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時(shí)間: 燕妮639 分享



  1. 請(qǐng)入收款人的戶(hù)號(hào)account payee

  2. 請(qǐng)支付票款advice to pay cheques

  3. 惠請(qǐng)通知該支票的經(jīng)過(guò)advise fate

  4. 金額有錯(cuò)誤accounts differ

  5. 文字與數(shù)字所記載金額不同words and figures differ

  6. 簽名有誤|印鑒不符signatures differ

  7. 請(qǐng)明天再次提出為荷present again tomorrow

  8. 保證付款good for payment

  9. 請(qǐng)照會(huì)發(fā)票人refer to drawee (R.D.)

  10. 無(wú)交易no account

  11. 款額不足||存款不足not sufficient (N.S.)||no sufficient funds (N.S.F.)

  12. 已無(wú)存款no funds

  13. 如支票不獲兌現(xiàn)時(shí), 不必出具拒絕證書(shū)。notto be protested in case of dishonour||protest waived||no protest

  14. 需要出具拒絕證書(shū)to be protested

  15. 沒(méi)有通知no advice

  16. 未受指示no orders

  17. 禁止轉(zhuǎn)讓||不可轉(zhuǎn)讓non-transferable||not transferable

  18. 已付款received payment||payment received

  19. 上開(kāi)價(jià)金已收到value received||for value received

  20. 上開(kāi)價(jià)金系經(jīng)核算value in account

  21. 上開(kāi)金額與發(fā)票相同value as per invoice

  22. 上開(kāi)金額與通知書(shū)相符value as per advice

  23. 無(wú)追索權(quán)without recourse

  24. 有追索權(quán)||償還請(qǐng)求權(quán)right of recourse

  25. 請(qǐng)求償還清單||清償帳戶(hù)recourse account

  26. 償還準(zhǔn)備金recourse fund

  27. 拒絕償還||拒絕追索recourse repudiation
