facts. One is the game itself. Sometimes it is beyond any description. Football is a game of passes and techniques, passion and love, more importantly, unity is the key---the whole team working as one, united they will never be defeated.

  The European’s style of play is like a Waltz, the Brazilian like a Samba, and the passionate Argentineans play as if they are doing a Tango. Football is so unpredictable, so unbelievable. You will never know who will win until the last minute. Especially when suddenly there is a goal, the fans who have been sitting on the edge of their seats, will be wild with joy and excitement; and the losers with disappointed hearts will despair over their teams.

  The other is of course the super stars. Each one has his own personality, just like my idol Ronaldo. When he smiles, we all smile with him. Who can forget that buck-toothed smile, or that unique hairstyle during the 2002 World Cup. Ronaldo was born to a poor family. He has set an example to children who can’t afford a pair of shoes, but have talent and a passion for football. He gives them confidence and hope of a better future.

  Football is the game that wins everyone’s heart and the best game ever invented.

  相關(guān)文章拓展閱讀:足球教練The football coach

  Jack Hawkins was the football coach at an American college, and he was always trying to find good players, duanwenw.com but they weren’t always smart enough to be accepted by the college.


  One day the coach brought an excellent young player to the dean of the college and asked that the student be allowed to enter without an examination. “Well,” the dean said after some persuasion,” I’d better ask him a few questions first.”

  有一天,教練把一位優(yōu)秀的年輕運(yùn)動(dòng)員帶到學(xué)院院長(zhǎng)那兒去,要求不考試就讓此生入學(xué)。“ 好吧,” 在被勸說(shuō)一陣之后院長(zhǎng)說(shuō)道,“我最好首先問(wèn)他幾個(gè)個(gè)問(wèn)題。”

  Then he turned to the student and asked him some very easy questions, duanwenw.com but the student didn’t know any of the questions. At last the dean said,” Well, what five times seven?”

  于是院長(zhǎng)轉(zhuǎn)向那個(gè)學(xué)生,問(wèn)他幾個(gè)非常容易的問(wèn)題,英語(yǔ)短文但該生不知道任何一個(gè)問(wèn)題的答案。最后院長(zhǎng)說(shuō),“ 嗯,5×7 等于幾?”

  The student thought for a long time and then answered, “ Thirty-six.”

  該生想了很久,然后回答說(shuō):“ 36。”

  The dean threw up his hands and looked at the coach in despair, but the coach said earnestly, “Oh, please let him in, sir! He was only wrong by two.”

  院長(zhǎng)突然舉起雙手來(lái)失望地看著教練,而教練卻認(rèn)真地說(shuō),“ 哦,先生,請(qǐng)讓他入學(xué)吧!他只錯(cuò)了2.”





