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  The 8-year-old juggling a soccer ball and the 48-year-old jogging by, with Japanese lessons ringingfrom her earbuds, have something fundamental incommon: At some level, both are wondering whethertheir investment of time and effort is worth it.


  How good can I get? How much time will it take? Is itpossible I’m a natural at this (for once)? What’s thepercentage in this, exactly?



  Scientists have long argued over the relative contributions of practice and native talent to thedevelopment of elite performance. This debate swings back and forth every century, itseems, but a paper in the current issue of the journal Psychological Science illustrates wherethe discussion now stands and hints — more tantalizingly, for people who just want to dotheir best — at where the research will go next.

  關(guān)于練習(xí)和天賦對優(yōu)異表現(xiàn)的形成的相對影響,科學(xué)家的爭論由來已久。這個爭論似乎每個世紀(jì)都會出現(xiàn)反復(fù),最近的一期《心理科學(xué)》(Psychological Science)上的一篇論文,介紹了這場爭論的現(xiàn)狀。對那些只想全力以赴的人來說,更吸引人的是,文章暗示了未來的研究方向。

  The value-of-practice debate has reached a stalemate. In a landmark 1993 study of musicians,a research team led by K. Anders Ericsson, a psychologist now at Florida State University,found that practice time explained almost all the difference (about 80 percent) between eliteperformers and committed amateurs. The finding rippled quickly through the popular culture,perhaps most visibly as the apparent inspiration for the “10,000-hour rule” in MalcolmGladwell’s best-selling “Outliers” — a rough average of the amount of practice time required forexpert performance.

  練習(xí)的價值之爭已經(jīng)陷入了僵局。1993年,目前任職于佛羅里達(dá)州立大學(xué)(Florida State University)的心理學(xué)家K·安德斯·埃里克森(K. Anders Ericsson)率領(lǐng)一個研究小組,對音樂家進(jìn)行了一項(xiàng)里程碑式的研究。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),練習(xí)時間幾乎解釋了專業(yè)演奏者和執(zhí)著的業(yè)余人士之間的全部差異(大約80%)。這一發(fā)現(xiàn)很快便通過流行文化傳播開來,最顯而易見的或許就是,馬爾科姆·格拉德威爾(Malcolm Gladwell)在暢銷書《異類》(Outliers)中提出的“一萬小時定律”,似乎是受了它的啟發(fā)。1萬小時是達(dá)到專業(yè)表現(xiàn)大致所需的平均時間。

  The new paper, the most comprehensive review of relevant research to date, comes to adifferent conclusion. Compiling results from 88 studies across a wide range of skills, itestimates that practice time explains about 20 percent to 25 percent of the difference inperformance in music, sports and games like chess. In academics, the number is much lower— 4 percent — in part because it’s hard to assess the effect of previous knowledge, theauthors wrote.


  “We found that, yes, practice is important, and of course it’s absolutely necessary to achieveexpertise,” said Zach Hambrick, a psychologist at Michigan State University and a co-author ofthe paper, with Brooke Macnamara, now at Case Western Reserve University, and FrederickOswald of Rice University. “But it’s not as important as many people have been saying”compared to inborn gifts.

  “我們發(fā)現(xiàn),練習(xí)的確重要,當(dāng)然絕對是達(dá)到專業(yè)表現(xiàn)所必需的,”密歇根州立大學(xué)(Michigan StateUniversity)心理學(xué)家、上述論文的一位作者扎克·漢布里克(Zach Hambrick)說。但和天賦相比,“練習(xí)并沒有人們說的那么重要。”文章的另外兩名作者分別是凱斯西儲大學(xué)(Case Western Reserve University)的布魯克·麥克納馬拉(Brooke Macnamara),和萊斯大學(xué)(Rice University)的弗雷德里克·奧斯瓦爾德(FrederickOswald)。

  One of those people, Dr. Ericsson, had by last week already written his critique of the newreview. He points out that the paper uses a definition of practice that includes a variety ofrelated activities, including playing music or sports for fun or playing in a group.


  But his own studies focused on what he calls deliberate practice: one-on-one lessons in whichan instructor pushes a student continually, gives immediate feedback and focuses on weakspots.


