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  A British train station has erected a no kissing sign to stop lovers going full steam ahead with their over-amorous farewells.


  Commuters have been told: if you want to get up to that kind of business, do it in the car park.


  The sign has gone up at the drop-off point at Warrington Bank Quay station in the town of Warrington, between Liverpool and Manchester in northwest England.

  位于英格蘭西北部沃靈頓的Bank Quay車站最近在落客區(qū)張貼了這個“禁吻"標識。沃靈頓位于利物浦和曼徹斯特之間。

  A man in a hat and a woman with a curly-looking hair do puckering up show people where they must not indulge in full-on lip -locking.


  A similar sign, this time permitting kissing, has been erected else where in a zone where smooching is considered tolerable,


  "We have not banned kissing in the station," said a spokesman for operators Virgin Rail.

  Virgin鐵路運營公司的一位發(fā)言人說:“我們并沒有完全禁止接吻。 ”

  "But we have put the sign up at the drop-off point because it is not a very big area and it often gets busy with lots oftraffic."


  "The sign is a light-hearted way ofgetting people to move on quickly."


  "If people wish to spend a little more time with their loved ones before they leave, then they should park in the short-stay car park nearby."


  However, one station is trying to rescue love from the tracks,


  High Wycombe, northwest of London, is having none of it and is actively urging commuters to get frisky.


  "Kissing is welcome here! ...we would never dream ofbanning kissing,"says a poster ofa cartoon couple embracing, framed by a pink heart.


  "Railway stations are romantic places," insisted Kirsteen Robertson from Chiltern Railways.


  "They are where fond farewells and emotional reunions take place, where relationships start with a glance and even, in the case of our Marylebone station last November, where one passenger will propose to another over the public address system."

  "這里上演著依依惜別、激動的重逢和愛情的邂逅,去年1 1月在我們的馬瑞里本車站,一名乘客通過車站廣播向自己心愛的人求婚。"

  "So our passengers are more than welcome to share alass in our stations."



  In 1895, a man named Luigi Lavazza purchased a little grocery store in northern Italy for about . Today, over one hundred years later, Luigi Lavazza S.P.A is the irrefutable leader of the espresso market in Italy, boasting nearly 45 percent of the total coffee market share. The company owes its success to its dynanuc approach to business and careful attention to its customers' needs.

  1895年,一位名叫路吉·拉法札的男子花20美元買下意大利北部一家小雜貨店0 100年后的今天,路吉·拉法札連鎖事業(yè)無疑已是意大利濃縮咖啡市場的領導品牌,占有約45%的市場。公司將其成就歸功于機動靈活的營銷策略及其對顧客需求的關照。

  In Lavazza's store, coffee was sold raw and then roasted according to each customer's personal preference. Luigi Lavazza was considerably skilled at carefully selecting the amount of each ingredient required for one particular blend as well as expertly determining the degree of roasting.Over the next sixty years, the company experienced rapid commercial growth with its foray into the wholesale market and its decision to narrow down its range of products. By the mid forties, the company, now Luigi Lavazza S.P.A, began specializing in the production of coffee.

  拉法札店里銷售的是生咖啡,它根據(jù)顧客的個人喜好而作相應的烘培。 拉法札在此方面的技巧十分嫻熟,對任意一種特殊配制,其原料的質(zhì)與量均是經(jīng)過精挑細選,烘培的程度亦是經(jīng)過審慎的專業(yè)判斷。隨后的60年中,該公司以突襲批發(fā)市場決定縮減產(chǎn)品經(jīng)營范圍的辦法,取得了商業(yè)的迅速發(fā)展。在40年代中期,現(xiàn)名拉法札連鎖事業(yè)的公司開始專門生產(chǎn)咖啡。

  The firm continued expanding by leaps and bounds, and introduced the first vacuum-packed coffee with a long shelf life in the sixties. Distribution soon covered all ofltaly, and the next two decades saw the conquering of both European and world markets. With its devotion to developing clever new tecl:uuques and products, Luigi Lavazza S.p.A shows no signs of slowing down, and will likely be giving other coffee companies a run for their money for a while yet.

  自此,該公司一直在持續(xù)飛速地發(fā)展并在60年代首創(chuàng)真空包裝,延長了咖啡保質(zhì)期。銷售隨即遍及整個意大利,之后的20年,它陸續(xù)征服了歐洲及全球市場 拉法札連鎖事業(yè)不斷致力于發(fā)展巧妙先進的技術及商品,從未表示過要放慢速度,它足以和任何其他的咖啡公司作一番短暫的較量


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