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  以下是小編整理的英語(yǔ)美文欣賞: 史上最丑的電影明星---怪物史瑞克,希望對(duì)你有所感觸。

  Shrek the Ogre------The ugliest movie star ever


  1. The first thing you notice about Shrek the Ogre isthat he is ugly. As drawn by William Steig in hispicture book Shrek!, the ogre has 1)rotten greenskin, red eyes, ears that look like 2)miniatureelephant 3)trunks, and a big, hairy, potato nose.Steig writes, "His mother was ugly and his father wasugly, but Shrek was uglier than the two of them puttogether." 4)Creatures in the 5)swamp where Shrek lives are all afraid of him. Flowers 6)wilt inhis presence. Shrek is ugly--very ugly.


  1. 1) rotten (a.) 腐敗的 2) miniature (a.) 縮小的 3) trunk (n.) 象鼻 4) creature (n.) 生物 5)swamp (n.) 沼澤 6) wilt (v.) 凋謝

  2. But Shrek's red eyes and hairy nose haven't prevented him from becoming the star of a new1)animated movie, a movie which is attracting lots of attention and showing signs of becominga huge success. Shrek took his first step towards movie 2)stardom when his book caught the3)fancy of the two young children of movie 4)producer John H. Williams. The two kids loved thestory of the ugly ogre who leaves his swamp and goes out into the world in search ofadventure. As he read the story over and over again to his children, Williams himself started tosee Shrek's 5)potential. "He was a great movie 6)character in search of a movie," saysWilliams.


  2.1) animated (a.) 動(dòng)畫(huà)的 2) stardom (n.) 明星地位 3) fancy (n.) 想象 4) producer (n.) 制作人 5)potential (n.) 潛力 6) character (n.) 角色3.1) ingredient (n.) 元素,成份 2) classic (n.) 經(jīng)典之作 3) studio (n.) 工作室,制片廠 4) feature (v.) 以……為號(hào)召

  3. Before long, Shrek had his movie, and it has all the ingredients of a classic. Produced by thePDI/DreamWorks studio, Shrek features a 1)fable-like story 2)bursting with humor and fun, afirst-class voice 3)cast, and some of the most advanced 4)animation effects ever seen on the5)screen.


  3.1) fable (n.) 寓言 2 burst (v.) 爆發(fā) 3) cast (n.) 卡司,演員陣容 4) animation (n.) 動(dòng)畫(huà) 5)screen (n.) 銀幕

  4. The movie 1)version of Steig's story is a sort of 2)fairy tale 3)in reverse. "Shrek 4)kind oflooks at all the fairy tale traditions we grew up on," says producer Jeffrey Katzenberg, "andtakes great fun turning all those storytelling 5)conventions upside-down and inside-out."


  4.1)version (n.) 版本 2) fairy tale (n.) 童話故事 3) in reverse 反過(guò)來(lái) 4) kind of (adv.) 有一點(diǎn)像是 5) convention (n.) 常規(guī)

  5. In the movie, Shrek's quiet life in the swamp is interrupted by the arrival of a 1)band offairy-tale characters, including blind mice, three little pigs, and a big, bad wolf. They've been2)banished into the swamp by the 3)evil 4)Lord Farquaad. In order to help his new5)acquaintances go home, and to 6)regain the peace and quiet of his own home, Shrek agreesto carry out a 7)mission for Farquaad. He will rescue Princess Fiona from a dangerous, fire-breathing 8)dragon. Fiona will become Farquaad's 9)bride, and the 10)exiled mice, pigs, andwolf will be allowed to return home.


  5. 1) band (n.) 一幫,一票 2) banish (v.) 放逐 3) evil (a.) 邪惡的 4) lord (n.) 君主,大人 5)acquaintance (n.) 相識(shí),認(rèn)識(shí)的人 6) regain (v.) 重新獲得 7) mission (n.) 任務(wù) 8) dragon (n.) 龍 9) bride (n.) 新娘 10) exile (v.) 流放

  6. Providing the voices for the characters is a castthat includes Mike Meyers, Eddie Murphy, CameronDiaz and John Lithgow--all great 1)comedy actors.Meyers, famous for his role as the funny 2)spyAustin Powers, plays the 3)title role of Shrek. Hesays he took the role in part because Shrek's tale is"a great story about accepting yourself for who youare." Director Andrew Adamson says that Meyerswas able to step into his character and stay there,even between takes. Meyers became Shrek, andprovided wonderful, 4)improvised lines. "The5)improv moments were gold," says Adamson. "Those are the moments that give the6)animators the most to go on, because at that point, it's not a written piece of dialogue, it's acharacter come to life."