  “If you throw all these kinds of practice into one big soup, of course you are going to reducethe effect of deliberate practice,” he said in a telephone interview.


  Dr. Hambrick said that using Dr. Ericsson’s definition of practice would not change the resultsmuch, if at all, and partisans on both sides have staked out positions. Like most branches ofthe nature-nurture debate, this one has produced multiple camps, whose estimates of theeffects of practice vary by as much as 50 percentage points.


  “This is where we are, with people essentially talking past one another,” said Scott BarryKaufman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania and scientific director of theImagination Institute, which funds research into creativity. And because truly eliteperformance takes many years to achieve, he said, the exact contribution of practice maynever be known precisely.

  “這就是我們目前的情況,研究者基本上是在各執(zhí)一詞,”賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)(University of Pennsylvania)的心理學(xué)家斯科特·巴里·考夫曼(Scott Barry Kaufman)說。他同時還在想象力研究所(Imagination Institute)擔(dān)任科學(xué)主任,而該機(jī)構(gòu)為創(chuàng)意研究提供資助。他說,除此之外,因?yàn)橐枚嗄陼r間才能達(dá)到真正杰出的表現(xiàn),我們或許永遠(yuǎn)都無法確切知道練習(xí)的具體貢獻(xiàn)。

  Yet the range of findings and level of disagreement are themselves hints that there are likelyto be factors involved in building expertise that are neither genetic nor related to the amountof practice time.


  One is the age at which a person picks up a violin, or a basketball, or a language. People whogrow up in bilingual households fully integrate both languages at the same time thatlanguage-specialized areas in their brains are developing. The same may be true of many otherskills — there may exist a critical window of learning in childhood that primes the brain to pickup skills quickly later on.


  Other factors are much easier to control. For instance, scientists have shown thatperformance itself — that is, testing oneself, from memory — is a particularly strong form ofpractice. One of the studies that the new review paper includes found that chess masters withsimilar abilities varied widely in the amount of hours they reported practicing, from 3,000 tomore than 25,000.


  “We may find when looking more closely that playing in tournaments, under pressure, is animportant factor,” Dr. Hambrick said.


  The content of isolated practice is another. In dozens of experiments, scientists have shownthat mixing related skills in a single practice session — new material and old, scales andimprovisation, crawl and backstroke — seems to sharpen each skill more quickly than ifpracticed repeatedly on its own. Varying the place and timing of practice can help as well, forcertain skills, studies suggest.


  “The question is: What is the optimal kind of practice in the area you wish to achieveexpertise?” Dr. Ericsson said. “These are things we are now beginning to study, in areas likemedical training.”


  Practice time is critical indeed, and its contribution to accumulated expertise is likely to varyfrom one field to the next as the new paper found, experts said. Personality is an enormousvariable, too, (although partly genetic). “Things like grit, motivation, and inspiration — thatability to imagine achieving this high level, to fantasize about it,” Dr. Kaufman said. “These arethings we don’t know much about yet, and need to study more directly.”


  But in the end, the most important factor over which people have control — whether juggling,jogging or memorizing a script — may be not how much they practice, but how effectivelythey use that time.


  Strive for Life

  Knowing that life truly is short and can only be lived once is probably the best line of thinkingfor inspiration. All humans live on a large planet, filled with exciting new experiences,adventures, knowledge, and a wealth of resources to help one with gaining wisdom andknowledge. To realize this and to allow life to take place in this is to responsibly live life. Are allhumans bound for foreign lands, foreign thought, or foreign experiences? No. Should allhumans hope to experience foreign lands, foreign thought, and foreign experiences? Withoutquestion. Having a responsible, reasonable, and mature grasp, mentally, of all that is outthere to enhance one’s experience in life, is one of the greatest blessings one can bestowupon himself. For knowing that the tools one has through birth need to be used and practicedwith; sharpened and prepared for more difficult and challenging use, does one truly andactively approach living life from a strong foundation.

  Why should anyone try to live life in a constant motion towards becoming greater, becomingstronger, and becoming wiser and more educated? Why not? For facing life with arms crossed,brow furrowed, and expectation as a rule is, without question, a waste. Living life is all aboutstriving forward. So why not do what one can, utilizing one’s God-given tools, to become thegreatest individual one can be? Live. Accept. Face. Strive. Truly live.


