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  暑假生活豐富多彩,有滋有味,讓人回味無(wú)窮。度過(guò)了千千萬(wàn)萬(wàn)個(gè)白天黑夜,時(shí)針滴滴嗒嗒轉(zhuǎn)了無(wú)數(shù)圈 ,下面小編就給大家分享一下英語(yǔ)優(yōu)秀作文的范文,大家快點(diǎn)學(xué)習(xí)一下吧


  Summer vacation life rich and colorful, flavor, let a person aftertaste endless. The most interesting or learn to swim in the swimming pool of the matter.   Remember the day on August 10, I can't swim, a listen to friends said wantai hotel swimming pool is open, is extremely happy. A school, I was at the speed of fast ran home to tell mom, mom a listen to, say: "good! Your dad and I'll take you to go tomorrow."   翻譯:   暑假生活豐富多彩,有滋有味,讓人回味無(wú)窮。最有趣的還是在游泳池學(xué)游泳的那件事。   記得八月十幾號(hào)那天,不會(huì)游泳的我,一聽(tīng)朋友說(shuō)萬(wàn)泰大酒店的游泳池開(kāi)放了,就高興得不得了。一放學(xué),我便以飛快的速度跑回家告訴媽媽?zhuān)瑡寢屢宦?tīng),就說(shuō):“好吧!明天你爸爸和我就帶你去。


  Summer vacation life rich and colorful, flavor, let a person aftertaste endless. The most interesting or learn to swim in the swimming pool of the matter.   Remember the day on August 10, I can't swim, a listen to friends said wantai hotel swimming pool is open, is extremely happy. A school, I was at the speed of fast ran home to tell mom, mom a listen to, say: "good! Your dad and I'll take you to go tomorrow."   翻譯:   暑假生活豐富多彩,有滋有味,讓人回味無(wú)窮。最有趣的還是在游泳池學(xué)游泳的那件事。   記得八月十幾號(hào)那天,不會(huì)游泳的我,一聽(tīng)朋友說(shuō)萬(wàn)泰大酒店的游泳池開(kāi)放了,就高興得不得了。一放學(xué),我便以飛快的速度跑回家告訴媽媽?zhuān)瑡寢屢宦?tīng),就說(shuō):“好吧!明天你爸爸和我就帶你去。


  I hope the stars hope the moon finally came the long-awaited summer vacation. Out of the school, I just want to a take off the cage bird, feel everything is so beautiful.   The first day, I woke up early habitual, before I always yearned for as long as I together will see the sun every morning, I will feel happy. I get up every morning I will can't wait to open the curtain, into the balcony, a breath of fresh air, listening to the birds of the shout, smell the scent of the grass, feel the cool wind, looking at people on the road, the in the mind is full of happiness. Can be busy to school every day, which have the mood to enjoy the fresh air.   翻譯:   盼星星盼月亮總算是盼來(lái)了我期待已久的暑假。走出學(xué)校我就想一只脫籠的小鳥(niǎo),感覺(jué)一切都是那么美好。   第一天,我習(xí)慣性的很早就醒了,以前我總向往只要我每天早上一起來(lái)就能看見(jiàn)燦爛的陽(yáng)光,我就會(huì)感到快樂(lè)幸福。每天早上一起床我就會(huì)迫不及待地打開(kāi)窗簾,走進(jìn)陽(yáng)臺(tái),呼吸新鮮空氣,聽(tīng)著小鳥(niǎo)的歡叫,聞著小草的芳香,感受著涼爽的風(fēng),看著馬路上來(lái)往的行人,心里充滿(mǎn)了幸福感??擅刻旃忸欀s往學(xué)校,哪有心情享受著清新的空氣





