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  The Alaska Pipeline

  The Alaska pipeline starts at the frozen edge of the Arctic ocean. It stretches southwardacross the largest and northernmost state in the United States,ending at a remote ice freeseaport village nearly 800 miles from where it begins. It is massive in size and extremelycomplicated to operate.The steel pipe crosses windswept plains and endless miles of delicatetundra that tops the frozen ground. It weaves through crooked canyons, climbs sheermountains, plunges over rocky crags, makes its way through thick forests, and passes over orunder hundreds of rivers and streams. The pipe is 4 feet in diameter, and up to 2 millionbarrels (or 84 million gallons) of crude oil can be pumped through it daily. Resting on H shapedsteel racks called "bents", long sections of the pipeline follow a zigzag course high above thefrozen earth. Other long sections drop out of sight beneath spongy or rocky ground andreturn to the surface later on.

  The pattern of the pipeline's up and down route is determined by the often harsh demandsof the Arctic and subarctic climate, the tortuous lay of the land, and the varied compositionsof soil, rock, or permafrost(permanently frozen ground). A little more than half of the pipelineis elevated above the ground. The remainder is buried anywhere from 3 to 12 feet, dependinglargely upon the type of terrain and the properties of the soil. One of the largest in the world,the pipeline cost approximately billion and is by far the biggest and most expensiveconstruction project ever undertaken by private industry. In fact, no single business couldraise that much money, so 8 major oil companies formed a consortium in order to share thecosts. Each company controlled oil rights to particular shares of land in the oil fields and paidinto the pipeline construction fund according to the size of its holdings. Today, despiteenormous problems of climate, supply shortages, equipment breakdowns, labordisagreements, treacherous terrain, a certain amount of mismanagement, and even theft,the Alaska pipeline has been completed and is operating.


  阿拉斯加輸油管道以北冰洋的凍冰邊緣為起點,向南延伸穿過美國的最北又是最大的州,在離起點 800 英里以外的一個偏僻的不凍海港中止。 它跨幅巨大,而且運作極端復雜。 這個鋼質(zhì)管道穿過強風不斷的草原和無邊無盡的覆蓋于凍土之上的苔原。

  它盤垣于彎曲的峽谷之間,攀上陡峭的山峰,從巖石遍布的峭壁俯沖下來,穿越濃密的森林,從上或從下經(jīng)過成百上千 條的河流與溪水。 管道的直徑有四英尺,每天能運送高達 200 百萬桶(合 8400 萬加侖)的原油。 枕在H 型的鐵架上,管道長長的一部分在冰凍地面的上空走著"之"字形。 其它部分消失在松軟或堅硬的地面下然后又回到地面上。 管道這種或上或下的路線決定于嚴酷的極帶和副極帶氣候、復雜的地形和構(gòu)造各異的土壤、巖石、永久凍土。

  一大半管道懸在地面上空,其余部分則埋入3 至 12 英尺的地下。 深淺大部分由地形狀況和土壤特征而定。 作為世上最大的管道之一,它花費了將近 80 億美元,至今仍是私有產(chǎn)業(yè)進行的最浩大最昂貴的建筑工程。 實際上,單個公司不可能拿出這么多的資金。 為了分擔成本,八大石油公司組成了一個大財團。 每個公司都控制著油田中一定土地上的開采權(quán),并由股份的比例把資金投入到管道建設(shè)中。 盡管有氣候嚴寒、供應(yīng)不足、設(shè)備損壞、勞工糾紛、地形復雜等巨大困難,并有一些管理上的不善甚至被盜現(xiàn)象,阿拉斯加管道現(xiàn)已峻工并正在運行。



  If by "suburb" is meant an urban margin that grows more rapidly than its already developedinterior, the process of suburbanization began during the emergence of the industrial city inthe second quarter of the nineteenth century. Before that period the city was a small highlycompact cluster in which people moved about on foot and goods were conveyed by horse andcart. But the early factories built in the 1830's and 1840's were located along waterways andnear railheads at the edges of cities, and housing was needed for the thousands of peopledrawn by the prospect of employment. In time, the factories were surrounded by proliferatingmill towns of apartments and row houses that abutted the older, main cities. As a defenseagainst this encroachment and to enlarge their tax bases, the cities appropriated theirindustrial neighbors. In 1854, for example, the city of Philadelphia annexed most of PhiladelphiaCounty. Similar municipal maneuvers took place in Chicago and in New York. Indeed, most greatcities of the United States achieved such status only by incorporating the communities alongtheir borders.

  With the acceleration of industrial growth came acute urban crowding and accompanyingsocial stress -- conditions that began to approach disastrous proportions when, in 1888, thefirst commercially successful electric traction line was developed. Within a few years the horse-drawn trolleys were retired and electric streetcar networks crisscrossed and connected everymajor urban area, fostering a wave of suburbanization that transformed the compactindustrial city into a dispersed metropolis.This first phase of mass-scale suburbanization wasreinforced by the simultaneous emergence of the urban Middle Class, whose desires forhomeownership in neighborhoods far from the aging inner city were satisfied by the developersof single-family housing tracts.


