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  對(duì)大多數(shù)學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)的同學(xué)來(lái)講,英語(yǔ)的辭匯量、句式的積累還極其有限,遠(yuǎn)不能到達(dá)用英文流暢表達(dá),揮灑自若的地步。在這一階段進(jìn)行創(chuàng)作是分歧時(shí)宜的,假如非要?jiǎng)?chuàng)造,只能寫(xiě)出long time no see這樣的文字來(lái)。因此,模仿是這一階段的必經(jīng)途徑。




  最后,模仿要體現(xiàn)在實(shí)際動(dòng)筆上。比如說(shuō),新概念第三冊(cè)有一個(gè)句式說(shuō):&for the *** reasonthat&表示某種現(xiàn)象的緣由是甚么,用在大學(xué)英語(yǔ)考試中,我們就可以夠拿來(lái)解釋為甚么自行車(chē)在中國(guó)如此的流行,表達(dá)為:The bicycleis very popular in China for the *** reasonthat&。然而,很多同學(xué)經(jīng)常背了這些句式不用,一談到緣由依然是&because&,等等。



  有個(gè)翻譯界的故事說(shuō):在某大型國(guó)際會(huì)議的接待會(huì)上,一道菜是用雞蛋做的。與會(huì)的客人問(wèn)翻譯:What is it madeof?本來(lái)是非常簡(jiǎn)單的一個(gè)題目,結(jié)果翻譯太緊張,忘了egg這個(gè)詞,但是他急中生智,回答:It is made of MissHens son.這里,就是一個(gè)靈活變通的范例。繞道表達(dá),是寫(xiě)作中應(yīng)當(dāng)經(jīng)常應(yīng)用的一種方法。


  一. 論說(shuō)文寫(xiě)作開(kāi)頭常用句式:

  1. With the growing popularity of ( computers/ private cars/ classical music/ tennis) in China…

  2. With the rapid growth of( market economy/ population/ private enterprises/ electronics industry), (supermarkets/ bicycles/ computers) have become more and more popular. The reasons for the popularity are…

  3. With the development of (science and technology/ high education/ women liberation movement), a great number of people come to realize that…

  4. Currently, there is a widespread concern over (illegal publication/drug abuse/drunk driving/high school dropouts)…

  5. Currently, there is a serious concern that (many state owned companies are in deficit/quite a few Chinese cities face the problems of water shortage and industrial pollution.)

  6. The government is/ We are greatly concerned with (overpopulation/ high unemployment rate)

  7. In the last two decades/ In the past ten years, millions of fast food restaurants/ supermarkets/ beauty salons) have mushroomed all over China.

  8. In recent years, many Chinese families have owned (cars/computers/ telephones).

  9. Nowadays, a heated debate/ discussion about… is under way in China. Some people believe that…, whereas others argue that..

  10. There are some reasons for owning ( private cars, personal computers.) To begin with,… Next,… Last,… There are, on the other hand, many reasons against it. First, … Second, …Finally…

  11. There are many advantages and disadvantages in ( owning a private car) … We can overcome its disadvantages and fully use/ develop its advantages…

  12. Now an increasing number of people have come to realize that…

  13. There is no doubt that…

  14. There are some basic differences between (the large and small enterprises). (In a small enterprise you… In a large enterprise you…)

  15. Someone has put forward a suggestion that…, which seems a fascinating idea.

  16. There are various/at least three (ways/ methods/possible techniques/ problems, etc.) to do something

  17. (Smoking/ Alcoholic beverages) should be banned from college campuses for two reasons. The first reason is that…The second reason is that … (On the one hand,… On the other hand,…)

  18. The possible solution of (the energy crisis/ water pollution, etc.) depends on three major factors…

  19. Two major reasons responsible for the rapid economic growth the fantastic spurt of technology are…)

  20. Different people have different attitudes towards… Some are in favor of… while others are against…

  二. 論說(shuō)文寫(xiě)作結(jié)尾常用句式:

  1. It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/ pay more attention to…

  2. In conclusion, we can see that ( the best way/ the possible solution) is…

  3. In short, shortage of water, decrease of fertile fields and environmental pollution are the major problems to be solved to increase grain production.

  4. In order to make our world a better place in which to live, we should make great efforts to…

  5. In a word, there are three suggestions we must follow. Only in this way can we do the experiment successfully.

  6. It is time for us to take an active part in…

  7. Let us work hand in hand to (solve these social problems).

  8. It goes without saying that…

  9. I want to be a teacher/ to do something not only because…, but also because… (partly because…, and partly because…)

  10. Who is to say that( you will not be the victim of fake product again and again/ out scientists may not work out a better theory)?


