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時(shí)間: 楚欣650 分享




  1, the network contribute to innovation and the ideological education of young people the means and methods. Using the Internet to conduct moral education work, education, either in User's identity and young people in the online "no qualms" real state of mind to carry out an equal exchange, and this for moral education to find out, Mozhun thinking of young people and carry out positive guidance and all-round communication and provides a new fast-track method. In addition, due to network with real-time dissemination of information and interactive features, adolescents may be at the same time and a number of educators or educational information to maintain a rapid interaction, thereby increasing the frequency of interactive ideas to improve educational results; because of network information can be downloaded with the nature of , store, etc. character delay, extended educators and educated thinking interactive time for young people to provide "all-weather" the ideological guidance and education. Meet can also be online, offline meetings, to achieve online moisture and complement the work of moral education in order to resolve contradictions in a timely manner, played a warm heart, motivation, stimulate creativity, role.

  2, provides a new channel for seeking knowledge to learn. At present China's educational resources can not meet demand, the network offers a broad quest for knowledge learning school, learners at any time, anywhere access to higher education, students learn in school to learn all the courses, Xiuman credits, access to degree. This is exam-oriented education system in young people is undoubtedly one of the best relief, it is not only beneficial to their physical and mental development, but also conducive to the family and even social stability.

  3, open up young global vision to improve the overall quality of young people. Access young people's political vision, knowledge, more open areas, thereby contributing to the formation of their global consciousness. Similarly, young people can also improve the overall quality. Through the Internet, you can train them and their ability to communicate a wide range of people; through online access all kinds of useful books, comprehend by analogy, to improve their cultural attainment.


  Good morning, chairman, Ladies and gentlemen, my dear debaters. For the proposition that emigration trend is good or bad for the development of china. Emigration indicates people who leave their own country to go and live permanently in another country, here including Chinese go out and other foreign come to china.

  As we all know that emigration has become a trend because of the globalization.

  Our side firmly believes that emigration trend is good for the development of china. There are four reasons to support our point.



  First of all, it can bring foreign investment in order to promote China's economic development. There are over 30 million returned overseas Chinese and thousands of Chinese all over the world. They are introducing foreign investment, promoting the development of china’s economy and it became a strong advantage to the Chinese economy. Since reform and opening up, the overseas investment is about 70% of total foreign investment. The donation from returned overseas Chinese is about 40 billion Yuan. In 2005, the money donated from overseas is more than $ 21.3 billion, rank only second to India in the world.

  2 引進(jìn)國外高新科技 提高自主創(chuàng)新能力,從而提高綜合國力。

  自主創(chuàng)新已被公認(rèn)為推動(dòng)企業(yè)、國家經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展的主要?jiǎng)恿碓?。 上海市人大代表李逸平說:“提倡自主創(chuàng)新,并不是說全部從頭開始,完全依靠自己的力量,而是強(qiáng)調(diào)在開放前提下的創(chuàng)新。能夠跟外國先進(jìn)技術(shù)嫁接的,我們可以在引進(jìn)之后進(jìn)行集成創(chuàng)新。而引進(jìn)國外高新科技的最終目的就是實(shí)現(xiàn)自主創(chuàng)新。

  自主創(chuàng)新讓企業(yè)迸發(fā)出驚人的力量。上海著名的上海振華港口機(jī)械(集團(tuán))股份有限公司,憑借20多項(xiàng)領(lǐng)先世界的核心技術(shù),已經(jīng)連續(xù)多年占據(jù)全球市場的大半江山, 30萬美元起家的微創(chuàng)醫(yī)療器械公司,研發(fā)出國內(nèi)第一個(gè)具有完全自主知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)的冠脈藥物支架,首次進(jìn)入壟斷的日歐市場。Secondly, it can Introduce foreign higher technology, promote the independent creativity, and improve comprehensive national power.

  Independent creativity is known as the main driving force to the economic development. Li nipin, NPC member in Shanghai, said, ‘’we call for independent creativity not means do everything from beginning and just by ourselves’ power, we can use foreign higher technology to help reach the final goal that independent creativity become the reality.




  Thirdly, it can introduce foreign talent to China in order to develop our country.季允石 Ji Yunshi, The director general of SAFEA(外專局)said that, China introduced the high level foreign talent and shortage talented person in 2011. In 2012 China continue to introduce the foreign talent to inject new ideas and high technology for improving our agriculture, industry and service.

  The data of SAFEA s in recent 5 years, china had introduced 2300000 foreign experts.159600 of these experts are in the economic area and 69600 are in science, education culture and health area. These foreign talents bring power to Chinese economy.




  last but not least, the oversea Chinese can spread our Chinese culture to the foreigners by living in the foreign country. Most of the oversea Chinese run some Chinese restaurants, so they can spread the Chinese food in this way. Our government doesn’t need to worry about it too much, and emigration has become global trend, although Chinese emigrations are not in china, but they used their own way to make contribution to china. Take caizhizhong –a famous cartoonist of Taiwan as an example, now he is in Canada, but he still published his works in china. And that is good for communication of culture.

  That is all we want to say. Thank you..


  對于“精英”和“新富階層”移民,用“人才流動(dòng)”比用“人才流失”形容更為準(zhǔn)確。出國移民所導(dǎo)致的“人才流失”其實(shí)并沒有傳說中的那么夸張。移民中,有一些人才原本就沒有流出,大部分事業(yè)的重心仍然在中國;而海外留學(xué)和工作的海歸人才,事實(shí)“回流”的比例在提升。據(jù)教育部網(wǎng)站數(shù)據(jù)顯示,各類留學(xué)回國人員總數(shù)目前有一半留學(xué)生是選擇學(xué)成之后回國發(fā)展。“現(xiàn)在回流非常明顯。與其中國的高等院校是美國大學(xué)的出國預(yù)備基地,我們?yōu)槭裁床话衙绹ㄆ渌逃l(fā)達(dá)的國家,當(dāng)作我們中國的博士或博士后的培養(yǎng)基地呢 ”移民專家認(rèn)為,應(yīng)該以一種更加開放的理念對待出國留學(xué)和移民。


  就絕對規(guī)模而言,中國人才的外流數(shù)量的確稱冠全球,可這首先是因?yàn)橹袊丝诨鶖?shù)龐大。評(píng)價(jià)一種人口趨勢,我們需要觀察目標(biāo)群體及其對應(yīng)總體的關(guān)系。這就好比估算一個(gè)分?jǐn)?shù),要看分子,也要看分母。利用世界銀行發(fā)布的最新數(shù)據(jù),法國學(xué)者多克爾(Frédéric Docquier)等人計(jì)算了各國人口流入發(fā)達(dá)國家的比率。他們發(fā)現(xiàn),2000年以前,僅有3.1%受過高等教育的中國人在22歲后遷移到了發(fā)達(dá)國家。中國的人才外流率在193個(gè)國家中位居第158位,同樣是人口大國的印度還略高于中國(3.4%)。幾十個(gè)非洲和拉美國家的外流率都在20%以上,它們才是發(fā)展經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家關(guān)注的“問題國家”。