  6. 1)comedy (n.) 喜劇 2) spy (n.) 間諜 3) title role 與劇名同名的角色,通常就是主角 4) improvise(v.) 即興創(chuàng)作 5) improv (n.) 即興表演 6) animator (n.) 動(dòng)畫(huà)家

  7. Playing Shrek's 1)talkative buddy, a 2)donkey, is 3)veteran 4)comedian Eddie Murphy,another great 5)improviser. 6)Co-director Vicky Jenson said that Murphy "could make you fallon the floor laughing with his 7)interpretation of even a single word." Murphy explains that helikes to do animated films because, if they're done right, they last forever. And he says his kidslove them. "I explained to them that Daddy is playing a 8)jackass in Shrek, and they really got akick out of it. They love hearing their father's voice come out of a cartoon."


  7.1) talkative (a.) 健談的,多話的 2) donkey (n.) 驢子 3) veteran (a.) 老經(jīng)驗(yàn)的 4) comedian (n.) 喜劇演員 5) improviser (n.) 即興演出者 6) co-director (n.) 副導(dǎo)演,共同導(dǎo)演 7) interpretation (n.) 詮釋 8) jackass (n.) 公驢,愚蠢的人

  8. To 1)bring these characters and their world to life, the 2)filmmakers have used the latest inanimation technology. To 3)portray human 4)emotions, they rely on a 5)unique 6)facialanimation system developed at PDI/DreamWorks. The complex system builds up a character'sface 7)layer by layer, from the 8)skull up through all the 9)individual muscles, all the way tothe skin--or in some instances, the hair. It allows the character to show an astonishing10)range of emotions. Also 11)available to the filmmakers was new technology for animating12)fluids and fire. They put it to good effect, creating the 13)fearsome dragon's fire-breath,moats of boiling 14)lava, and a silly 15)scene involving a bath of mud and beer.


  8.1) bring ... to life (v.) 使……活起來(lái) 2) filmmaker (n.) 電影工作者 3) portray (v.) 描繪 4) emotion(n.) 情感 5) unique (a.) 獨(dú)一無(wú)二的 6) facial (a.) 面部的 7) layer (n.) 層 8) skull (n.) 頭骨 9)individual (a.) 個(gè)別的 10) range (n.) 范圍 11) available (a.) 可以取得,有供應(yīng) 12) fluid (n.) 液體,流體 13) fearsome (a.) 可怕的 14) lava (n.) 熔巖 15) scene (n.) 場(chǎng)景

  9. "We 1)envisioned a magical environment that you could 2)immerse yourself in," says3)co-producer Aron Warner. "Every leaf on every tree moves, the dirt moves, the dust rolls ...there's a sense of 4)atmosphere, a sense of weight to the 5)props. You can almost smell it." 共同制作人阿倫華納這么說(shuō):「我們想象出一個(gè)奇幻的世界,你可以沉浸在其中,」「每一棵樹(shù)上的每一片葉子都會(huì)動(dòng),泥土?xí)?dòng),灰塵滾滾……有空氣的感覺(jué),道具彷佛有重量感。幾乎聞得到?!?/p>

  9.1) envision (v.) 想象 2) immerse (v.) 沉浸 3) co-producer (n.) 共同制片 4) atmosphere (n.) 氣氛,大氣層 5) prop (n.) 道具

  10. The 1)combination of great comedy actors and advanced technology promises a2)memorable movie. Shrek's world and story are brought 3)vividly to life, and the 4)timeless5)moral of the story is 6)convincingly realized. As producer Katzenberg says, "Each of ourcharacters comes to understand that there is something wonderful-warts and all-about whothey are. I think that's true for all of us: that the people who 7)ultimately come to know andlove us, see the strengths inside of us. Whether you're a princess, a donkey, or even a big,green, 8)stinky ogre, you can find love and happiness."


  10. 1) combination (n.) 組合 2) memorable (a.) 難忘的 3) vividly (adv.) 生動(dòng)地 4) timeless (a.) 永恒的 5) moral (n.) 教訓(xùn),道德 6) convincingly (adv.) 有說(shuō)服力地 7) ultimately (adv.) 到最后 8)stinky (a.) 發(fā)臭的