  1. There are many ( quite a few) examples to show…

  2. There is enough (sufficient, much, convincing) evidence showing (supporting, indicating; to show, to support, to indicate; in favor of the opinion) that…

  3. It won’t be difficult (is easy) to show (to prove, to demonstrate) that…

  4. To take… as an example…

  5. …can be shown (indicated, suggested, supported) by the following examples (instances, evidence)…

  6. … the above story illustrates…

  7. An analysis of the above-mentioned cases may be usefully explaining (showing, proving)…

  (四) 引用或評(píng)論數(shù)據(jù)時(shí)常用句式:

  1. The table (chart, graph, bar, figure) shows (presents, summarizes) data (results, statistics) about…

  2. The data (statistics) presented in the table (obtained from recent studies) are (seem) rather convincing (very important, quite interesting, fairly clear, fascinating).

  3. All these statistics (data) clearly show (strongly prove, point to the fact, seem to suggest) that…

  4. The results (findings, data, statistics) cited above prove (support, bear out, confirm, lead us to ) the conclusion that …

  5. The above findings ( statistics, data) can be (could be) interpreted as follows (viewed in terms of…, approached from a different angle).

  6. From the above data ( on the basis of these findings), we can conclude (say, see) that…

  7. A brief review of the data (statistics, results) helps us to… (enables

  us to…, leads us to …)

  8. If the results of … are compared with those of…, it will be observed that…


  1. There are some (a few, many) striking similarities (obvious differences) between…

  2. Let us make a comparison (contrast) between…

  3. We can easily compare… with…, and see the similarities and differences between them.

  4. … differs from (is different from)..

  5. … has something (nothing, little, much, many features) in common with…

  6. … have certain (some, many) advantages over… (Compared with…)

  7. One of (another ) advantage of… lies in (is, seems to be) that…


  I. 對(duì)立法

  引出人們對(duì)問(wèn)題的不同看法,然后提出自己的見(jiàn)解。 對(duì)立法的句型多用于有爭(zhēng)議性的主題。

  1. When asked about….., the vast majority

  of/most/many/quite a few people think that…。But other people regard/think of …as…。/ I think quite differently.

  Example: When asked about what kind of career they will pursue upon graduation, most of college students say that they would choose a job which will bring them a lot of money and a comfortable life. Working in a big bank or company is what they desire. But I think quite differently. I would prefer a career which will help realize my potentials(發(fā)揮我的才能).

  2. When it comes to …, some people think/believe that…。Others argue/claim that the opposite is true.

  Example: When it comes to international sport such as the Olympic Games and the World Cup soccer game, some people believe that it creates goodwill between nations. Others say that the opposite is true: international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred.

  3. There is a pubic debate/general discussion about/as to the problem of…..。Those who object to/oppose…argue that…。But people who advocate/favor …, on the other hand, maintain/assert that…。

  4. Now, it is commonly believed/ widely(generally) accepted/universally acknowledged that….。

  II. 現(xiàn)象法

  1. Recently, the problem/phenomenon of …. has drawn public/ world-wide attention


  caused/ aroused public/wide concern

  has been brought into focus


  become the focus of public concern.

  III. 觀點(diǎn)法

  1. Nowadays, a growing/an increasing number of people are coming to realize/understand/be aware that….

  [[寫(xiě)作總體的特點(diǎn):①漢語(yǔ)多主動(dòng),英語(yǔ)多被動(dòng) ②漢語(yǔ)重意合,英語(yǔ)重形合 ③漢語(yǔ)多后重心,英語(yǔ)多前重心 eg.讓意識(shí)到 是非常重要的。 It is necessary to

  make people aware of the importance of protecting wild animals. ④漢語(yǔ)論述較主觀,英語(yǔ)論述較客觀。 明確表達(dá)自己的立場(chǎng),沒(méi)太大問(wèn)題;但要注意避免:1)明確個(gè)人立場(chǎng)后,沒(méi)有客觀的論證作支持 2)大篇幅列舉親身經(jīng)歷和感受以支持論點(diǎn)。一般而言,不宜選


  1. 開(kāi)頭 (引出話題)

  1. ①最近,…問(wèn)題已引起人們的關(guān)

  注. Recently, the problem of … has aroused people’s concern.

  Nowadays, today, recently, in recent years, in the past decades,

  more and more people/ a growing (an increasing) number of people are concerned about ….


  With the development of science and technology/as

  society develops, more and more people believe that… ③很多人堅(jiān)持認(rèn)

  為… Many people insist that… believe/hold/argue/ claim/maintain that

  (用于引出話題) There has sprung up a heated

  discussion as to

  There has been a heated discussin / a hot debate over whether A is more important than B.

  When it comes to… This is a topic that is being widely talked about.

  Recently, ….has become the focus of public concern. / the problem of … has aroused people’s concern.

  (用于列舉事物) From..to…/ Ranging from…to…]]






