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  Love's first blush fading? Lost that loving feeling? Love is not all around?


  Take heart, scientists have discovered that people can have a love that lasts a lifetime.


  Using brain scans, researchers at Stony Brook University in New York have discovered a small number of couples respond with as much passion after 20 years together as most people only do during the early throes of romance, Britain's Sunday Times newspaper reported.


  The researchers scanned the brains of couples together for 20 years and compared them with results from new lovers, the Times said.


  About 10 percent of the mature couples had the same chemical reactions when shown photographs of their loved ones as those just starting out.


  Previous research has suggested that the first stages of romantic love fade within 15 months and after 10 years it has gone completely, the newspaper said.


  "The findings go against the traditional view of romance--that it drops off sharply in the first decade--but we are sure it's real," said Arthur Aron, a psychologist at Stony Brook, told the Times.




  When we’re young we think of the perfect relationship. Everyone is always smiling and things are going well. Your partner knows exactly what to say and do to make you feel good and vice versa. Those of us who have been in relationships know better. Couples can and will fight for just about anything. The key is to understand that fighting can help improve relationships. Here’s how.


  1. You air your dirty laundry


  An argument may start over anything. You two may not know what to do for dinner. One of you may have taken that turn a little fast and loose while out driving. Problems in a relationship are like dynamite and little things like not deciding on a place to eat are nothing more than a fuse. Eventually, these little things will open up the table to what is really going wrong. Once you can identify what’s really going on, it’s just a matter of figuring out how to fix it.


  2. You will be more comfortable around one another


  The classic sign that a couple is comfortable with each other is when the “embarrassing” bodily functions fly even when the other person is in the room. Believe it or not, fighting can actually do the same thing. Couples who fight are not only working out their issues but also showing each other how they deal with problems. It forces you to talk about yourselves and what you think. By the end of it you’ll know the other person way better than you did before and vice versa because both of you will be expressing yourselves, often for the first time.


  3. You will have confirmation that both of you want the relationship to work


  People will fight for things they believe in. It doesn’t matter if they’re joining the military to fight for their country or shouting at you across the kitchen table to fight for your relationship. A lot of people think that anger means discontent but it actually means that you care so much that when something goes wrong, you get upset about it. Fighting with your partner shows them that you’re upset and that you want to fix things to make them better. If you don’t want to fight or if your partner doesn’t want to fight to make a relationship right, then there might be a problem.


  4. You and your partner will restore your sanity


  Anger means that you care. Unfortunately, being angry can also drive you insane if you don’t express it. Bottling up those kinds of emotions can be dangerous. It can cause you to have irrational thoughts and eventually you start thinking things that aren’t true. Letting out that anger can help reset your insanity button and get those negative thoughts out of your head. Not fighting and letting those feelings get bottled up is never good. Ever.


  5. You will get an honest answer for once


  Emotions flying around like witches on broomsticks often means that the truth is also flying around. Have you ever noticed that people in fights make statements they wouldn’t otherwise make. “I never liked it when you did this.” Couples in an argument often air their dirty laundry but more importantly they’re doing it honestly. Those small things you keep bottled up and lie about (“Sure, honey, I don’t mind watching Sex in the City…again”) can be set free because angry people no longer care about the consequences. As long as you’re not hiding anything ridiculous like cheating or something irreparable, chances are that your little issues are fixable.


  6. You get to have sex


  As long as your relationship survives the fight (and chances are that it will) you get to have make up sex. By the time the argument is over everyone is stressed out. Things are a little tense. There are few better ways our species has access to than a good rumble between the sheets to get some of that tension out. We’re not saying you should pick a fight but plenty of people who are in relationships go through a dry spell that ends after a fight.


  7. You get a reminder of what you’re doing wrong


  Relationships take work. Sometimes you have to stop doing something or start doing something to keep your partner happy. Not doing those things can result in a fight. During that fight you will be reminded (many times) of what you’re doing wrong. This can seem tedious and awful but sometimes we need a push in the right direction because we don’t always know what the other person wants. A good fight can put those needs into focus.


