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時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享




  Love is a chord in life,not a solo. 愛(ài)是生命的和弦,而不是獨(dú)奏。

  If I could wish one thing I’d hear you call my name. 如果我能許一個(gè)愿,我希望可以聽(tīng)到你叫出我的名字

  After all, the heart is a even oneself all can not control things [畢竟心是個(gè)連自己都無(wú)法控制的東西]

  You are the reason why I can't love others[你就是我不愛(ài)別人的理由]

  i will always in your side.-我會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)在你身邊-

  You can you up ,no can no bibi(你行你上啊 不行別bb)誰(shuí)還記得這句話

  You are so beautiful to me.我要最狂的風(fēng)和最靜的海

  How can you have no worries that has been your name ‘怎么會(huì)沒(méi)有心事 那一直是你的名字’

  I blssed a day i found you.感謝上天讓我遇到你。

  l wanna go with you even if you haven't done anything. 你什么都沒(méi)做我卻想跟你走。

  i won't like you any more.(我將不會(huì)再喜歡你)

  You got it so you changed 你得到了 所以你變了

  You don't know when you are lucky 身在福中不知福

  I am a lonely people.我是一個(gè)孤獨(dú)的人。

  If your heart was a prison, I would like to be sentenced for life.如果你的心是座監(jiān)獄,我愿被判終身監(jiān)

  I like to feel his eyes on me when i look away. 我喜歡我望向別處時(shí),他望向我的目光。

  The face is full of disappointment can only be said to be all right.面對(duì)滿滿的失望也只能倔強(qiáng)笑著說(shuō)沒(méi)

  It's not easy to meet you among the huge crowd of people. 在億萬(wàn)人中與你相遇,是多么不容易。

  "I still have a long way to go You don't walked out." "我要走的路還長(zhǎng) 你別中途退場(chǎng)."

  Even if there is no end, I still love you 就算沒(méi)有結(jié)局,我還是很喜歡你.


  1. 人生若只如初見(jiàn)當(dāng)時(shí)只道是尋常。

  2. Get out of my world, you never know 滾出我的世界從來(lái)都沒(méi)有認(rèn)識(shí)你

  3. Like a lonely patients(活像個(gè)孤獨(dú)患者)

  4. Nowhere to place youth.[無(wú)處安放的年華]

  5. Softhearted is sick, but you are life. 心軟是病,可你是命.

  6. You are always in my heart .(你一直在我心中)

  7. You are my only waiting for the people.(你是我唯一在等的人)

  8. Passed, miss it. Caught, lost. 走過(guò)了。錯(cuò)過(guò)了。抓住了。失去了

  9. Take me to your heart. 帶我去你心里

  10. You are my sunshine , Is my distant light.

  11. Aching fatal but you are life 心痛致命但你是命

  12. Let the time tell the truth. 任由時(shí)間說(shuō)真話

  13. i.Keep you close at heart. 靠近你的內(nèi)心.

  14. ithout you I cried as a smile. 沒(méi)了你我把哭當(dāng)成了笑。

  15. Eyes not to tears 眼睛不是用來(lái)裝眼淚的

  16. Happiness is a choice

  17. My sky is bright because of you [我的星空因你而明亮]

  18. Every win named never give up 每一份勝利都叫不放棄

  19. You are my most dazzling lights! 你就是我最耀眼的發(fā)光體

  20. Be the best version of you. 做最好版本的你。

  21. I will always waiting for you. 我會(huì)等你,一直等你

  22. Eyes not to tears 眼睛不是用來(lái)裝眼淚的

  23. No who love you more than me.

  24. Aching fatal but you are life 心痛致命但你是命

  25. Love you so crazy you dream 愛(ài)你如此,癡你如夢(mèng)

  26. I love the way you lie.我喜歡你的謊言

  27. Grasps the sand, simply lift it. 握不住的沙,干脆揚(yáng)了它

  28. I am all good, except, I miss you. 我的一切都很好,除了,很想你

  29. i.Keep you close at heart. 靠近你的內(nèi)心.

