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  The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries -- the spinet, the dulcimer, and the virginal. In the seventeenth century the organ, the clavichord, and the harpsichord became the chief instruments of the keyboard group, a supremacy they maintained until the piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth century.


  The clavichord's tone was metallic and never powerful; nevertheless, because of the variety of tone possible to it, many composers found the clavichord a sympathetic instrument for intimate chamber music.


  The harpsichord with its bright, vigorous tone was the favorite instrument for supporting the bass of the smallorchestra of the period and for concert use, but the character of the tone could not be varied save bymechanical or structural devices.


  The piano was perfected in the early eighteenth century by a harpsichord maker in Italy(though musicologistspoint out several previous instances of the instrument).This instrument was called a piano e forte (soft and loud), to indicate its dynamic versatility; its strings were struck by a recoiling hammer with a felt-padded head.

  18世紀(jì)早期的意大利,鋼琴在一位撥琴鋼琴制造者手中得到完善(盡管音樂理論家們指出有更早的例子)。 這種樂器被稱為piano e forte(意大利語,柔和而響亮的),以顯示它有力的多樣性。 演奏者用一個頭部帶皮氈的彈擊樂錘敲擊琴弦。

  The wires were much heavier in the earlier instruments. A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame, and steel wire of the finest quality, finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance.




  It may have taken him two decades, and the income saved from tons of recycled trash, but WuZheng finally fulfilled his wish to buy his wife a piano.


  "It was not just an instrument, but a witness of the love from my husband," said his wife, XieGuizhi, who has made the piano the centerpiece of her narrow and crowded guestroom.


  "I clean the piano every day and don`t allow other people to touch it," said Xie, 58, a retiredworker in Luoyang, Henan province.


  Wu, 68, said he made up of his mind to buy his wife a piano long ago, even though their lifewas poor.


  "My wife enjoys music and loves piano very much," Wu said. "I dreamed of buying her a pianoas early as 38 years ago when we fell in love with each other."


  Yet the cost of the piano - at 22,550 yuan (,500) - was a big sum for the family. His wifesuffered from backbone problems for years and Wu`s salary at the rural credit cooperativecould only cover the basic expenses of food and medicine for the whole family.


  To make more money to support the family, Wu decided to pick up recyclable waste after workin the early 1990s."It was a hard decision because there were lots of prejudices toward wasterecyclers at that time," he said. "Most people thought that collecting recyclable stuff from thedustbins was shameful."


  To avoid being identified by his acquaintances, Wu wore a mask and a pair of dark glasses atfirst. "It felt like I was committing some wrongdoings when I started to search for recyclablewaste in the street," he said. "The most worrying thing for me was being identified by mycolleagues."


  By collecting all kinds of wastes including rubber shoes, plastic bottles, glasses andnewspapers, Wu could earn about 4,000 yuan per year and save about 1,000 of that.


  The realization of his dream was accompanied by lots of sad memories - he described as feeling"like a beggar" when he would wait for customers at a roadside barbecue to drop their emptybeer bottles.


  "Sometimes I had to wait for more than half an hour until they finished their drinking and leftthe bottles for me," he said.


  "Some young men would rather break the glass bottles in front of me on purpose, and it feltlike breaking my heart," he said.


  He was also moved sometimes when the others gave him some plastic bottles "in a respectfulmanner".


  He had to travel around the city twice every day for more than 10 kilometers to find as muchstuff as possible.


  Since Wu has fulfilled the dream of buying his wife a piano, he does not go out to pick up wasteany more, though he still keeps the habit of saving his family`s recyclable waste.


  "There are no differences between so-called noble or humble jobs," said Wu Yuanhong, thecouple`s 36-year-old daughter, adding that she felt proud of her parents.


  "People deserve to be respected if they are dedicated to their dreams and don`t rely onothers." For Xie, the piano was a surprising gift - she had never played the piano before andshe is trying hard to study how to play.


  "People could hardly connect the piano - a symbol of elegance and nobility - with wasterecyclers, who are always thought of as dirty and messy," she said.


  "I really appreciate that my husband has done so much for me." The biggest joy for Wu is tosing songs to the accompaniment of the piano, and his favorite song is The Most RomanticThing.


  "The most romantic thing I can imagine is to get older slowly with you," Wu sang to themelody of the piano.



  英國盲貓愛彈鋼琴 用音樂的力量感知世界

  It may appear very su-purr-stitious but a blind cat name called Stevie Wonder really hasdeveloped a passion for playing the piano.


  The musical moggie is astounding carers at Wood Green Animal Shelter in Godmanchester,Cambridgeshire.

  這只具有音樂天賦的貓,令英國劍橋郡高德曼徹斯特鎮(zhèn)的Wood Green動物收容所里的護(hù)工們大為震驚。

  Carers believe the six-year-old - who was found in a garden - presses on the keys because thesound helps connect him to the outside world.


  When Stevie, named after the famous blind American singer and pianist, was found he was flea-ridden, suffering from worms, had a hernia in his stomach and both of his eyes were missing.Vets are unsure whether his eyes were surgically removed or he was born without them.


  But after he was taken home to be cared for by one of the staff they noticed how much heseemed to enjoy listening to the piano being played.


  Beverley Street, deputy manager of cat welfare at the shelter, believes the blind feline feelscomforted by being able to hear the sound made by its movements.


  Now the piano-playing puss now spends as much time as possible skipping across the keyboardat its temporary owner's home.


  Ms Street said: 'Stevie seems to enjoy the sound of the piano and often jumps up on my lapwhile I play.'


  'He has ventured onto the seat and the piano himself a few times for a little nose and a rathernoisy play. Because he has no sight Stevie's other senses are so heightened - his hearing isamazing.'


  'He loves to jump, play with fishing rod toys and explore his foster home and garden. He reallyis a wonder. Amazingly in terms of himself Stevie is well, which is why it is so surprising that hedoes not have eyes.'


  She said she hoped the animal will be moved to a stable home soon where the furnitureremains in one place so he can create a mental map in his head of the space around him.


  Stevie was found by a member of the public in her garden in Bedford, on July 27 and broughtinto Wood Green.

  史提夫是被一位民眾于7月27日在其位于貝德福德的自家花園里發(fā)現(xiàn)的,繼而被送往Wood Green收容所。

  Vets first treated Stevie's flees and worms and operated on the umbilical hernia on his stomachas well vaccinating him against cat flu and enteritis.






