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  假設(shè)你是新華中學(xué)的李華,你和在上海上學(xué)的英國(guó)朋友Tom 約好下周去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴約。請(qǐng)給他寫封Email 1. 表示歉意 2.解釋原因 3.另約時(shí)間


  Dear Tom,

  I am indeed very sorry that I can’t go to Beijing with you next week, which I have promised. I feel sorry about it and want you to know what happened.

  Just now , my cousin ,Li qiang ,who left home to Australia for his further study last year, informed me that he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport with his family. You know , we haven’t seen each other for nearly a year.

  I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand me . I would appreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around Beijing . Once again, I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  Sincerely yours ,

  Li hua


  假設(shè)你李華,你的美國(guó)朋友Tom 上個(gè)月來(lái)北京學(xué)習(xí)。七月份你將去北京參加暑期中學(xué)生英語(yǔ)演講比賽(speech contest),你在搜集資料,語(yǔ)言運(yùn)用方面遇到了困難。請(qǐng)根據(jù)要點(diǎn)給Tom 寫封email 1. 詢問(wèn)Tom的學(xué)習(xí)和生活情況 2. 談?wù)勀愕睦щy并請(qǐng)他幫忙 3.你打算比賽后去看他。


  Dear Tom,

  How time flies! You have been studying in Beijing for nearly a month, during which you must achieved a lot .Well , how is everything going ? It is reported that the weather there is very hot and dry these days, which is different from that of your country . Have you adapted to it ? In addition, you once complained that the food served there is not to your taste. I hope that should have been improved.

  I am glad to tell you that I am going to Beijing to take part in an English speech contest in July ,which is not only an honor ,but also an opportunity for me to improve myself. And now I try my best to make preparations for it .However , I have some trouble in collecting the materials relevant and using the language. I would appreciate it if you give me a hand to solve the problems

  After the contest , I am to drop in at your school to visit you. Please wait for my phone.

  Yours ,

  Li hua


  某報(bào)社擬成立“微笑俱樂(lè)部”,現(xiàn)向全球征募會(huì)員,要求申請(qǐng)者提交一篇題為“I want to smile “的英語(yǔ)短文。 請(qǐng)你以申請(qǐng)者的身份,根據(jù)以下思路寫一篇。

  Advantages of smile

  Smile at parents and friends ----

  范文: I want to smile

  There are many advantages of smiling. It can not only make us happy, but also please others. If we smile at life , life will smile on us in return . So I want to smile at all whenever and wherever possible.

  First, I would like to smile at parents because they have given me life and taken all the trouble to bring me up. They arrange almost everything for me . With their help , I have made great progress. I would like to say “thank you” to them with a smile. Then my smile should go to myself, for only in this way can I gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away and live a better life.

  In a word , let’s greet every day with a smile . Tomorrow is another day .


1.2019高考英語(yǔ)作文開(kāi)頭萬(wàn)能句型 高考英語(yǔ)作文的萬(wàn)能加分模板