  如果"郊區(qū)"指的是比已建好的城市內(nèi)部發(fā)展更為迅速的城市邊緣地帶,那么郊區(qū)化可以說始于 1825 年至 1850 年工業(yè)化城市出現(xiàn)期間。 在這之前,城市只是高度密集的小聚居群。 在其中,人們步行走動,商品靠馬車來運送。 但是建于 18 世紀三四十年代的早期工廠位于城邊的航道和鐵路附近,被工作機會吸引到這里的成千上萬的人們需要住房。 漸漸地,在與舊有的主要城區(qū)相毗鄰的地方,不斷涌現(xiàn)出由排房和公寓樓組成的工人聚居區(qū),包圍了工廠。作為對這種侵蝕的自衛(wèi),也為了擴大它們收稅的地域范圍,城市吞并了工業(yè)化的臨近地帶,比如1854 年費城的城區(qū)就兼并了費縣的絕大部分地區(qū)。 相似的城市化也發(fā)生在芝加哥和紐約。 今天很多美國的大城市其實就是靠吞并它們附近的邊緣地區(qū)而變成大都會的。隨著工業(yè)化的加速發(fā)展,城市里出現(xiàn)了嚴重擁擠和相伴而來的社會壓力。 當1888 年第一條商業(yè)上成功的電氣化鐵軌被制造出來時,壓力開始接近危機的程度。 幾年之內(nèi),馬車就被廢棄了,電車網(wǎng)相互交織連接著各個重要的城區(qū),從而形成了一種郊區(qū)化的潮流,即密集的工業(yè)城市轉(zhuǎn)變成了分散的都市。 此時城市中產(chǎn)階級的出現(xiàn)進一步加強了第一波大規(guī)模郊區(qū)化。 這些中產(chǎn)階級希望在遠離老舊城市的地區(qū)擁有住宅,單一家庭住宅地區(qū)的開發(fā)者滿足了他們的愿望。



  Sleep is part of a person's daily activity cycle. There are several different stages of sleep, andthey too occur in cycles. If you are an average sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. When youfirst drift off into slumber, your eyes will roll about a bit, your temperature will drop slightly,your muscles will relax, and your breathing well slow and become quite regular. Your brainwaves slow down a bit too, with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves predominating for thefirst few minutes. This is called stage 1 sleep. For the next half hour or so, as you relax moreand more, you will drift down through stage 2 and stage 3 sleep. The lower your stage ofsleep, the slower your brain waves will be. Then about 40 to 60 minutes after you loseconsciousness you will have reached the deepest sleep of all. Your brain waves will show thelarge slow waves that are known as the delta rhythm. This is stage 4 sleep.

  You do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night long, but instead about 80 minutes afteryou fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increase again slightly. The delta rhythm willdisappear, to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain waves. Your eyes will begin to dartaround under your closed eyelids as if you were looking at something occurring in front of you.This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some 8 to 15 minutes and is called REM sleep. Itis during REM sleep period, your body will soon relax again, your breathing will grow slow andregular once more, and you will slip gently back from stage 1 to stage 4 sleep - only to riseonce again to the surface of near consciousness some 80 minutes later.


  睡眠是人每天日?;顒友h(huán)的一部分。 人的睡眠分幾個階段,而這些階段也是循環(huán)發(fā)生的。 如果你是一個正常的睡眠者,你的睡眠循環(huán)會這樣進行。 在你開始昏昏入睡時,你的眼睛會滾動幾下,體溫略有下降,肌肉放松,呼吸變得緩慢而有節(jié)奏。 除了開始幾分鐘比較快的α節(jié)奏外,腦電波也稍有減緩。 這被稱為第一階段睡眠。 在隨后約半小時內(nèi),你進一步放松,進入第二和第三階段睡眠。 睡眠越深入,腦電波就越緩慢。 大約在開始睡眠后的40 到60 分鐘,你將進入沉睡狀態(tài)。 這時的腦電波表現(xiàn)為巨大的緩波,被稱為δ節(jié)奏。這就是第四階段睡眠。 但你并不是整夜都保持這種沉睡狀態(tài)。

  入睡后約 80 分鐘左右,你的大腦運動水平會再度略有提高。 δ節(jié)奏消失,并被腦電波的運動圖形取代。你的眼睛會在閉著的眼瞼下迅速轉(zhuǎn)動,就好象你在看著眼前發(fā)生的什么事情。 這種迅速的眼球運動持續(xù)約 8~15 分鐘,這一階段睡眠被稱之為快速眼動(REM)睡眠。 在REM 睡眠階段,你的肢體會很快再度放松,呼吸也再次放慢并變得有節(jié)奏,你會輕松地從第一階段滑入第四階段睡眠-直到大約 80 分鐘后重新接近清醒狀態(tài)。