  30. You show me .what is deep as sea 你的愛(ài)像海一樣的溫暖深沉

  31. You are the sun will shine.(你是太陽(yáng) 亦會(huì)發(fā)光)

  32. No pains,no gains.沒(méi)有付出就沒(méi)有回報(bào)。

  33. Be strong , also hurt[再堅(jiān)強(qiáng) 也會(huì)傷]

  34. ithout you I cried as a smile. 沒(méi)了你我把哭當(dāng)成了笑。

  35. Dawei with me for a long time. [相濡以沫伴我久]

  36. At that time I, also sun than now.那時(shí)候的我,比現(xiàn)在還陽(yáng)光。

  37. You always blindly escape. (總是一味地躲避你 )

  38. As long as you are here .只要你在這里。

  39. The sandflass remembers the time we lost.

  40. Retain green last a attentive保留你最后的一絲溫存。

  41. And lonely again. 【與孤獨(dú)重歸于好】

  42. There is no rose without a thorn. 沒(méi)有玫瑰花是不長(zhǎng)刺的

  43. I want to be your sun around you.我想做你的太陽(yáng)陪伴在你身旁。

  44. I like you, but I dare not say 我喜歡你,但我不敢說(shuō)

  45. Do not let dream just be your dream. 別讓夢(mèng)想只停留在夢(mèng)里。

  46. Love for you has been very quiet。

  47. You are my Shining Star[你是我閃亮的星]

  48. Hard Party Crsah .

  49. You’re always there for me.當(dāng)我需要你時(shí)你永遠(yuǎn)在那里。

  50. somewhere only we know

  51. I will cherish every good to me 我會(huì)珍惜身邊每一個(gè)對(duì)我好的人

  52. when i see you again [當(dāng)我們重逢的時(shí)候]

  53. I want a not my hand hug. 我想要一個(gè)不用我伸出手的擁抱。

  54. Life is a beautiful struggle. 生命其實(shí)是一場(chǎng)美麗的掙扎.

  55. You are my most dazzling lights! 你就是我最耀眼的發(fā)光體

  56. as long as you love me(只要你還愛(ài)我)

  57. I would have loved you if you had loved me.我愛(ài)的是你愛(ài)我

  58. I would like to meet a warmyou wander我愿顛沛流離再遇見(jiàn)溫暖的你

  59. I want someone to understand me even I don\\\\'t say a

  60. Sometimes it is now or never 有時(shí)候沒(méi)有現(xiàn)在就沒(méi)有了未來(lái)

  61. I pretended to be indifferent to it 我假裝無(wú)所謂才看不到心被擰碎

  62. Never forget who was with you from the start.

  63. There will be an angel to love you for me 會(huì)有天使替我愛(ài)你

  64. Time cut scar is called growth.時(shí)間劃破的傷疤叫做成長(zhǎng)。

  65. I would have loved you if you had loved me我愛(ài)的是你愛(ài)我

  66. Smile like you\\\\'ve never been hurt.微笑吧,像沒(méi)受過(guò)傷一樣

  67. How deep feeling of a lie 多么深情的一句謊話.

  68. The wind blowing the hair is white.(風(fēng)霜吹滿頭也算是白首)

  69. So Marry Me Marry Me Marry Me girl 終于愛(ài)到你說(shuō)我愿意

  70. Sparks fly whenever you smile. [你的微笑如煙花飛舞般燦爛]

  71. Who never had a scar of youth.誰(shuí)的青春不曾有過(guò)傷痕

  72. All the deep love is secret . 所有的深?lèi)?ài)都是秘密

  73. Time does not dye,Memories do not light.時(shí)光不染,回憶不淡。

  74. You are always in my heart .(你一直在我心中)

  75. You are my sky.[你是我的天空]