  8. You can understand yourself better


  I can’t even remember how many epiphanies I’ve had during fights anymore. It doesn’t always happen but sometimes you are just wrong. It happens to all of us and there is nothing to be ashamed of. The problem is that you don’t know that you’re wrong until someone points it out. In today’s society, telling someone they’re wrong is fighting words. The important part is admitting that you’re wrong after you get caught being wrong. Otherwise this entire point is worthless.


  Of course, we are coming at this from a specific point of view. Arguing and fighting is healthy but only if it’s done in a specific way. If your partner is hitting you, abusing you, bullying you, or otherwise hurting you or making you feel unsafe, you should do something about that immediately. There is no fixing that kind of behavior. Otherwise, keep these tips in mind the next time your partner blows up at you (or vice versa) and prepare to work on your relationship the old fashioned way.





  Marriage is the result and extension of love, but it’s very different from love.


  As a English prose says: “Love is holding hands in the street; Marriage is holding arguments in the street. Love is dinner for 2 in your favourite restaurant; Marriage is Chinese take-out. Loveis cuddling on a sofa; Marriage is deciding on a sofa. Love is talking about having children; Marriage is talking about getting away from children. Love is going to bed early; Marriage is going to sleep early. Love is a romantic drive; Marriage is a tarmac drive. Love is losing your appetite; Marriage is losing your figure. Love is a flickering flame; Marriage is a flickering television. Love is 1 drink and 2 straws;Marriage is "Don't you think you've had enough!"

  正像一首英語散文所描述的那樣:“愛情是情侶手牽手的街頭漫步,婚姻是配偶口對口的街頭爭論 …… 戀愛時情侶用兩根吸管分享著一份飲料,結(jié)婚后配偶卻能聽到對方這樣的問話:‘難道你感覺還沒吃夠嗎’?”。

  What does lead to the above differences between love and marriage?


  I think the important reason for them is that “Love is two people’s thing but marriage is two family’s thing.” Only according to feeling will the marriage not be everlasting. Sooner or later the feeling will be diluted with the family’s trivialities. As is known to us, it’s easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always opening. Either is a marriage.


  Do you think marriage needs maintenance?


  Obviously, my answer is definite. Marriage process is as if we grow grain. Affection is a first-class seed. No affection is a cooked seed. Maintenance is to apply fertilizer, to uproot grasses and to irrigate it. The seed cooked is unable to grow fruit that you expected. Eventhough the seed of high quality will die young without a lot of care and attention. I think both of them are very important.


  How do you maintain your marriage?


  Life is not a bed of roses. No matter what you meet, in my opinion, one of the most important things,for a harmony and permanence marriage,is that a couple both sides must maintain it together with mutual respect, understanding and communication. Only by doing so can we reach the marriage acme of perfection, that is to say appreciating each other.


  If we see marriage as a child, a couple will be the child’s parents. The parents must consider for the child everywhere and greatly care about the child’s growth. If only a person keeps desperately the marriage, or both sides treat it with indifference, not only the emotion but also joy and happiness once may be become the painful memories.


  Marriage is great because it is not only a promise but also a responsibility except for love. Then how can we treat it kindly as my baby? Do our best to try to understand all meanings of the “love”. That’s the whole point. First letter L means listening. Second O means offering yourself. Third V means value. Last but not least, E means embrace.

  婚姻是偉大的。其偉大就在于除了愛情之外,婚姻又多了一份承諾和一份責(zé)任。那么,我們應(yīng)該怎樣,像“父母”關(guān)愛“孩子”一樣地對待婚姻呢?最重要的是,所有的夫妻包括我們都要讀懂 “LOVE”的真正含義:第一個字母L指的是聆聽;第二個字母O指的是奉獻(xiàn)自己;第三個字母V指的是尊重;最后一個字母E指的是擁抱。

  I believe that following the way of such love, the both sides in love will be mature in the conflict of life, and grow up in the wave of the emotion, and finally build up the ordinary and true happiness in his career。






